Timpanogos by Michael Kelsey and the book called High in Utah " by Michael Weibel and Dan Miller. In 1961, a forty five year old man died when a Cessna 172 from California, in which he was a passenger, crashed into trees on the mountain near the top of the Alpine Loop; the pilot, who had dropped through clouds and unexpectedly discovered he was quite close to the mountain, survived his many injuries despite being trapped in the wreckage for days in winter weather. Climbing and exploring Utah's Mt. With close proximity to Salt Lake City, beautiful wildflowers, wildlife sightings, and incredible views, it's no wonder this is a well-traveled trail. Ben achieved 72 summits in 2014 to celebrate his 72nd year. Photos (2,138) Directions. It is past time to see the exception to the rule, and return decent toilet facilities to the upper mountain. Timpanogos experiences. Ibapah Deseret Peak Flattop Peak (in the Oquirrh mtns)Utah's other prominence peaks are worth noting HEREMt. Any who choose to participate in such activities must assume the responsibility for their own actions and safety. FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT AWARDS - Representative Burgess Owens AWARD WINNER As the month progressed, more items were found. Read the neat article HEREI hope the link will remain working for awhile since it is a very nice article about Ben and his dedication to hiking to the summit on a regular basis. Trailhead parking is a problem, and the Forest Service is happy to take your money knowing you wont have a place to park. Early Timp Hikes went up the glacier, sometimes with a fixed rope for aid. Seven Memphis police officers, two EMTs and one lieutenant have now been either fired or "relieved of duty" after the brutal beating of Tyre Nichols. Timpanogos Glacier is a rock glacier located on Mount Timpanogos in the Wasatch Range within the Mount Timpanogos Wilderness (in the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest) in northeastern Utah County, Utah, United States, [1] [2] and is the last known glacier in Utah. Moderate 4.6 (336) Mount Timpanogos Wilderness. I love this! Perhaps one of the most mysterious cases in Utah history is that of Jean Baptiste. In 1966, a thirteen year old girl and a forty nine year old woman from Provo died when they fell from a malfunctioning ski lift at the Timp Haven Resort. Does anyone know where the old trail goes from there? Mount Timpanogos Hike Details Distance - 14.8 miles roundtrip from Timpooneke trailhead, 13.6 miles roundtrip from Aspen Grove trailhead Approximate hiking time - 8 to 10 hours Elevation at the trailhead - 7360 feet at Timpooneke, 6889 feet at Aspen Grove trailhead Elevation at Mount Timpanogos summit - 11,749 feet For example, theAconcagua mountain page has the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits' asparents and is a parent itself to many routes, photos, and Trip Reports. One day while the Chief was fighting in a war, an arrow hit him in his heart and he died. It is also possible to drop into Timpanogos Basin and hike the original trail through the flowers to the other side to join the Timpooneke trail and climb to the saddle from there, but that adds a mile and a half. One of the best times to hike is when the wildflowers are out, which is late July or early August, depending on conditions. The Daily Herald recently had this superb story about him. Jacob Warner Routt, 36, texted a friend on Sept. 16 telling her that he was going out hiking and would call her back, but the friend never heard from him again. Timpanogos for the 600th time. If you look at the slopes of Timpanogos that faces Utah Valley then you can see the profile of the Indian Princess laying down. The Mt Timpanogos Temple was dedicated on October 13, 1996. Do not park in the campground or at the Aspen Grove Alumni Resort, you will be ticketed or towed. The trail starts to the right. There are 2 main trails that lead to the summit, joining at a gap not far from the main summit. Mt. Get to know this 7.0-mile out-and-back trail near Provo, Utah. Go east on Highway 189 for 7 miles to the Sundance Resort turnoff. It's a popular tourist destination that holds a special place in the hearts of Utah residents everywhere. The biggest problem that summertime hikers (of the two major trails) are likely to run into is parking, at least if you are hiking on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday. It was just a stick that had fallen funny. There are some campgrounds on the, Mick's great report on his Timp experiences, Wildlife and other information about Mt. Being unfamiliar with the area, Bernal did not realize how much snow was still on the . Utahna believes the brave is the mountain god Timpanogos, and tempted by the maiden's beauty, Red Eagle perpetrates the ruse. While I'm posting, I'll add that I heard that after 50 years the Forest Service can consider structures to be historical. He didn't tell me. A rule of thumb is that if you can still see any snow at all on the mountain from the Utah Valley side of Timp, it is too early for most people to safely climb the other, snowier side of the mountain where the summit trails are. To access the Aspen Grove trailhead, you can continue driving over the Alpine Loop highway from American Fork Canyon (or drive up the North Fork of Provo Canyon, past Sundance Ski Resort). Hidden Lakes is a popular camping area for backpackers. Timp is that is has the only real glacier in Utah, although it is very small. From the east, take Highway 189 from Heber. Utah has (8) 5000 ft. prominence peaks: Kings Peak Mt. The community came to treasure their mountain playground, built better trails, the Theater in the Pines, and added shelters on the mountain. Mount Timpanogos from the north-west saddle (2012-08-17). Enjoy the view and the nice workout the hike provides. This trail gets some equestrian use, so give people room if theyre unloading horses from a trailer there instead of over in the equestrian area. This year, 2008, we are seeing a huge snow season and so reading this might serve to remind us of avalanche danger: January 2nd 2006Snowshoer lost in avalanche; boarder missingBy Jason Bergreen The Salt Lake Tribune Two people were missing in Utah's snow-packed mountains Saturday night - a Salt Lake County snowshoer swept away in an avalanche in the Timpanogos Mountains and a teenage snowboarder who disappeared after apparently venturing into an out-of-bounds area of Snowbird Ski resort.At 11:30 p.m., search and rescue teams in Salt Lake and Utah counties were still searching for the teen, who was reported missing in the Mineral Basin area, said Utah County Sgt. I've also seen the cross country teams from local highschools run to the summit and back. A difference you will notice is that at the summit the air pressure is lower, so even though the air has the same percentage composition of oxygen as air in the valley, the air at the summit is thinner so there is less oxygen available to you: about 78% of the oxygen thats available at valley floor air pressure, and only about 66% of what youd be used to if you came from sea level air pressure. Timpanogos Hike Overview. It has not even done a very good job with trailhead information, a largely pointless sign it put up in 2018 being a prime example (photo at left), and when you hike past the plaque on a rock near the Aspen Grove trailhead you may notice that much of the information on that plaque is inaccurate. "Mount Timpanogos is the impressive wall that dominates the landscape on the northeast side of Utah Valley. In 2020, a seventy two year old Provo man hiking up the Timpanogos Cave trail collapsed and died. Timp Hike festivities included plays, contests, and important advice for hikers such as counsel to not hike in high heels. The semi-difficult access means people who ski it had to earn it. This is a view of Mount Timpanogos in northern Utah as viewed from the edge of Deer Creek Reservoir. It rises 7000 feet from the valley floor and draws your gaze to it again and again.This mountain may be the most popular one in the state of Utah and is certainly the most climbed. Before you get to First Falls, and just before reaching the wilderness boundary, Lame Horse trail will veer away to the right; mind the sign, and take the summit trail to the left. The history and geology of Mt. All these good people are packing out their own litter. In 2007, an eleven year old Pleasant Grove boy was killed by a black bear that drug him from the tent his family was camping in off Timpooneke Road past the campground; there was food in the tent, and the party that camped there the previous night had left food out. The other two books listed here are an interesting history by Jared Farmer (Here is the creation story of a landmarkone beloved peak in the American West. Kleenex, a litter bag, and possibly bug spray might be handy; think through what else you might need. Nobody was ever good enough for her, and many young men were turned away. What could be better than a ride over rough terrain in a rigid litter balanced on one wheel, while injured? I won't try and explain the concept of Prominence but it is worthy to note that Mt. Whats left is at N 40 24.4336 W 111 39.3225 (the lower site) and N 40 24.4062 W 111 39.4034 (the bottom of the upper site, with flattened wreckage spread further up the slope above). The saddle is another popular resting spot as hikers both enjoy the view of Utah Valley, and ponder a final section of trail that is less than a mile long but seems a lot like the stairs of Cirith Ungol. What sets "Timp" apart is its location. Mt. The legend was adapted as a ballet by Jacqueline Colledge of the Utah Regional Ballet Company, "Legend of Timpanogos" in 1994, performed at the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, and is still occasionally presented by the company. He left the Aspen Grove trailhead around 6:00 a.m. Sunday, planning to reach the summit of Mount Timpanogos. Mount Timpanogos - 10-day weather forecast comparing all major weather models, e.g. Unless someones unleashed dog has chased them off. Also, if you want to cook something youll find that just as water boils at a lower temperature at the valley floor than at sea level (about 204 F instead of 212 F), at the summit it boils at an even lower temperature: about 191 F. From the Provo Canyon side, after turning up the Alpine Loop and traveling for about five miles while passing Sundance and Aspen Grove, you will reach a U.S. Forest Service fee station, and just beyond that is the Theater in the Pines area, which is where youll find the trailhead for the Aspen Grove trail (also called the Mount Timpanogos trail). There is a summit hut there, although it does not offer much shelter. Ucanogos was a very happy child, and loved hiking in the mountains above their little village. Dont cut across switchbacksstay on the trail, instead of carving erosion gullies into the mountain. Other than getting sick and turning back, the hike was really excellent and I enjoyed it a lot. TERT director Glen Meyer is encouraging them to do so. The U.S. Forest Service now limits group sizes on the trails to the summit, to a maximum of fifteen people per group. Kudos to all of them. -- Timpanogos area is part of a Recreation Fee Demonstration area, $6 a day and payable at either end of the Alpine Loop Scenic Highway. It was not visible, nor haunted; now it is both. A ski pole. FAX: 801.585.3464 Click here for larger-size photo. As with all of Mr. Kelseys guidebooks, the route maps and descriptions are approximate and assume you are able to do route finding on your own with only general pointers as to where to go, and his estimates of trip length and difficulty are quite optimistic for most hikers. If the Timpooneke lot is full - drive further up the campground road - about 1/2 mile or so, and follow the sign for the Timpooneke Road, which branches off to the right. Nebo Mt. That can sometimes lead to interesting medical problems if you spend enough time at altitude. Dont go where the terrain is dangerous, just because you think youre on an official trail and want to assume it must be safe despite appearances to the contrary. Some people think the trails are longer; different peoples measurements have yielded results ranging from under six miles to almost ten miles one way. Here are a few different versions of the same legend: In Tooele County, there is a mountain with a mysterious 13 carved into it. It often seems to be a revelation to the local college crowd that a dark, windy, high altitude summit isnt very warm in just shorts and a cotton t-shirt. The vast circues and basins were carved and gouged into this mountain by much more extensive glaciation as recently as 12000+ years ago. Much of Mount Timpanogos is a beautiful wilderness area. As mentioned earlier, there are two main trails that provide easy access to Timp's summit. Snowshoes. If you want to do something really amazing, and you're a strong hiker with ties to a nonprofit or governmental or university group that will back you up and can claim some interest in Timp, try to get Google to let you carry their Trekker along both trails to photograph them. Remember to take a jacket, even in summertime, because the caves are a little bit chilly. Feeling discouraged, Ucanogos went for a walk up the beautiful mountain trail above the village. Timp poses a good challenge. Keep in mind that if youre bellowing songs as you make a midnight climb, every backpacker in every tent on the mountain can hear you. The Forest Service sometimes has a backcountry ranger patrol Timp to encourage good behavior, although the ranger labors under the handicap of not being authorized to shoot people who litter, cut across switchbacks, start fires, or let their dogs off leash. If you do detour to Emerald Lake and then take the direct route from there to the saddle, youll add about three quarters of a mile to your hike. Pay your fee and get to the trailhead early in the morning, before dawn on Saturdays and holidays, which is also important so you can start your hike before the lower trail becomes hot, and so you can finish before dark. As the beautiful princess grew, so did the list of many youngwarriors in the village that longed to have her by their side. The beautiful princess immediately fell in love, and knew that this was the man of her dreams, the one she had been waiting for. In 1946, a thirty nine year old man who had gone to the Stewarts Flat area alone to teach himself to ski was found dead of a heart attack. Paul W. Some people hike just that far as a day hike, although trees and vegetation are gradually obscuring the view. The tale has been revisited in print throughout the 1970s, and a compilation of legends was published in 1988 by Effie W. Adams. You need to be prepared for the unexpected and proceed accordingly. If you run into stinging nettle, or lightning, or an ornery moose or stubborn mountain goat, or rockfall, work out how to deal with it. In 2006, a forty one year old man from Russia died when he tried to rescue a three year old girl who was distracted by a snack, and walked off the edge of the Timpanogos Cave trail; she slid to a stop just short of a precipice, but when he tried to reach her he slipped on the shale slope and slid over the edge (two other men eventually reached her and stayed with her until she could be hoisted by helicopter). In 1912, almost two dozen mighty conquerors, well dressed for the occasion, enjoyed summiting on the first annual Timp Hike. In the wintertime the Alpine Loop is closed between Aspen Grove on the Provo Canyon side, and a short way above the Tibble Fork (North Fork) turnoff on the American Fork Canyon side, at Pine Hollow. Prevent debilitating problems like blisters or dehydration or hypothermia, by wearing the right footwear and clothing, and carrying the right equipment. I have many pictures to post. Go East on 189 for 7 miles to the Sundance Ski resort turnoff (watch for it just after you go through a tunnel) and turn left on highway 92 for 6 miles, going past the Sundance ski area and the Aspen Grove recreation area. There are two books that have coverage of Mt. Out of the shadows appeared a handsome young man named Timpanac. It would be nice if people asked to Forest Service to restore it. Turns out that's wrong. Mountain fuel. Nice work DB. As an HCA Healthcare hospital and a Top 100 performing hospital in the nation, we offer the latest advances in life-saving technology with the compassion and personalized care of a community hospital. Please be careful on Timp in winter. We have all heard the timeless love story of Romeo and Juliet, but did you know that Utah has its own tragic Romeo and Juliet love story? Kudos Ben, you have my respect. If it becomes dangerous to continue, turn around. Dont drive the Alpine Loop with a trailer or an RV, as its a narrow and twisty road in the middle part. all on Map, Mt. Timpanogos is one of the (8) 5000 ft. prominence peaks in the state of Utah. His death has revived cal Here is the breakdown, mentioned above, of many of the fatalities on Timp; most of this information comes from Kelseys book and from newspaper stories, and some comes from American Alpine Journal and Utah Avalanche Center and National Park Service reports (this list does not include things like traffic accidents, deaths in homes, drownings in the Provo River or American Fork River, or any of the other deaths in the bottom of or across Provo Canyon or American Fork Canyon): Last updated in early 2023, as snow wrapped the mountain in its tender embrace. The spirits of the Chief and the Princess went into the mountain to be together forever as Mount Timpanogos. Go 8 miles until you enter the American Fork Canyon and you'll be confronted by a fee booth. It is one of Utah's most recognizable mountains, and perhaps Utah's most popular mountain hiking destination. The trail is very well traveled and well marked. It was the driest November (zero precipitation in most of the Wasatch) and one of the driest Decembers on record. The white summit hut is barely visible far above, with a cloud behind it. The upper Primrose Cirque switchbacks in particular have a number of false trails that are confusing even in daylight, and there are many spots on both trails where the trail has eroded away and is turning into drop offs. However, the bowls of the upper mountain will still be in the grip of the White Witch. Driving directions to Mt. Its no secret that they would rather limit use than facilitate it. Captivating Canyon Caves. Good for him! If after crossing the big talus slope you soon come to a waterfall, you have missed the first group of switchbacks. Is this legend true? From the summit of Mt. Learn the science behind formations and hear stories of cave exploration and preservation. From the summertime, here's a neat Trip Report posted elsewhere on a recent hike to the summit of North Timp. This is a hike that I remember doing as a young child. : ) On my last trip up the Timpooneke trail, I saw three deer and about a dozen mountain goat and too many pikas to count. Hike your way past stunning vistas to explore a hidden underground world. Thus there aren't many backcountry skiers kicking steps up it. If full, look for additional parking just up the road. ECMWF, GFS, ICON, ACCESS-G, GEM, etc. This shot was taken during a dramatic winter sunset with the golden sky reflecting on the dark water of the lake. The Forest Service likes to pretend that by declaring the summit trails part of a wilderness area, they magically become wilderness, but the fact is that Timp is different from any other wilderness area in Utahthe mountain literally abuts the city limits of the towns that most people in Utah County live in, culturally the summit trails are essentially a rugged urban park that is more popular than the parks in the valley, and so at times there may be over two thousand people on the trails at once. Make the right move by choosing this substantial 5-acre vacant land in Amargosa Valley, situated between the booming cities of Las Vegas and Death Valley Junction in California! In 1978, a thirty six year old man from Idaho, returning from a trip to Colorado, flew a Cessna 172 into the cliffs above Emerald Lake, in zero visibility weather, killing him. It is easy to accept this description after you've experienced the cascades of tumbling water and realize that the vast cirques and basins were gouged into this huge mountain by abundance of glacial ice within the not so distant past. If Fortunes wheel does not keep things small, and you are too injured to walk out, the Utah County Sheriff Search and Rescue team can hike up Timp and evacuate you. Timpanogos is, you also have to consider the many peaks that also are part of the mountain and now have pages here on Summitpost. This is the Timpanogos Shelter at Emerald Lake, a historic structure and an important refuge on the upper mountain. Climbing the glacier in 1907, and exploring what appears to be a small crevasse below a large crown fracture. The glacier is one of the highlights for many of those who summit the mountain, using it as a quick descent route. Continue on another 8.2 miles (passing the Timpanogos Cave national monument area) until you come to the Timpooneke Campground on the right side of the road. Only March had slightly above-normal precipitation. After crossing the saddle, the trail heads southward for the final climb to the summit. Timpanogos Massif. Peale Mt. Its a long way off the mountain when youre trying to hobble down with injuries. The best places to camp on the Aspen Grove trail are found at the "upper bench" area (about 3/4ths of the way to Emerald Lake) just above the conclusion of the many zig zagging switchbacks. Frederick liked to go to the mountains almost every weekend, Love said. Timpanogos in them and the newest kid on the block is written by SP'er Randy Winters. They are:TIMPOONEKE TRAIL: See route section for a descriptionASPEN GROVE Trail: See route section for a description.TIMPANOGOS LOOP HIKE: See route section for a description.If you can park a car at one end (shuttle), an interesting hike is to go from TH to TH, a distance of about 12 miles. Not familiar with the mountain path, Timpanac slipped and fell, plunging to his death. I've stood on top of both Mt. Multiple uninterrupted summit records include that of Lowry, who has run to the summit and back twice in succession in 6:45 via the Timpooneke trail, and the endurance record of David Crockett of Saratoga Springs, Utah. ):The record to the summit via Timpooneke is 1:15:36, established August 12, 2006 by Danny Moody, a member of the Sojourners Running Club. Another book mentioned above is "High in Utah", about the county highpoints and a mention of Mt. Ben Woolsey, aka "That Guy" a retired postal worker from Utah County, regularly places and maintains the summit register on the mountain. Be aware that it isnt always easy to find your way up the trail at night unless you not only have a good light with fresh batteries, but are already familiar with the route. Timpanogos and although they are totally different, they both have that magic quality that makes you say to yourself, "I want to stand on top of that" . Her beautiful flowing hair grew longer and longer, and the longer it grew, the more she reminded her father of his beloved wife. Mount Timpanogos, often referred to as Timp, is the second-highest mountain in Utah 's Wasatch Range. From Hidden Lakes on up, mountain goats are a common sight on Timp. Read on.. Once upon a time, in a land far far away (okay, not that far away..just down in Utah County) lived a beautiful Native American princess named Ucanogos. You would think the U.S. Forest Service would have put a decent amount of information online about the summit trails, but it hasnt. In the caves of Timpanogos there is a heart called The Great Heart of Timpanogos. Dork. Timpanogos. You can approach the Alpine Loop from Highway 189 on the south side, or Highway 92 on the north side of Utah County. These trails are each about seven miles long, giving you a round trip to the summit of fourteen plus miles. The trail to the top is grueling and lengthy, testing the skills of even the most experienced hikers. He takes her to a cave where they live together in happiness for a time. Wikipedia has an entry on Mount Timpanogos. The Timpanogos Glacier in the Early 1900s The winter of 1904 to 1905 was one of the least snowy years ever recorded in the Wasatch. Free or royalty-free photos and images. More than one trail leaves from the same trailhead. In 1993, a fifty year old skier from Florida, who was part of a group skiing in a closed area of Sundance, died when he was buried in an avalanche. First Falls, also called Timpanogos Falls, is about a mile up the Aspen Grove (Mount Timpanogos) trail. Dreamstime is the world`s largest stock photography community. With 5,270 ft (1,610 m) of topographic prominence, Timpanogos is the 47th-most prominent mountain in the contiguous United States. Timp, One of (57) 5000 ft. Prominence Peaks in USA, View Will You Go to Hell If You Litter and Cut Across Switchbacks? It is dangerous to cross the steep snowfields that can linger into midsummer, because you can slip and then slide rapidly to the rocks below, because you can fall into a moat where the snow melts away from the rock at the edges of the snowfield, and because certain snowfields with runoff flowing beneath them essentially melt from the bottom up, and when they get thin they can break under your weight and drop you a surprising distance into cold snow melt, an experience that tends to be fatal.