If your proposed study involves patients/service users/carers/public as research participants, please use the following bullet points to summarise their characteristics and what would be expected of them throughout the research project lifecycle. Signatures or letters of support from applicant's line manager and Find your local one at nihr.ac.uk/explore-nihr/s . Career breaks due to parental leave, or periods of illness. You must ensure all participants are happy for your application to be submitted before submitting it on the online system. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Applications which include a programme of work where the majority of the work is out of remit, but with a small study within NIHR remit added on, will not be considered. fund 12-month Fellowships aimed at offering the holder protected research time which will be used primarily to develop proposals for a larger Doctoral Fellowship Award application (e.g. Any resulting publications must give credit to the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre. For clinical academic applicants only: completion of relevant pre-registration training. The majority of awards will still be researcher-led, i.e., the applicant proposes the area of research rather than responding to a particular call or theme. Please note that as part of the work to address the issues surrounding the way in which Excess Treatment Costs are funded, new arrangements are now being implemented. They have undergone measures, provided blood, urine and saliva samples for future analysis as well as detailed information about themselves. Please describe the health or social care service setting or context in which the study will take place (such as the organisation or service type,). This section should identify appropriate actions that would reduce or eliminate each risk or its impact. The NIHR will consider overseas research visits on an individual basis and reserves the right to limit expenditure. Please note, all other queries about the application process should be directed to the NIHR Academy. Uploads below). Fellowship Schemes. Only publications relevant to your application should be included. Please note this should be from the 1st of the month regardless of whether this is a working day or not. Should you require assistance in completing the online form, please contact the NIHR at 0113 532 8410 or by emailing academy-awards@nihr.ac.uk. patient/service user, carer and public involvement. PhD Student Fellowships The African Institute of Financial Markets and Risk Management (AIFMRM) in the Faculty of Commerce at the University of Cape Town is a postgraduate institute committed to increasing the extent and depth of expertise in the African financial service industry. In all cases it should be noted that if you are not applying under a Strategic Theme or Themed Call you should not be put off applying. promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in research. 3. Review of existing evidence - How does the existing literature support this proposal?Explain why this research is needed now, both in terms of time and relevance. Applications are invited from individuals within an institution sited in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, who can demonstrate a role in, or contribution to, improving health and wellbeing, health and social . All parties (applicant, participants and signatory) will be notified of this via an automated system generated email. The aim of these fellowships is to allow the fellow to have an independent research project, publish their research and prepare grant applications to secure future funding (e.g., an NIHR advanced fellowship). To support your research plan, you are able to upload the following documents in the uploads section of the form: SoECAT form: Please upload a completed SoECAT form that has been signed off by an AcoRD Specialist. service users, carers as well as health and care services, and how this research would fill a demonstrable evidence gap. We would not normally expect the time commitment of any individual costed into the application other than the applicant or member of support staff to exceed 0.3 WTE. For Advanced applicants this . If there are no plans to obtain ethical review, this must be clearly justified. The statement is completed by the Head of Department and should detail how the organisation(s) are going to support the applicant in partnership to successfully complete their research and the training and development programme. This highlight notice indicates the continuing interest of NIHR in receiving research proposals in this area, and it encourages collaborative applications that demonstrate how they build on recent initiatives and investment in the area made by the NIHR, the Medical Research Council (MRC) and other research funders. Dissemination costs (in addition to conference costs), Note onCTUcosts in Personal Training Awards, Training programme, short courses and workshops, Support Post Training and Development (Advanced only), General office and basic laboratory consumables, will be stored separately from your application. The PPI group gave feedback on interview topics and questions, recruitment methods, the design of multiple formats of patient information, and the creation of a newsletter about the research for patients to make sure they are clear and inclusive. Please note some of the responses to these questions are automatically pulled through from information you have entered in the , Please also include in the Role in Research Grant box for each entry: registration number and name of registry and the DOI of the main related publication. When writing your summary consider including the following information where appropriate; The plain English summary is not the same as a scientific abstract - please do not cut and paste this or other sections of your application form to create the plain English summary. Once this has been submitted you will receive an email confirming your registration and a temporary password. NIHR Doctoral Fellowship "The NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship is a brilliant opportunity that I will use to explore how best to improve the prognosis for people with bone and joint infections, without resorting to longer courses of antibiotics, which can cause serious side effects and antibiotic resistance. We will also ensure that the assessment of fellowship applications takes into account the impact ofCOVID-19 on applicants. Please provide costs for any overseas research visits that the applicant wishes to undertake during the course of the award. We fund research according to the potential for patient/service user/carer/public benefit rather than according to specific methodologies. The Advanced Fellowship is for those at a post-doctoral level and can be utilised at several specific points of a researchers career development. It will normally only be possible to apply to the same Fellowship a maximum of two times. Please specify the hourly rate and the number of hours and note that consultants must not be people who are already employed by the applicants institution. Depending on professional background and expertise, applicants are not necessarily expected to have an extensive list of publications. Potential applicants must also inform their Research and Development (R&D) office of their intention and seek their advice prior to completing an application for this programme. Items of equipment valued at 250 or more must be itemised separately; however grouping same type equipment is permitted. If an applicants PhD costs exceed 4,596 (per annum on a full time basis), it is expected that the applicants host institution will cover any excess costs associated with the PhD fees. Applicants should use the list below to check that they have included the necessary information prior to submitting their application. Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the additional guidance for applicants looking to include research and/or research training relevant to clinical trials in their fellowship application, particularly the key skills for competent clinical trialists. Explain what collaborations you intend to establish to support your research and, if applicable, your training and development programme. Please note some of the responses to these questions are automatically pulled through from information you have entered in the Manage My Details or Research Outputs page. The applicant(s) should consult their HEI Finance Departments for the appropriate figures to include in the estate charges and other indirect cost sections. Please also use this section to indicate any specific impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your application. health, with a particular interest in research that will improve the health and wealth of the working population. In order to address this, one of the uses of the NIHR Advanced Fellowship is to enable awardees to undertake innovative knowledge mobilisation (that is, to support the more effective use of research knowledge) whilst simultaneously researching implementation processes and impacts. This section includes non-reusable items specific to the research. Applicants will need to state what they wish to use the Advanced Fellowship for and the impact it will have on their career if successful. a postdoctoral researcher planning an external fellowship application; . Applicants may find the guidance on theEQUATOR Network websiteuseful. New NIHR Fellows to join leading research groups. The NIHR privacy policy includes further information including ways we may use your data, our contact details and details on your individual rights regarding how your data is used. The NIHR is particularly keen to enhance the cadre of researchers equipped to work at the HEI, NHS, social care and industry interface, translating ideas into new treatments/practice and products from which patients can benefit. Audio Author Interview (15:37) Neuropsychiatric Ramifications of Severe COVID-19 and Other Severe Acute Respiratory Infections. . The NIHR Academy Executive is part of the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). Relevant previous research experience and/or training suitable for undertaking the research described within the application. Every box on the extensive online form is important and requires your full attention. This is in line with the, NIHR policy on clinical trial registration and disclosure of results, It is recognised that the outputs in terms of grants and publications will vary depending on your experience, profession and level of award being applied for. Whilst the scope of what an Advanced Fellowship can be used for is broad, you are asked to indicate which of the following uses of an Advanced Fellowship best describes your application. Quote Tweet. the Head of Department has completed the Host Organisation Support Statement. The NIHRmanages theNIHRFellowship Programme on behalf of theDHSC. Further guidance for trainees and applicants is available in theNIHRClinical Trials Guide for Trainees. For example, doctoral applicants will be expected to be undertaking the majority of the day-to-day tasks involved in running a trial, with oversight from a more senior member of CTU staff (though specialist input in database programming may be needed). The Fellowships have been designed to support people at various points of their development to become leading researchers, from initial pre-doctoral training right through to senior post-doctoral research. To underpin the new arrangements, a cost attribution tool has been created by the Health Research Authority (HRA) in partnership with charity funders and research sponsors. This must include any previous submissions for an NIHR research training award, even if the proposed research has changed. The Head of Department from the host organisation (in which this award will be based) must confirm that they support this application and that, if funded, the research and training will be supported and administered in the named organisation and that the applicant for whom they are responsible will undertake this work. Doctoral Research Fellowships (DRFs), Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDFs), Transitional Research Fellowships (TRFs), Career Development Fellowships (CDFs), Senior Research Fellowships (SRFs) or Clinician Scientist). Our four fellowships have been designed to support individuals at various points of their development in becoming leading researchers, from initial pre-doctoral training to senior post-doctoral research. No, you will need to decide which fellowship you are going to apply to. Research support is referred to in the literature as mentorship and there are numerous models to be found that could be employed. People who are awarded anNIHRAdvanced Fellowships meet the criteria for the exceptional promise category for potential research leaders. These are costs that are specific to the research, which will be charged as the amount actually spent and can be supported by an audit record. The amount of support requested (both financial and duration of the Fellowship) is justified and evidence based. Monitoring ensures that all applications to NIHR Programmes are treated equally in terms of gender, ethnicity and/or disability. Appropriate and meaningful patient/service users, carer and public involvement. Although it is mandatory to answer these questions, it is possible to select prefer not to say as a response. The NIHR expects appropriate and relevant involvement of patients/service users, carers and the public and other key stakeholders in the research it supports. The roles are funded by the NIHR and Alzheimer's Society, as part of a 7.5 national investment in dementia research, announced in July. Any other relevant experience such as supervisory, management, teaching, public engagement and involvement, or leadership experience. It should be made clear what percentage of time is being requested and how any clinical time being covered by the Fellowship links to and is complementary to the research being proposed. Please use this section to detail the training and development you will undertake as part of the Fellowship. fellowship interview. For Advanced Fellowship applicants who are active clinicians/practitioners, it is possible to request up to 40% of time be dedicated to clinical/professional service/development, which will be covered by the Fellowship. Four different types of Fellowship are available: These guidance notes provide information for individuals and their host organisations looking to submit an application to the Doctoral or Advanced Fellowship. Further details can be found atGOV.UKandThe Royal Society. You will only be able to press the Submit button, which will send the application for final sign off by the signatory when: Please note; when completing the application form, you are advised to validate your application as you go. A mental health condition of long duration, such as a mood disorder or dementia. The Advanced Fellowship is for those at a post-doctoral level and can be . The selection process and subsequent management of the Fellowships will be managed by theNIHRAcademy (with the exception of devolved nation candidates, who will be managed by their local devolved nations office). The flow diagram in Annex C goes through the actions required of participants, signatory and the applicant. As part of their funding applications, researchers are required to complete this tool, known as a Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Tool (SoECAT) for clinical research. Those already holding a relevant masters degree (or currently completing one) should use the Fellowship to gain additional support and training to advance to the next level of their career. Please be realistic about your possible start date taking account of the necessary contracting, and staff recruitment prior to starting your project. If applicants are successful in being awarded anNIHRFellowship while simultaneously being involved in anotherNIHRresearch training award competition, they will be asked to decide which programme they would like to continue with and will be withdrawn from the other. NIHR agrees to fund consultant salaries at a full-time rate equivalent to 10 Programmed Activities per week. This tool provides a standardised approach across England, ensuring that the attribution of study activities complies with the Department of Health and Social Care Guidance on Attributing the Costs of Health and Social Care Research and Development (AcoRD). Please detail the title of any previous submission(s), the funding body and scheme, the outcome and the date this is due if a decision is pending. Its time for a wide range of researchers to get involved in mental health researchWorking at the interface of academia, industry and health and careUsing a clinical academic career to keep patients at the forefront of my work, Closing date for submission of online application, Development and Skills Enhancement Award Selection Committee December 2021, Development and Skills Enhancement Award Round 4-6 - funding recommendation meeting public minutes, Collaborations, service and support for your research, Access facilities for early stage research, Access data, patient cohorts or samples support, Participant in research experience survey, clinical academic programmes provided by NIHR, Pre-doctoral Fellowship Round 5 Guidance Notes, Pre-doctoral Fellowship Selection Committee, Pre-doctoral Fellowship Round 4 Chairs Report, NIHR Pre-doctoral Fellowship Potential Supervisors 2023, NIHR Pre-doctoral Fellowship Potential CTU Host Organisations, Potential Masters Level Courses for Round 5 NIHR Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships - Round 8 Guidance Notes, Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships - Round 9 Guidance Notes, NIHR Doctoral Fellowship Round 5 Public Minutes, NIHR Doctoral Fellowship Round 5 Chairs' Report. Meetings to share best practice, training events and events to disseminate research findings must be run at the lowest possible cost with minimal catering. of the headings (in the order presented) and guidance below, please use this section to clearly explain your proposed research. Your data may be shared across the NIHR, including with other coordinating centres, to allow the application to be managed and for statistical analysis, and with external grant reviewers as part of the process for managing the allocation of a grant. HEI, NHS or other). Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application by email when all required processes are complete. Proposals must show a clear link to improving disease outcomes and/or improvements in health. For applicants looking to move their research career into the area ofMLTC-M, the transitional element of the Advanced Fellowship which is typically used by individuals looking to transition into applied health or social care research from a basic science or non-health/care research background could be utilised. If relevant, details of these may be included in the Applicant Research Background section. Contributions to research-based knowledge on knowledge mobilisation may be made directly through research and evaluation embedded in the Fellowship, as well as through careful collaboration with research partners over the lifetime of the project. These are as follows: Advanced: up to 2,000 per year of funding. Early career health economists are eligible to apply for these awards, but the application process is . Please list each institution on a separate line. TheNIHRClinical Research Network (CRN) supports researchers and the life sciences industry in planning, setting up and delivering high quality research to the agreed timelines and study recruitment target, for the benefit of the NHS and social care and patients/service users/carers in England. Non-NHS intervention costs should include costs incurred in delivering the intervention which would continue to be incurred after the trial, should the intervention become standard care. Further information regarding support that theRDScan provide and contact information for each regional office is available via theNIHRwebsite. Presentations can come at TOP TIP . Please consider the following questions when completing this section: In describing the anticipated impact of the expected outputs on the health and care of patients, service users, carers, the public, and on health and care services, please consider; patient. 1 A4 page listing all references cited in the application. Travel by the most economic means possible is encouraged. Further guidance on the approval process is available from theHealth Research Authority(HRA). Please indicate clearly any co-applicants and provide brief details of the nature and full extent of your involvement (e.g., project design, project management, day to day running, data collection, data analysis, writing papers for publication, etc.). develop and enhance understanding of knowledge mobilisation in health and social care; NIHR Advanced Fellowships in Knowledge Mobilisation are open to individuals who have significant health/social care and/or academic experience and who can demonstrate that they (a) have the potential to mobilise research knowledge in health and social care settings and (b) can contribute to the research base underpinning knowledge mobilisation activities. The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) will enter into a Fellowship contract with the host organisation. Name: TashHeydonRole: DirectorE-Mail:tash@coltfoundation.org.ukTel: 01798 342 831Colt foundation website. The contractor is expected to respond to annual financial reconciliation exercises, provide the final financial reconciliation statement for the project and to provide ad hoc requests for financial information during the lifetime of the project. You will find a Validation Summary button in the left-hand menu. Diabetes UK is interested in funding research into all forms of diabetes and its complications. . NHS Treatment Costs, including any Excess Treatment Costs/Savings, will be met by the NHS through normal patient care commissioning arrangements. This may involve short visiting placements (e.g., an Overseas Research Visit), or secondments in new (to the applicant) research environments, e.g., clinical trials units or NIHR Biomedical Research Centres. Attributing the costs of health and social care research and development (AcoRD). The information you share with the monitoring system: Advanced Fellowship award holders requiring a visa to work in the UK are eligible to apply for a Global Talent visa under the fast-track process of endorsement. The institute conducts rigorous scholarly research and takes a critical and quantitative approach to the study of . 1x. Please note that mentors (including supervisors and individuals named as providing research support) expenses, If a cost relates to travel, subsistence or fees for a. You should now allocate the individual staff member costs to each year of the research, allowing for increments. Financial support under an NIHR Fellowship is subject to a contract between the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the host organisation. The NIHR is launching the 8th round of Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships as part of the NIHR Fellowship Programme. Reduced time spent undertaking research due to a disability or caring responsibilities. The NIHR reserves the right to question any costs deemed excessive, and, Contributions for individuals providing research support (previously referred to as mentors), supervisors and/or other collaborators involved in the research, Whole or significant percentages of support posts over and above those permitted by the scheme, Technical or research support staff whose costs are funded through institutional indirect costs (HEIs only), This section includes journey costs, subsistence and dissemination costs, including conference fees. and find out about help with planning your fellowship pathway and interview preparation. Type and content of participant information materials. There are two routes for application . 20%) may be allocated to clinical/practice time for service and/or training. Applicants will be expected to demonstrate how they intend to draw on existing or emerging NIHR-funded research, as well as on the wider evidence base, in their knowledge mobilisation activities.