The decision to marry a girl fifty years younger to him exposed the hypocrisy of Dravida Kazhagam and his supporters realised that a storm of fury was blowing within. WebUNESCO Awards Awards tend to be of national or local scope and attributed to a new generation of scientists worldwide. Now it is known plainly as Poondi reservoir. Even the Westerners gloat at EVR hitting at Tamil civilisation that had survived centuries of foreign rule. For impactful stories you just cant miss, By subscribing you agree to our Privacy Policy. It is almost axiomatic in Tamil Nadu, and constantly parroted by non-Tamils too, that it was thanks only to Periyar that reservations in jobs and education came into being in the state. The Dravidian landscape, on the other hand, is an arid desert, and Periyar was the only cactus plant to have bloomed in it. And when a counter arrives, instantly it invites high decibel names and abuses. Recently new interpretations are given to defend EVRs thoughts. Welcome! He did not think about others. (, Periyars atheism was crude and obnoxious. However, this seems confused in hindsight. And prickly though he was, he did have a few beautiful flowers. Copyright 2023, THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD. or its affiliated companies. They were arrogant, casteist and possessed a general contempt for the unwashed millions, and even the washed others. dwelled on such grave issues as whether Sita slept with Valmiki. You should consult with an attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction before relying upon any of the information presented here. The movie was partly funded by the Tamil Nadu government according to Wikipedia. Soon, roads were renamed, portraits unveiled, housing colonies were to be named after politicians in Tamilnadu. The most likely candidate for this would be army - many regiments have 100% reservations for specific castes, region or religion. * Army recruitmen Rajinikanth's most famous filmy 'punch' dialogue, from the iconic movie Baasha, goes something like this: Politics and cinema in Tamil Nadu have historically blurry boundaries. WebPeriyar E.V. Then again, they were not alone. Even then it was clear that the trend was changing. At Furnel, Inc. our goal is to find new ways to support our customers with innovative design concepts thus reducing costs and increasing product quality and reliability. Their piousness and personal discipline irritated problem child EVR and he revolted. Play boys were called minors in Tamilnadu those days probably because they continue to stay adolescent despite growing in age. But without understanding the mind of EVR, its impossible to understand the Dravidian parties hypocritical contempt for idols and love for statues. He is yet to take BJP's the hand that they have been extending since 2014. The publicly read out marriage agreement became a superficial drama and in the melee, neither of the couple ever meant what they read out as an oath. NO ! , UNESCO ie) United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization did not credit EV Ramasamy with any award titled The Socrates of Their land holdings dwindled to almost nothing as they had to sell them off to get higher quality education. A devotee of Mahaperiyava, he would visit him whenever work permitted but all his decisions centred on the grace of Mahaperiyava. They call me a subterfuger and that is ironic because such hiding, twisting, manipulative skills were the key characters of most of Congress claims on India since her formation in 1885 as an elitist club and as a joint venture with Colonial British to seek jobs from the rulers. The Curse of Congress & Why it is AntiIndian! Kerala sought to restrict the level to 136 feet by way of an amendment to the Kerala Irrigation and Water Conservation Act, prompting the Tamil Nadu Government to move the Supreme Court. He was miffed that the Constitution did not provide reservations for non-Brahmins. Tamilnadu challenged Keralas dam height law in Supreme court. Joe Joseph, a doctor who was the candidate of the corporate-backed Twenty20 in the recent Kerala Assembly election from Kothamangalam, downstream of the Mullaperiyar and Idukki dams, moved the court, along with two others, last year contending that the Supervisory Committee had abdicated its responsibilities to a sub-committee constituted at the direction of the court for water management in the dam. The population of the presidency of Madras (a.k.a. Nevertheless, this raises another pertinent question. Double speak, double games, hypocrisy marked all of EVRs actions but he continue to bank on the time tested weapon of #hate. UNESCO if Mullaperiyar dam gets destroyed, it will also damage its Idduki dam down the course. The population of the presidency of Madras (a.k.a. But equally astonishing is his work on eradication of caste, women's empowerment and social reform, which are globally acknowledged legacies. The Dutch loot - Part Two of European colonialism, EVR Periyar: A checkup on facts & propaganda. Our dharmic civilisation is important than any individual or any group. If you do not have an account please register and login to post comments. Clever twists that marked propagation that he loved the depraved castes are meant for optics. Baker, 1976, p. 46). On the employment front, the total number of Brahmin gazetted officers were 620 in 1928. Socrates, Confucius, the unknown authors of the Hindu Vedas, etc. But Kerala passed a law the Kerala Irrigation and Water Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2006, to prevent the neighboring State (TN) from raising the water level beyond 136 feet. As he played gross games with his wife and succeeded, so he preserved with them in public life too. He despised Indian languages whether it was Tamil or Sanskrit. Ramaswamy was a great social reformer. I am not able to remember where I read or heard that. So as namesake statues come up in every street corner of Tamilnadu and across India, apart from they being crude works of art its a fact that they have no value, culturally or politically. Gowthaman, vol. He regularly contributes to various journals and magazines. What he detested were caste discrimination, Gandhi, god, religion, Brahmins and the then-prevailing idea of India. He accused Ambedkar for selling himself to the Brahmins: The Brahmins had paid him a price. 4, p. 532, compiled by Pasu. The Periyar that the non-Tamil intellectuals know is a sanitised version of his real personality, lovingly packaged and offered by his admirers. He spent his long life tirelessly working in support of what he believed in and against what he detested. None follow the few good things EVR propagated. Periyar, : So long as democracy exists, the honest will have no other option except to fade away, giving the dishonest room to dance around. It is because one is a thief, one indulges in thievery. The only time Rajinikanth openly admitted to having political ambitions was in a Doordarshan interview in 1995. But statistically they were not very significant. Some have repeatedly accused me of purposefully hiding the great achievements of the great Congress party of India to India. Credit to EVR that he succeeded largely in what he set out to achieve though he will be debated for a few more decades. We offer full engineering support and work with the best and most updated software programs for design SolidWorks and Mastercam. / His rationalism was hollow and lacked any useful content. The listing of verdicts, settlements, and other case results is not a guarantee or prediction of the outcome of any other claims. Given all this, why is he being heralded as a great thinker by the Dravidian intellectuals? In 1927, the Justice Party had been in the opposition. Remember, EVR did not rise against the British at any time during his long life. Was he the profound reformer who transformed society as claimed by his followers and propagandists? He had married Nagammai, aged 13, earlier as a teenager. Between 1949 and 1967, the former being the year his disciple Annadurai broke away from him and formed his own party and the latter being the year he formed the first non-Congress government, Periyars harshest abuses were reserved for his former disciples. The people of India are barbarians. All the stories are real life incidents and are verifiable. Why did Dr B. R. Ambedkar resign from the cabinet in 1951? Asked to answer by Quora User Thanks. My thambi (younger brother) Quora User ( I really My HINDU civilisation alone is my focus. Particularly when UNESCO is about to give out a prize in honor of an abusive, corrupt leader from West Africa whose record resembles that of Kim Jong-il. What the whites aspired for was being done from within, destruction catalysed on a vibrant culture and so the Christian dominated UNESCO honoured EVR with an award in 1970 turning Nelsons eye to the fact that racism was banned by United Nations. None will ever steal these worthless pieces of work. The material and information contained on these pages and on any pages linked from these pages are intended to provide general information only and not legal advice. The seeds were sown by the upper class elitist but anti brahmin Justice party which competed with Congress to solicit favours from the British. The elements under this can be divided as contempt for arranged marriages, distrust in love marriages, belief in self respect marriages, stand against child marriages and support for widow remarriages, property rights of daughters in parental property, his contempt for extravagant pompous weddings and dowry, demand for educational rights and support for the concept of an independent woman. He then did NOT enter electoral politics. And in the end, it may not be his ideology, but his name on the ballot sheet that could swing votes. Yet, he was a die-hard devotee of Periyar. With a totally upper class bourgeois arrogance EVR had no compassion for the Dalits. His pious wife objected. Gautham A temple has been built for atheist Karunanidhi near Gudiyatham by DMK cadre. But he didn't lie. C. Rajagopalachari was another tall brahmin leader whom EVR envied. It seems you have Javascript turned off in your browser. Periyar was the only cactus plant to have bloomed in it. Am aware that girl students in hostels run by the Dravidar Kazhagam trust in Tamilnadu provide nutritionless tastless food to girl students despite collecting huge fees. If you find a snake and a brahmin kill the brahmin first Is quoted in verdict of india by Ms. Nicolas. Periyar quoted that Nicolas quoted like that. When someone says he hates thievery, it means he hates the thief, too, doesnt it? Claims that he was friendly with Brahmins including Rajaji were eye wash. Nor the suppression by the Thevar community of scheduled communities objected to. One might think that by Brahmin he meant Brahminism. The seeds of antibrahmanism were finding roots in EVRs mind because of the challenges posed by Brahmins in his personal and physical life. Poet Bharathi demanded similar rights and conceived the concept of a brave woman who will look straight into the eyes of others and hold head high with clarity of thought, decades before EVR mouthed words like women emancipation but this poor poet who died in penury was cursed and born as a Brahmin. Devotees are struck in awe when incredible stories of His miracles are shared by Queens and Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers as well by celebrities of many hue and colour. Accordingly, the water level in the dam would be limited to 138 feet till October 31 and 139.5 feet till November 10. I express convictions! Which is why, for a celebrity to speak against Periyar is to denounce him, and all of his work in toto. All one can say is that the wind is blowing his way now. But as Granville Austin writes in his seminal book, (1999), After the Congress eclipsed the Justice party in the 1937 elections and later, it made compulsory discrimination very much its own policy even while led by Tamil Brahmins like [Chakravarti] Rajagopalachari., Periyar was clear that he was against Brahmins, not Brahminism. I must mention here that our family which was a great devotee of EVR has been following his self respect marriages (though as a rebel, I opted for a total Vedic wedding). EVR, Annadurai, MGR and Gandhi statues were not far behind. A clear example of sour grapes. The Maharaja of Travancore signed a 999-year Periyar Lake lease agreement with the British government on October 29, 1886, for the Ramaswamy Naicker, Even then it was clear that the trend was changing. She later stopped her temple visits. Whenever rat sized opinions and ideas existed, huge euphoria erupts and few months or years later, the bubble bursts. Tokenism was the key mantra. You can also see statues marketed in open without fear of theft in Mamallapuram while State owned Poompuhar which trades in idols has high security. That he was not against God but was against misuse of Gods name. Ramasamy writing in his magazine Kudiyarasu, and he is being unusually mild here. At Furnel, Inc. we understand that your projects deserve significant time and dedication to meet our highest standard of quality and commitment. Because of fundamental confusions in the logic of Dravidian politics, those anti Idol cries lead ironically to a huge spurt in grotesque statues across Tamilnadu which are seriously now believed to have lives, garlanded and worshipped proving existence of some recoil reverse effect to deliver what the opposite of rationalism that Dravidian politics claimed and propagated for decades. There are two ways to assess the impact of reservation in India on the general category people. 1: Immediate Effect When general category people ar There is also a National park which is known as the Periyar National Park in Thekkady located around the reservoir of dam. Happens when UN agencies are filled with evangelists and fundamentalists They somehow contrive to have the rulers in their pocket, participate in governance and conspire to torture and suck the lives out of other citizens in order that they live (in comfort). These blatantly anti-semitic lines were penned on March 20, 1938, when Hitlers flag was flying high. On the employment front, the total number of Brahmin gazetted officers were 620 in 1928. Ambedkar, who was a prodigious scholar, Periyar was a street-fighter, and the things he said in anger are largely unprintable (though it is available in print in Tamil). But statistically they were not very significant. Or, he spoke knowing fully well that his comments on Periyar would blow up. But they weren't just garlanded with chappals, they were also beaten with them. BR Ambedkar was the worst abused. Colleges swarmed with them. This politics has now amplified into construction of memorials across the state with tax payers money running into 100s of crores. Later, he declared that his organisation, Dravida Kazhagam will ever never aspire for power. Period. Fact remains that while all the hate theories of EVR were meticulously followed by his blind followers, none of his good ideals were followed even as chutney. Congress Party was and is a Colonial legacy and was not antithetical to it. This is Rajinikanth's first overtly political move, in over twenty years. EVR Naicker born very rich, ran a family temple of Lord Ganesha in Erode. It was from this elitist Justice Party evolved Dravida Kazhagam. At times, Periyar issued blood-curdling threats to Brahmins, but in action he did not believe in violence. Menu. The reason? I see Adi Sankara as the last great mind India saw as he could influence with his Advaitha concept and limit Buddhism in India. He accepted the Constitution written by the Brahmins and signed on the dotted lines.