"Okay. When they are talking about how they were flying over the ocean on, Sophie holds Keefe's arms and says she has a bad feeling, but Keefe covers her hand with his and promises that he won't lose against. Sophie has also shown some signs of liking Keefe, especially in Exile, Neverseen, Lodestar, Nightfall, Legacy, Unlocked. They made a person. When she sat, she hugged Keefe with all her might. She crashes into the wall and he stands in front of her, blocking her from moving, knowing that Sophie's being ridiculous when she said that he should stay away from her, but Keefe claims that he likes to take on a challenge. But please do not edit it, and ignore any spelling mistakes I may have made. And that's fine. He had gone to a whole new level after Fitz. In Unlocked, Ro mentioned ""Now you just need to tell her you're helplessly in love with her so she can be like"--Ro shifted her voice up an octave and clasped her hands against her heart--"'Oh Hunkyhair, I never realized you felt that way even though it was ridiculously obvious to everyone else. Keefe reaches for Sophie's shaking hand when she worries about her parents and promises her, Well get them back safe. Finally, the door to the empty classroom opened, and in walked Sophie Foster. Book 1: Keeper of the Lost Cities in the halls of Foxfire Why did she have to run off like that? She was so relieved, that she started crying. Until one day, her guilt wins out. Right now, Fitz felt like she was the only person that truly understood him. Keefe says that she must have someone else in mind if she's trying to impress someone (by dressing up) because she always impresses him. The neverseen are gone and Biana hosts a sleepover at everglen "Dad! She had to run. But for some reason, a mysterious group wants to kill her. Linh walked out. But as he neared, someone stood up behind him. She winked and headed inside. A/N: Bet none of you saw that coming! Then his arms wrapped around her and she sank into the hug not realizing she was crying until she felt her tears soak into his tunic., And Keefe was right where she'd left him - right where he'd said he'd be - his arms stretched out and ready to catch her, like he'd known she'd be dizzy and heaving by the time she finally fled., 'Tonight would've been . Everyone should bow down to me. Keefe said, smirking. Right, Gigantor? , Keefe said flashing his trademark smirk. It had given him a location, and what time to meet, along with the classic "can't wait to see you there! ", Keefe becomes emotional when he learns that Sophie used her one question to ask about his memory and says, '"Thank you for thinking about me,' he whispered. He poured a dozen elixirs down her throat. The platonic pairing of the two (Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen) is the 7th most popular relationship tag overall and the most popular platonic relationship tag. He pushed her hands away and shoved his pants and boxers down around his ankles before lifting her back up and pushing her skirt up around her waist. It had only been a few days, Charlotte wouldn't And BianaShe was unconscious. "Tell me. Sophie and Keefe have supported each other throughout the series and have comforted each other after traumatic experiences. But that doesn't mean I don't care. You know, so I can brag about it" when she asks him how he knows she will do good, and she smiles and thanks him. But Keefe had never really considered himself anything but straight. Keefes breath was warm in her ear as he told her, Anytime, Foster. 'For what?' And maybeFitz had been doing the same, which must have been why he had tricked Keefe in the first place to get that kiss. So now here they were in her room, gross and dirty and covered in Verdi drool. Until she was ready for more., ' And I know you're going to tell me it won't be that simple -- and it probably won't be. Sophie froze, her breath catching in her throat. We panicked. Its one of the things I like about you. Her stomach filled with fluttering things, which flitted around even more when she noticed how close they were now standing. Sophie Foster. He smirked. ', I don't know if I'm going to make it, Foster. You know, there's," but is interrupted. "WHY DO YOU CARE! "Yeah, right. Fitz turned around to see Linh and Tam. Sophie tells Keefe she's here and that she won't let him lose himself. Thanks for reading this! Keefe sends Sophie blue mental breezes while reminding her to breathe and tells her, "You've got this". The Neverseen have been defeated, or so they thought. This is Dawnfire's (me) first fanfic, and I hope you like it! He was the Neverseenher enemy. Because he left. Chapter 2 ( spoiler: SOME SERIOUS SO-KEEFE SNUGGLES) "Keefe!", Fitz and Sophie cried in unison. It was a beautiful day, but Sophie couldnt think about that. She looked peaceful. Sophie clawed at the wall, unable to breathe and Keefe stared at her with ice cold eyes. "I know. I'm all yours today--though I might be willing to extend my servitude if you call me the Gift Master.' Except it could use a little effort., Keefe laughed. 'Um, I don't know if you realize this, but you're the bravest person I know--by far. Sophie doesn't know how she is going to live if something happens to Keefe. Stepping into her wide room, he glanced upwards, dropping his beautiful flowers on the carpet as he spotted Keefe and Sophie kissing. Sophie begins ha #biana I dont believe you! Sophie shouted, fed up with this tension. They are often seen holding hands. "Catch you later, then?". Status "What were you all thinking?" This is just a a short little KOTLC SoKeefe fanfic :) It's staged in the middle of book four of the KOTLC series, where the Keeper Crew is banned from the Lost Cities and are living in Alluveturre, one of the Black Swan's hideouts. He was straightwasn't he? She's not dead. Miss Foster? Maybe her. Keefe laughs when he's talking about his plan to find out who her biological parents are and says that he loves that he has to explain it to her because it's "proof that no matter how feisty you get, you'll still always be our sweet little Foster." You do realize makeup has a lot of chemicals in it, right? Turning his head, the blond boy leapt to his feet, startled to find the real Sophie Foster staring at him with a look of concern. Language: English Words: 167,714 Chapters: . Goodnight.. He grinned as he leaned down to kiss her. Sophie could help but lunge forward and hug him, almost knocking him off the cot. Keefe tells Sophie that he gave her the necklace to remember him by. So stop doubting yourself and go prove me right. Although Keefe tells Sophie he is happy for them and thinks they are "perfect for each other", he seems slightly upset. KotLC Sokeefe's first kiss while playing Spin the Bottle/Part1/keeper of the lost cities KotLC TextingStory 160 subscribers Subscribe 11K views 1 year ago While playing Spin the Bottle Keefe. And, to make it even better, they were coming from the one person he wanted to hear them from. He felt her emotions match her words as she started placing small kisses on his hand. Biana, Dex, Fitz, Wylie, Linh, Tam, Edaline, Della, Alden, Mr. Forkle, Ro, and Oralie were all smiling. ', 'Keefe--' He took her hand, waiting for her to meet his eyes. Keefe hugs Sophie and admits that he was worried about her. Those two were made for each other'!!!!!!!!! I am sure it is really bad. Keefe she whispered. Instead, she pulled her Imparter out of her pocket, sending her parents a quick message saying shed be home soon. He also said it felt like the first time he had a shot at getting this 'brave, beautiful girl' to like him. Oh. Until one day, her guilt wins out. "Me and Keefe are just friends. '", Keefe tells Sophie (again) that no one will care if she is. Why did you bring me here? She glanced at Tam, who hadn't said anything yet. "I don't think he knows how," a small burst of understanding was shot into his veins from his left side, where Sophie was absentmindedly fiddling with his fingers(and he knew there was irony in the fact that he succeeded in getting her to stop pulling out eyelashes when he was unconscious, he just couldn't seem to find it. Sophie took a long, shaky breath before whispering, "About a week and a half." Keefe slowly sat up and patted a spot on his cot, " Come here, Miss F." It took all self-control Sophie had to not run over there. ", Sophie sucked in her breath as the words left his mouth. Do I have to remind you that you havent slept since the day you brought Keefe here?. They were ready for a sleepover! Keefe Sencen paced around the small space, chewing his lip as his heart pounded with nervousness. Fitz was partly angry at Biana. Fitz shrugged. Linh stepped forwards. I don't mind that you like both boys and girls. Uh oh was the feeling in Sophie's gut. Its color almost matched hers. So why did he like it, enjoy it, and, in a way, want more? Sophie and Keefe stared at each other, and there was an intensity in his stare that made Sophie's heart change rhythm. 'I know,' he told her. Freak out all you want. "No. Sophie took her time getting dressed and drying her hair and, alright, putting on a little lip gloss, but there was still no sign of Keefe when she stepped out into her room. Keefe Sencen?' Keefe starts to say, "Speechless again? Sophie and Keefe have supported each other throughout the series and have comforted each other after traumatic experiences. "You should have contacted us the second things went wrong! They both knew Sophie really did have to leave now, but neither one wanted to end the moment. And the thing wasKeefe wasn't disgusted by the kiss, not at all. This takes place a week and a half after Legacy, but you probably know that. Here you go!. Sophie turned around with her hand on the door of Biana's room. you won't hate me.' You are second in command! Wait a second, you're not wearing makeup!!!!" Sophie saw Biana rushing down the path to her house. I know you think Im cute. When Sophie hopped out of the shower, she was still thinking about Keefes hair- how it always looked messy, but also styled at the same time. Especially in Everglen." 'It is.' Fitz had always though that he had feeling for someone else, but now he wasn't so sure. After an exhausting but eventful evening of base quest and hanging out with her friends, Sophie trudged down the hall after Biana as they said good night to the boys, who disappeared into Fitz's room. She replies, saying that's way more than she's willing to lose. It was warm and tender, and she could taste the custard bursts theyd shared earlier that afternoon. Butit makes me a little sad. "Come on guys. Linh was only a friend to him. Heir to Vacker Industries and dating the amazing Sophie Foster. Are we interrupting something? A crisp accent said. Fanfiction Romance Sokeefe KOTLC Silveny Alicorn Shannon Messenger Fantasy Adventure Team Foster-Keefe . I will see you guys in the morning. ,Elwin said before setting two sedatives down, These are for if you guys need them. Of course I trust you, Keefe!, No, I mean really trust me. #keefesencen Fitz stuck his head through the living room doorway with a mixed expression of exasperation and amusement. Keefe watches as Sophie reaches for his hand when he said that he hasn't believed that his 'mommy loves him and misses him' for years and as they talk about his mom Sophie comforts him. He decided she needed a friend. Even as Ritz Savory Cracker, he was still the ex. Keefe clearly likes Sophie, concrete proof of which was given in Keefes Short Story in Nightfall. Note: This story takes place in a parallel universe where Sofitz never existed and Grady actually likes Keefe. "Let's see what they'd think about a Keefe-shaped one, then," Dex grumbled, swinging around to face the other boy. For all we know, she could have spies hidden everywhere. Goodnight, Keefe. ,Sophie said, yawning. #keeperofthelostcities "Yes, their talking with Elwin. 'You're supposed to cry when bad things happen, Foster, not good things.' Keefe explains that he noticed when Sophie was losing it in. When Keefe traces the crease between Sophie's eyebrows, she finds it incredibly hard to come up with an answer. You should see my room he said, laying a hand on her arm to stop her fussing, and guiding her to the bed, where they sat down. Her lips were soft. Dating back to Neanderthals, humans have always felt this natural pull to the othe sophie foster is confused. Like seriously I have issues. (Completed). Keefe comforts Sophie and tells her that "the Black Swan didn't make a gadget. ", "Sorry, sorry," Keefe laughed quietly, looking not sorry at all. When Sophie asks if he wants to risk everything on a 'pretty sure,' he says that the only thing they're risking is him. 'We can beat them together. I'm always here. I have something to say to you.. Only when it comes to you. #kotlc I promise you, no matter what you do, I would never- could never- hate you. Then the next few minutes were all a blur, lots of people asking lots of Keefe! When did you wake up?and How are you feeling? Luckily, Elwin came in and told everyone that Keefe needed to rest. "Oh, crap" He stuttered to a halt and lurched forward, but a hand reached out and yanked him upright. Just a guy ready to listen and help and be there for her. She thought she was dreaming, when Keefe suddenly was awake. But you can't fix me., I know. April Fools. Keefe comments that no-one has ever tried to take care of him the way Sophie does. When Keefe ran away, he left a letter for Sophie only, but we didn't know how Sophie reacted to it, as the book did not depict her reaction. He repeated it over and over again. When Sophie is being chased by one of the mutant troll babies, Keefe tries to divert its attention towards him to save Sophie. 5 She's not dead. Sophie scoots close to Keefe "Partially to shield herself behind him, but mostly because he was slumped over the railing like a piece of soggy laundry." #kotlc He didn't really know how it got there, nor who left it there, but he had a good guess as to who it was from, as he'd recognized the handwriting of his crush Sophie Foster almost immediately. His brain was going to explode from all the questions. As she showered, she wondered whether or not the real reason Keefe didnt want to shower was that none of his hair products were at Havenfield. He turned towards her side of the bed, snaked his arms around her waist, and slide his leg between hers, kissing the back of her neck lightly until she started to wake Seventeen is the age that decides who every young soul is destined to be with forever. His grin shifted into something softer, something that made her stomach tighten., Grady, meanwhile, was studying Keefe as if he'd never seen him before in his life. Sophie and Keefe, Sokeefe, or Team Foster-Keefe (the latter being dubbed by Keefe Sencen) is the romantic and/or platonic pairing of Sophie Elizabeth Foster and Keefe Sencen. ', 'Thanks. Ugh. Not that I dont like them, but He listened to make sure Gradys shower was running, then laid his arm across her shoulders and led her back up the hall to her room. Keefe moves closer to Sophie and her throat goes dry as he touches her braid again. I WROTE THIS BEFORE LEGACY Keefe asked, and she blushed as she tried to smear away her tears. no, her Sophie's been looking into her heart and after some searching she finally gets what keefe meant in lumenariaand a truth or dare game changes her life forever. Biana wrestled Sophie's bag from her, ignoring her protests, and headed after Dex and Fitz back into Everglen. Sophie refers to him as "cool and cute" while wondering why he wanted to be her friend. He came up and plopped down next to her. #sokeefe They lock eyes across the room and Sophies heart aches. Btw, in the last chapter, I left you guys on a cliffhanger. Since when did she think like that? Especially, the cliffhanger. Keefe calls Sophie, awfully cute in a crown, and even though Sophie knows hes teasing her, she blushes from head to toe. Sophie tells Keefe that she likes him and asks him if he still likes her. He was very happy to be in love with someone who would accept him for who he is. You ARE the Neverseen, Keefe! But whatever it takes, it's going to happen. I think I have too. I loved it! "I haven't seen you in days," Keefe whined as he let go, but not without dropping a kiss into the crook of her neck. In his letter, Keefe tells her that she means more to him then she will ever know. VOL I. Everyone all complained, but agreed that he needed rest in the end. Look at him! Ro said this implying Keefe likes Sophie. How could I forget? Sophie patted her pockets, then remembered- her home crystal was at Havenfield. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (100), Keeper of the Lost Cities Series - Shannon Messenger (388), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (5), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (3), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types (1), Sophie Foster (Keeper of the Lost Cities) (307), Keeper of the Lost Cities Series - Shannon Messenger, Sophie Foster (Keeper of the Lost Cities), Councillor Kenric (Keeper of the Lost Cities), Forget to breathe, forget to be (just like I always do), Keefe Sencen & Romhilda (Keeper of the Lost Cities), Sophie Foster & Sencen Family Members (Keeper of the Lost Cities), except its honestly just the original inspiration and the old formatting, Sophie Foster Needs A Hug (Keeper of the Lost Cities), I Wrote This While Listening to Mitski's Music, I Wrote This While Listening to Ricky Montgomery's Music, I Wrote This While Listening to Taylor Swift's Music, I Wrote This While Listening to Girl in Red's Music, I Wrote This While Listening to Cavetown's Music, honestly i'm kind of done with this fic but we must go on, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafs, I really wanted an excuse to write a coffeeshop au and here it is, Basically the entire KOTLC gang but it's a coffeeshop, Idk it seemed like a good idea at the time, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Keepers of the Lost Cities || Keefe Chasing Sophie (Villain), The Neverseen (Keeper of the Lost Cities), The Black Swan (Keeper of the Lost Cities), Sophie Foster (Keeper of the Lost Cities) & Original Character(s), Councillor Kenric/Councillor Oralie (Keeper of the Lost Cities), come inside of my heart (if you're looking for answers), Keepers of the Lost Cities || Keefe Bursting Into Sophie's Room (Villain) || Headcanon, Alternate Universe - Keeper of the Lost Cities Fusion, Keepers of the Lost Cities || If Keefe Was The Villain || Headcanon, Mr. Forkle & Sophie Foster (Keeper of the Lost Cities), Keepers of the Lost Cities || If Keefe Died || Headcanon, Dex Dizznee & Sophie Foster & Keefe Sencen & Linh Song & Tam Song & Biana Vacker & Fitz Vacker, The Forbidden Cities (Keeper of the Lost Cities), We can talk here on the floor (I'll be here until you're okay), Sophie Foster & Keefe Sencen & Fitz Vacker, Sophie Foster & Keefe Sencen & Biana Vacker & Fitz Vacker, the rest of the keeper crew are mentioned but not by name, Good Friend Sophie Foster (Keeper of the Lost Cities), i don't actually know how wylie ended up in here but he did so there ig, but elwin and ro are in the background somewhere, Keepers of the Lost Cities || If Fitz Walked in on Sophie and Keefe Kissing || Canon Divergence.