And the foster care system, where there are undoubtedly many fine people, can be turned over to private agencies where corruption due to massive federal funding can be eliminated. Medical Kidnap and "Death by Hospice" Two Dirty little secrets nobody's willing to talk about Until now! State-sponsored kidnapping is where the State steps in and decides that they know what is best for a child or group of children within a family, and then removes the children without any formal charges being brought against the parents. Filter. Medical kidnapping isn't an issue that often makes headlines, but it is nonetheless a serious violation of patient rights. Certainly children who are suffering in their homes from abuse should be protected. Instead of foster parents, "guardians" are court-appointed to take control of their lives, assets, and medical decisions, leaving elder adults victims of strangers they have never met, isolated from their family and friends who are the ones that truly care about them. Hundreds of people showed up in Boise over the past few days to protest the kidnapping of this innocent child. "Once they have you, you are better off going to the nearest liquor store and saying, 'Hey, I'm robbing you.' Adult Medical Kidnapping in New York: 1950s Air Force Veteran Held Hostage in Hospital. can get more supporters from your own state to start your own group. What ensued was a long legal battle to get their daughter back, that probably only ended positively because her story went viral and was picked up by the national mainstream media. We will address some of the reasons why the State is motivated to remove children from the custody of their parents, but first, consider the question: Does the state EVER have a right to remove children from a home? Not only are children of disabled parents eligible for benefits but disabled children placed in out of home placement are also eligible for Federal benefits being Social security. I expect that one of the major drivers of the new behaviour of the child protection services is the need for them to procure more children for child abuse by those in the elites of government and industry. It appearsfrom this video that the first concern of the family courts is not justice, but federal funding. The person the complaint was filed against would be removed, all the while having their Constitutional rights protected, by arresting them, reading their Miranda rights, and bringing them before a judge to face the charges. Sometimes the parents are able to get their children back, but sometimes they do not, and the children are adopted out. . This is just one example of medical kidnapping by the U.S. government among many that often go unreported. A few years ago, statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention put the number of women having difficulty conceiving at approximately 10 percentroughly 1 in 10. CPS has more power today than the police, sheriff, or FBI, as they can come into your home and remove your child without a search warrant or court order. Attorney Belanger is commenting on a recent article published in Law360 entitled: Trump Admin Stonewalling Attys Probes Into Elder Abuse. However, nothing could be further from the truth. They act and take actions with no regard for the constitutions of the states or the nation. Commentary by Terri LaPoint Health Impact News Medical kidnapping can happen to adults as well as children. It is time that we the people and the workers inside the CPS-DFCS and Family Court system are againequal before the law. Please check your email inbox or spam folder for our confirmation email. A 74-year-old woman named Gayle Meyer was admitted to the Legacy Salmon Creek with a urinary tract infection on Thursday evening. By Ben Kesslen. Select the images to display more information. Parents deserve the same Constitutional rights in respect to their children that all other members of society enjoy. Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing Home Crimes, Health, North America Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing Listen to Post Editor, Health Impact News. Published: Feb. 28, 2023 at 9:37 AM PST | Updated: 5 hours ago. It is supposed to result from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained in hostage-taking, kidnapping, and abusive relationships.Therefore, it is difficult to find a large number of people who experience Stockholm syndrome to conduct studies with any . by Deborah K. FrontieraDescription from Proving Innocence chronicles thirteen months of agony and frustration suffered by the innocent Bonilla and Frontiera families as a result of Childrens Protective Services removal of young James Bonilla from his parents. The investigation concluded that Fierle refused to remove the DNR despite Strykers desire for life-saving actions, and that her claims about his final wishes contradicted his daughter, friend and a psychiatrist." Below is a recorded video from before her death. Method 1 Reporting a Kidnapping Download Article 1 The alleged victim would remain in the home. Judge Brain makes it clear that his order even supersedes CPS if they are uncomfortable removing the child. They must spend significant resources to try and get their children back from a family court system that is cloaked in secrecy with little to no accountability. She received a standing ovation from members of Congress. Someone who doesnt like you, for any reason, can make a phone call and provide an anonymous tip with the result of you losing your children. now reports that a woman who has been court-appointed as a guardian in at least 93 cases from 2015 to 2017 has a considerably criminal history of fraud, bad check writing, and forgery. Child abuse is a horrendous crime that cannot be tolerated. Guardianship in Massachusetts "Medical Kidnapping" - an Attorney's Accounts and her Subsequent Suspension February 26, 2021 LostMessiah Edler Abuse, Healthcare, Nursing and Rehabilitation, Nursing Home Oversight Elder Abuse, Elder Care Fraud, Medical Kidnapping, Nursing and Rehabilitation, Nursing Home Oversight A Hall County Superior Court jury granted a $3 million verdict March 23, 2021, favoring the family of Frances "Suzi" Mitchell, 42, of Jackson County. What about kids? In almost all of the medical kidnapping stories we have covered, no formal criminal charges are ever brought against the parents. (, more likely to end up homeless with nearly half becoming homeless at the age of 18, 3 times more likely to be put on psychotropic drugs, 7 times more likely to develop an eating disorder, more likely to have PTSD than veterans of war and less likely to recover from that PTSD, more likely to become pregnant as a teenager. While I applaud Michele Bachmann and other members of Congress for putting forth a bill to end medical experimentation on children who are wards of the State, the real problem is CPS. Statistics show that across the spectrum, in every state in the U.S., that foster care children fare worse in foster care than they do in the care of their abusive parents. Images from a few of the stories we have covered at Health Impact News and Skip to content. They are being used for drug trials, they are being put into pedophilia sex trafficking rings, they are dying at the hands of medical authorities, and American taxpayers are paying BILLIONS of dollars to employ hundreds of thousands of government employees, from social workers, to psychologists and medical doctors, to attorneys and family court judges and workers who profit from this child trafficking system, and allowing it to continue. The mother, seeing what was happening outside, set up the camera to record the whole incident (see video above). The hospital refused to allow the daughter to see her mother. There are currently over 100,000 drug trials nationwide for new pediatric drugs. In these cases, the alleged victims are removed from the home (the children), while the alleged abusers (the parents) are left in the home, and in most cases with no criminal charges filed. Will Massachusetts Doctor Send Another Innocent Parent to Prison Over Shaken Baby Syndrome Accusation? 1.3 Million Adults Medically Kidnapped and $50 Billion of Their Assets Seized. Because you'll get better health care and you'll get better freedom if you are in prison. The state then places your son or daughter into foster care where you may not even be granted visitation rights. The Frontiera and Bonilla story and reports of several other cases across the country should be a wake-up call to a public unaware of how the state agencies charged with protecting the nations children are failing. The outage affected television services, customer service sites, and even the ability of customers to pay their bills. The author issues a call to action from the public to charge all levels of government to make necessary changes in these agencies. First you have to make an account here:, After you have registered on the site (you just need an email and a, password), then click on the "groups" button in the top black bar, or,, From there, click on the Kentucky Bluegrass Families group to join. Medical kidnapping of senior citizens occurs when a doctor, usually a psychiatrist, deems that the senior can no longer take care of themselves, and gets a [] This is a clear violation of the Constitution and a familys civil rights. The unit provides specialist 24/7 strategic and tactical support to UK and international law enforcement agencies. Description from This book of her stories is true. It appears that the Boston area is a hub for medical kidnappings of adults as well as children. We respect your email privacy ", How the Elderly Lose Their Rights: Guardians can sell the assets and control the lives of senior citizens without their consentand reap a profit from it. Health Impact News has reported a number of adult kidnapping stories over the years. Too often in our own investigative work here at Health Impact News, we find that the corporate-sponsored media is the mouth-piece of the medical system and government, rather than exposing its corruption. In most basic kidnapping cases, the perpetrators are motivated by ransom or concessions. Judicial Misconduct of any and all Judges that conceal criminal intent or criminal actions done by Department of Human services Children services , No Statutes of limitation on FRAUD, Fraud can be used to reopen closed cases or appeal cases.Wonder how many parents whom rights were terminated are or were disabled, children involved in said cases were eligible for Social security dependent . Lonnie told a local radio talk show host: Juni 2022; Beitrags-Kategorie: xrp fee calculator; Beitrags-Kommentare: . Fertility rates in the United States are at an all-time low. When children are taken into State custody, however, they become an asset to the State. He calls for attorneys and doctors to work together on behalf of families targeted by CPS. I am very glad that the public and the media was outraged over the injustice of Baby Alfie in the U.K., so much so that there were demonstrations in the streets protesting medical tyranny and standing up for parental rights. His family has been fighting for him to be home, and to be cared for at home, ever since. My answer is no. And the reason is that there are two ways to remove a child. But doctors at Luries Hospital reported to Cook County Court that Michelle was guilty of medical child abuse, as they disagreed with the course of treatment chosen by the mother. The state agencies would cease to exist. Challenging Parental Medical Decisions Was Medical Kidnap in Washington State a Cover-up for Medical Malpractice? Since the father is a Russian national, this incident caused an international uproar. Actually, it is a rather simple one. The U.S. fertility rate fell to another record low in 2012, with 63.0 births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44 years old, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Done! Photo source. Jojuan Najee Howze (Genesee County Sheriff's Office) Police search for 2 more men Swanson said. He is currently being detained by the State of California against his own will, and also the will of his family. The doctors are limited to only those procedures covered by the patients insurance company, and to drugs already approved by the FDA. Learn more about the history . It is a recent development in our nations history. Julius had been medically kidnapped by Montefiore when he was transferred from their affiliate, The Laconia Nursing Home, after the family filed a complaint about the conditions there. In the case of child kidnapping, it's taking a child against the will of any parent or legal guardian of that person. They do not believe that locking him away from his life and loved ones and drugging him are the answer. Obviously, children with medical needs present the greatest amount of federal funds the state can receive per child. by Mary CallahanDescription from Mary Callahan never planned on writing a book about her experiences as a foster parent. Older adults most commonly become dehydrated during minor illnesses such as influenza, bronchitis or bladder infections. Suspected criminals who are charged with things like murder, rape, and terrorism are afforded more legal rights in the criminal justice system today than parents are, when social services removes their children, assuming they are guilty, and then forces the parents to prove their innocence in family or juvenile court. The child protection social worker allegedly received $10,000 in exchange for the names of 25 children. This is particularly true when neither the parents nor the children request or desire such action. The evil guy captures the nurse and ties her up. The hospitals are making hundreds of thousands of dollars doing this to people. (Research and citation here.). But not in family court, where a single judge can decide whether or not you are a fit parent. If you can't leave the room, that's called, "Kidnapping." Call 911. But why is that not happening right here in the United States, where the problem is probably much worse? The first hospital did not approve of this and did not discharge the child. We 725383 Doctors (mostly psychiatrists) and courts have the power to step in and take over the entire lives of such individuals, isolating them from their families and ultimately deciding every aspect of their care. You may also recall our report on young Cassandra C., also published that same year. This needs to stop! As a result, they seized custody of Isaiahand put him into a foster home in a rough neighborhood in Chicago, where he claims he was sexually abused. In a case bearing several similarities to Justina Pelletiers familys experience with Boston Childrens Hospital, and Isaiah Riders familys experience with Lurie Childrens Hospital in Chicago, 10 and 12 year old sisters wereseized by Phoenix Childrens Hospital over a medical dispute. To stay informed on this subject, check out the newly-launched website which documents even more cases of this systematic medical abuse of American children. Experience: 28 years 470-695-0727 123 Church Street NE, Suite 220, Marietta, GA 30060 David West & Associates has experience helping clients with their Kidnapping needs in Atlanta, Georgia. Here is a plea Justina made herself toGovernor Patrick andJudge Johnston just before she was finally released: For many Americans, Justinas story was their first exposure to the medical kidnapping issue, since it was reported so widely by national media personalities. Hundreds of people showed up in Boise over the past few days to protest the kidnapping of this innocent child. Unknown to the parents at the time, there was funding and drug trials going on for this rare condition. The mother wasreportedly ordered to not discuss the case with anyone, and forced to take down YouTube videos and a Facebook Page with over 3000 followers that was documenting the actions of Child Protection Services and doctors at Phoenix Childrens Hospital. He is allegedly being forced to take drugs his family does not approve, and is kept locked up like a prisoner. So her legal battle continues. Done! In 2013 and 2014, Justina Pelletier became a national symbol for children and families all across America who have gone through legal medical kidnapping. Something as simple as bringing your child to the local emergency room to care for an injury or sickness puts you at risk for being accused of medically abusing or neglecting your child, and having a doctor direct a social worker to remove the child or children from your custody by force. Interviews with lawyers, caseworkers, and others who work within the system, point out specific steps that should be taken to improve how these agencies work. In partnership with Kulturecity that specializes in sensory inclusive trainings, hoover police officers participated in discussions with medical professionals and self-advocates as well as educational videos and quizzes that tested the officer's knowledge. Foster children suffer from drug abuse, sexual abuse, physical harm, and many other crimes at a much higher rate than children who are left with their biological parents. June 8, 2022; group homes for adults with mental disabilities; 24x48 polished porcelain tile . In at least 4 cases that we know of in the Boston, Massachusetts, area, there is a web of common players who are interconnected. Here are a few of those tragic stories: Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital (over 1 million shares on Facebook), Breastfeeding 2-day Old Newborn Seized From Parents Because Mother Has Disability, Homebirthed Newborn Medically Kidnapped at Illinois Childrens Hospital, CPS Takes 1 Day Old Baby from Mom Because She Left the Hospital Too Early. This drop occurred in tandem with steep declines in the abortion rate. (someone in the classroom can be heard on the video actually saying Yes it is.). If you question anything in an er, you at risk of having urself or loved one harrassed, coherced, threatened and surrounded by hospital staff and forced into being held/ involuntary confinement with no end in sight! Attorney Allison Folmar (left) and Detroit mother Maryanne Godboldo (right). The adoption business is a multi-billion dollar business. They include medical drug trials where children are needed and where parents and insurance companies would not approve, and the lucrative child sex trafficking business. Bret Bohn from Alaska was medically kidnapped for 8 months. Our response. Such kidnapping, he says, is a prosecutable crime. Here is what Judge Brain said: What happens then when a majority of the removal team under (section) 8-822 doesnt agree with the removal? If you are aware or suspicious of a kidnapping, you should report it to law enforcement immediately. ; Today reported that Norma Bracamontes whisked her daughter 11-year-old Emily out of Phoenix Children's Hospital to Mexico, because the hospital was in the process of kidnapping her. Need help with a conservatorship or adult guardianship? The battle over . When publishing stories of medical kidnappings, invariably we will get the response: There must be another side to the story. Indeed, there is always another side to the story, but often what is implied by making such a statement is that the State does not simply remove children from parents without good reason. The parents, now residents of California, are originally from the former Soviet Union. Bundy was not at Tuesday's protest. Carlos Morales is a former CPS investigator, and in the video below, titled Foster Homes: Where Good Kids Go To Die, heexposes the seedy underworld of foster homes in the United States, where children are routinely abusedphysically, emotionally, and sexually. The Elder Justice Center opened their doors in June of last year and they claim to be the best kept secret in Alabama, but not anymore. Make sure to drink extra fluids when you're not feeling well. Diplomats were sent to attend the hearing in Sacramento. Ronnie Robinson, the head of this organization, pleaded guilty to health care fraud after scheming to defraud Medicaid of $3.4 million in fraudulent reimbursement payments from false claims. The medical community, for the large part, says Dr. Lyons-Weiler, does not really know or understand the risks of vaccines. Covering Phoenix, Mesa, Glendale, Scottsdale, Gilbert, the valley . But if the child becomes a ward of the state, they can bill Medicaid for all medical costs, and current laws allow them to conduct medical trials on the child. There are other funds also available for programs like foster care. According to medical records obtained from St. Luke's Hospital, the baby was allegedly discharged on March 4th with a clean bill of health, according to the baby's grandfather. Sometimes kidnappers hold their captives longer in order to demand more money from the victim's relatives or associates. That makes adult medical kidnapping a far more prevalent occurrence in the United States than child medical kidnapping, since the published figures of children currently in foster care number about 450,000. Apparently not. Nate Tseglin was born on November 5, 1989 to Ilya and Riva Tsleglin. It was one of our top stories in 2011. That is the legal process. The Medical Kidnapping Business: Bilking Medicaid, Child Kidnapping and Trafficking: A Lucrative U.S. Business Funded by Taxpayers. The tragic medical kidnapping story of Alfie Evans and his resulting death in the U.K. has been widely published in both the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media as well as in the alternative media. However, I would like to suggest that the Constitution of the United States of America protects the rights of individuals and families, and that it is never lawful for social services to remove a child from their biological parents, taking them out of their home and making them a ward of the State, removing legal custody from their parents. However, I want his twenty-one years of life on this earth to count; his life was not in vain. Contact Us Visit Website View Profile 1 Super Lawyers Free Consultation The Frey Law Firm Medical kidnapping is defined as a wrongful removal of a child (minor under 18 years of age and/or vulnerable adult) from their parent/guardian by law enforcement, social worker and/or any other official, upon: * When a parent/guardian questions or denies a potential medical treatment and/or test for a child/vulnerable adult or chooses to seek a second opinion when there is cause for concern t Typical reactions occur in: Thinking: Intrusive thoughts, denial, impaired memory, decreased concentration, being overcautious and aware, confusion, or fear of the event happening again. There are multiple reasons why this is happening, but they are very easy to understand. Treatment of Baby Alfie While Ignoring Same Medical Kidnapping Seen in U.S. Every Day, Adults Medically Kidnapped: 3X More than Children in Foster Care $50 BILLION in Assets Seized, Public Warning: Boston is a Cesspool of Adult Medical Kidnappings, Medical Kidnapping of Seniors: A $273 BILLION Industry, Medically Kidnapped Disabled Man Held Against his Will in Orange County California, World War II Veteran Medically Kidnapped in New York Dies in Pain on Thanksgiving Day. Now if the state receives said benefits and also obtains child support this is Fraud and concealing fraud. CPS has no authority to arrest parents or seize children. North Carolina Whistle-blower Imprisoned, Daughter Kidnapped by CPS Are Their Lives Now in Danger? SANTA FE, Texas (AP) An emotional audition on "American Idol" by a survivor of a Texas high school shooting prompted tears from the judges and criticism of the country's response to gun violence.. Trey Louis was one of the students at Santa Fe High School in May 2018 when another student fatally shot 10 people on campus.. After his audition, which aired on Sunday, Louis told the . If a family member or friend no longer has the capacity to make important legal, financial, or medical decisions, that person may need a guardian or conservator. As we have pointed above, a child taken into state custody can have all of their medical care billed directly to Medicaid, and this alone represents anindustry worth hundreds of millions of dollars nationwide. Big Pharma in cahoots with hospitals spells huge profits. Medical kidnapping is defined as the State taking awaychildren from their parents and putting them into State custody and the foster care system, simply because the parents did not agree with a doctor regarding their prescribed medical treatment for the family. What is it going to take to get the American public out into the streets to protest this gross injustice against our children? Lonnie Brennan is the editor of a newspaper that has reported their stories, The Boston Broadside. Bribery has been legalized. Medical kidnapping can happen to adults as well as children. Other stories that Health Impact News reported on because other media outlets first reported the stories include: Late in 2014, Health Impact News was receiving so many reports from parents who were telling us their stories about how their children were being medically kidnapped, that we started a separate website just to document their stories. Websites such as advertise and market children available for adoption. Justina was taken away from her parents by force at the age of 15, and held for over a year as Boston Childrens Hospital kept her confined in their psych ward. Many attorneys around the country have stated that these gag orders are unconstitutional. We applaud the work of the Orlando Sentinel, fulfilling their role as the media was originally intended to be: a voice educating the public on matters that government and medical authorities would prefer remain in secrecy. Oh also these medical professionals that provide in-home services can be classified as witness tampering and obstruction of justice since those professionals are often used in the courts against the parents after being BRIBBED by awarded contracts of services . Ian Bankert at his high school graduation. As John P. Thomas has reported in his article,Are GMO Foods, Vaccines, and Big Pharma Producing an Infertile Generation?, fertility rates are plummeting: Add to this the growing list of states that are legalizing same-sexmarriages adding more couples unable to conceive children, and it is easy to see that the adoption business is growing due to increased demand. The Tseglin family would like the public to know their story of medical kidnapping happening in California. Upon years of my reviewing and obtaining voluminous court documentation throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusettsparticularly, in my professional experience as an attorney, there is no doubt, whatsoever, that public officials have been operating a racketeering enterprise through the probate and family courts, feeding off our most vulnerable citizens, the elderly. A study published this year by the American Bar Association found that an unknown number of adults languish under guardianship when they no longer need it, or never did. Jewish Family and Children's Services is the common denominator for each of these senior citizens who were seized by Adult Protective Services. A Government Accountability report from 2010 said, We could not locate a single Web site, federal agency, state or local entity, or any other organization that compiles comprehensive information on this issue. We respect your email privacy Summary: medical kidnapping The victims of child & Human rights violation, if not getting timely and suitable justice in the court of law in their countries, can appeal to the INTERNATIONAL. Here are a few more stories we have covered on, listed by state: Alabama Girl Medically Kidnapped and Forced on Drugs: Parents Facing Jail for Failure to Pay State Child Support, Alabama Autistic Boys Kidnapped from Native American Ambassador Mother and Abused in Foster Care, Alabama Seizes 7 Children from Family After Child with Autism Wandered to Neighbors. As the author explains, They are taking kids from places that arent that bad, putting them in places that arent that good, and completely ignoring the bond that exists between parent and child.. Kayla and Hannah Diegel suffer from congenital disorder of glycosylation, (CDG, a form of mitochondrial disease.) It, is OK if you are not in KY, it is a place to rally together until you. To better understand how medical kidnapping . Kidnappings & Missing Persons. In a jaw-dropping moment caught on video, an 18-year-old high school senior rushes to escape from the hospital that saved her life and then, she says, held her captive.