She also told him that their ship was under attack and Sanji immediately headed there using Sky Walk. Vinsmoke Sanji ( Vinsumku Sanji?) Sanji had faith that his friends would pull through and declared to make a cake that will make Big Mom faint. Sanji told Pudding that they would be parting ways when Luffy returned and also told her that he was glad that she was his fiancee, causing Pudding to become emotional. Tesoro prepared to begin the entertainment spectacle by executing Zoro as the Straw Hats' bodies slowly became encased in gold, when suddenly seawater sprayed from every fountain, as Carina had intended for Luffy and Franky to do. Pudding then took Sanji back to the Sunny on Rabiyan, while Sanji hid inside Rabiyan's folds. After Sanji blocked Queen's attempted strike on Zoro with Diable Jambe, Queen began to express his interest in the technology of Germa 66, specifically Jugde's modifications of his children and their unique abilities. Chopper then tended to Hatchan's wounds while the doctor and Sanji were met with accusations from the Fish-Man Island citizens. Sanji heard Bonney's screams from inside the eddy, so Zoro cut it open. Hammond went on to say that because of the humans who left Fisher Tiger to die, there was a law that prevented fish-man and merfolk from sharing blood with humans. Days later, the crew went to Tokage Port in preparation to depart from the country. [58], Later that evening, when Nami told him, Brook, and Kin'emon that Momonosuke was taking a bath together with Robin, they all got very jealous. When a girl who had lost her soba bowl because of the thugs came out of a nearby alley, Sanji gave her another bowl. [29] After being unconscious for a brief period, when he awoke, his eyebrows had returned to their original shape. Having learned that Kanjuro is held at the toy house, Kin'emon asks Sanji to accompany him. Sanji became irritated at being associated with the army, and told Vito that he has nothing to do with them. Zeus grew massively and became stormy, and Nami took the opportunity to summon a massive lightning bolt that struck the Big Mom Pirates pursuing them. Brook attempted to cheer him up with a song, but Sanji declined because it would only make him feel worse. When Bobbin tried to eat the meat from the bento box, Sanji promptly kicked him into the wall. The Straw Hats went outside, where they encountered an acquaintance of Nami's named Carina. Sanji then grew angry when Hiyori revealed that she had personally bathed Zoro while he was asleep. Sanji went with Kin'emon, Zoro, Nami, Brook, and Usopp while the G-5 Marines went with Tashigi. Sanji then collapsed from exhaustion,[213] so Some treated his injuries. Height: [103], At a changing room, Reiju placed a gelatinous mask on Sanji, which returned his swollen face to normal. After arriving to their destination, Sanji was overjoyed to see real women again. Sanji always went to sleep after cleaning up, and only the captain occasionally came to get some meat. [22], Sanji then got reacquainted with Zoro, who said that he wanted to go to the beach and fish. [162], After Franky, Usopp, and Robin visited Sanji to eat some soba noodles, Sanji was overjoyed that Robin liked his cooking. While hiding there, Sanji cried over the incident where Komurasaki was struck down. Chiffon then scolded him and told him to be more serious, reminding him what was at stake. However, Sanji, Robin, and Franky carried their crewmates into the air to safety. In Dressrosa, he was protecting and saving his crew and Viola. ago If you want to interact with the community more, join the discord server I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. They arrived at the entrance of Hard-Shell Tower to find Shirahoshi being absorbed into Caribou's body using his Devil Fruit ability. [98] Sanji tried to remove the wristlets, only for Reiju to stop him as a warning alarm was triggered. Sanji then ate the food that fell on the floor and praised the head chef for her cooking, making her cry tears of joy. He then used Blue Walk to make a narrow escape. Sanji was attacked by Balong of the Long Long Pirates, but he shattered his weapons before defeating him. During the Whole Cake Island Arc, Sanji wore a white, frilled dress shirt as well as his usual black dress pants and shoes; he keeps the collar of the shirt upturned and the first few buttons undone. Sanji then defeated the rest of the Ammo Knights. Queen then showcased another modification of his own body, launching his Brachiotoguros technique, coiling around Sanji, with the intention of breaking his bones and inner organs. As Nami started to explain the properties of the resin that was used to coat the ship, Sanji got another massive nosebleed just by seeing Nami move. Sanji, however, was able to kick himself out of the grap, destroying Queen's mechanical arm in the process. Two years after their separation, the Straw Hat Pirates reunite on Sabaody . [206] After Zoro was sent out of the Live Floor by King, Sanji was left alone fighting Queen on the Live Floor. Sanji then decided to fight the Tobiroppo and initiated a confrontation by attacking him. Hiroaki Hirata;Ikue Otani (young) [149], As Sanji's siblings shielded them from bullets, Sanji was told to escape with Luffy. [130], As the castle collapsed, Luffy's group, Bege's crew, and the Vinsmoke Family got away. )[12] [29], While their pursuers came after them, the children begged the pirates to help them escape. Vito then arrived with a picture of his bride-to-be and showed it to Sanji. However, Luffy's and Sanji's coating had popped so they had to share Zoro's. Sanji then proclaimed that he would rather die while giving perverted looks at mermaids than live a long life and not having his dream come true, much to Chopper and Usopp's shock. However, when Sanji reiterated his break from the family and his continued refusal to go through with the wedding, Reiju commented that she likes his fiance. Sanji then overpowered Yonji in a fight, breaking Yonji's face in the process. Sanji then asked Hatchan if Hody was the one who gave Hatchan his wounds, which he did not confirm or deny. How tall is Sanji? Without a doubt, the Wano Country arc is the best that Oda has produced after the time-skip and possibly in the entirety of One Piece. Yonji then led Sanji to a room filled with large containers containing Germa soldiers. After Bege noticed that Nekomamushi was standing behind him, Nami, Chopper, and Brook plead for Sanji to stay with them. After Chopper fended off some of the knights, Sanji told him that he was going to see the Mermaid Princess. However, the team ambushed the World Nobles, stole their clothing, and emerged disguised as the World Nobles. He then asked for a pen and paper and gave his crewmates a note explaining his whereabouts to be delivered to the rest of the crew when they arrived. Sanji Sanji had been cooking since his childhood years, but his life took a 90-degree turn after Red Leg Zeff's pirate . By training with the people of Momoiro Island, Sanji was able to tap into the skill of Armament Haki at some point during the timeskip. Knowing that Sanji would dodge the shot, Katakuri attempted to kill Sanji himself by launching a jellybean at him. [177] The group later heard from Zoro and Kawamatsu that Hiyori was alive. The Straw Hats had a lot of luck with the games, earning lots of tokens, and Baccarat took them to the VIP lounge where they had the chance to become millionaires. However, Bege shot Pekoms and captured Sanji's group and Caesar, taking them inside his body fortress. The Thousand Sunny later approached Dressrosa. During the Long Ring Long Land Arc, he wore a lavender shirt with a blue tie. They heard a commotion coming from a nearby grove. Days later, the Thousand Sunny entered a turbulent and cold region of the sea and came across a giant warm eddy. The two exchanged attacks, with Queen constantly demanding that Sanji use his Raid Suit. After the two encountered Kawamatsu and Izou, who informed them that Kin'emon would protect Momonosuke, Zoro suggested they head to the Live Floor before falling asleep. However, Sanji was thinking about Violet while Momonosuke was telling his story. When he showed it to Chiffon, she was amazed that Sanji recalled the ingredients through his sense of smell. Sanji considered it as an insult and wanted nothing from his family. In Punk Hazard, he wears a full black double-breasted suit with golden buttons and a grey dress shirt together with a very light grey tie. Sanji's height is 177 cm in his debut and 180 cm after time skip. This caused Tesoro and his subordinates to retaliate with force, and as Sanji prepared to fight, Baccarat cried out that she had injured her leg. Straw Hat Pirates;[2]Straw Hat Grand Fleet;Vinsmoke Family (former);[3]Baratie (resigned);[1]Germa Kingdom (defected);[4]Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance (disbanded) However, Sanji realized that they also had bad blood with Big Mom, and decided for him and Brook to talk to Bege and Pekoms. After Bege regained consciousness, Sanji told him that he may attempt to assassinate Big Mom after she ate the cake. Occupations: [28], Among Sanji's physical traits are his distinctive eyebrows. With everyone gathered around, Law proceeded to explain about Doflamingo's connection to the underworld and the plan to decimate Kaidou's forces. Affiliations: "Black Leg" Sanji,[12] born as Vinsmoke Sanji,[21][22][23] is the cook of the Straw Hat Pirates and one of the Senior Officers of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Brook then claimed to have read about the Slime in a book which Sanji asked to borrow. Ichiji then welcomed Sanji home and reminded Sanji on his inferior status in the family, causing some painful memories for Sanji. As Law was telling Smoker and Tashigi not to get in their way, Nami asked Law to switch Sanji and Nami's bodies back (Sanji was obviously not happy about this). Sanji gave the box to him and Luffy happily ate the food. [95], With the ocean-going Germa Kingdom assembling at Whole Cake Island, Sanji returned home and reunited with his family for the first time since leaving them 13 years ago. Nami, noticing that she was wearing a different coat, punched Sanji and accused him for peeping at her body. Luckily, he then found the torso inside a shark's mouth and proceeded to kick the shark, causing it to release Kin'emon's upper body. The outburst reminded Zoro of the promise he had made Sanji, and the two began fighting, with Sanji insisting that the issue had been resolved already. The okamas bid Sanji farewell and said that they hoped to see him again someday. They then saw a screen appear with Caesar on it but chose to continue running. To fight the Kraken out in the sea, Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy use Flutter Kick Coating. He then suffered a pain in his heart when he 'sensed' his okama friends helping him. After Jinbe took care of Briscola for them, he offered to escort Luffy to the roof of Kaidou's castle. Kin'emon replies with his belief that once a man enters a competition, he must aim for the top to be acknowledged as a real man. While riding on Rabiyan, Sanji thanked Pudding for her help, causing her to become extremely flustered. [157] Sanji then listened as Kin'emon explained more about the past such as the story of Oden, the time of his execution, the rumor about Toki, and what Kin'emon's group did right after arriving at present time. Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy were then picked up by Tony Tony Chopper and a giant bird and were flown back to the ship. Banpresto One Piece Film Red DXF The Grandline Men Volume 4 Sanji Figure New. Sanji quickly recovered from this damage by bending his body back into place, to the shock of everyone, including himself. She drove them through Gran Tesoro in a turtle car and took them to the VIP hotel at the heart of the ship, where the Straw Hats donned new outfits as they began their dream vacation. [208] Queen eventually caught up to him, and Sanji engaged him in combat again. [44], One of Caesar's henchmen fired a cannon at the wall of Building A, letting the gas in. Bounty: As Sanji become enamored with her, she asked him to escort her and help kill a certain man. The Treasure Pirates had camouflaged their fleet and snuck up on the Straw Hats, but Sanji, Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp sensed them with Kenbunshoku Haki, and Sanji recognized that the camouflaging was the work of a Devil Fruit. [61], Sanji, enticed by the great smells coming from the island, went with Zoro, Luffy, Franky and Kin'emon to save Kanujro and destroy the SAD factory. Tamago explained that it was his father's wish, that Big Mom respected his pirating past and his culinary skill set, and that she would likely offer him a good position in her crew. Statistics When the Thousand Sunny arrived at Grove 42, Chopper and a giant bird brought Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji to the ship. He later left the infirmary and sat alone somewhere in the castle, evaluating everything that had happened before deciding that he could not turn back now. Sanji dashed off to help her, but Zoro saved her first. [73], Sanji decided to go save the Sunny while Zoro and Kin'emon stayed behind at the Corrida Colosseum. People hated what Oda did with him in Fishman Island (the whole nosebleed) and the same type of complaints have persisted. Law informed Sanji about Zoro's condition but quickly left the scene, leaving Sanji to wrap Zoro in bandages and carry him while fighting the Beasts Pirates. [143], Eventually, Sanji and the chefs successfully completed the cake. While the Fish-Man Island citizens instantly concluded this as a Mermaid Princess kidnapping, Chopper yelled at Sanji to not turn around or else he would get another nosebleed and would truly die. During the G-8 Arc, he infiltrates as a Marine cook, wearing a white cook uniform, a blue scarf on his neck, and a white chef hat. 4 Anime Action Figure. [105], As Sanji approached Luffy, he further insulted the latter before kicking him in the face. As Sanji defended himself, he expressed concern when he saw his family restrained and held at gunpoint. Residence: Accepting Bege's words, Sanji left the cake in his hands. They later got in touch with Kin'emon and they reunited with Luffy at the ruins of Oden Castle. The Straw Hats returned to the Thousand Sunny, but found out that the timer was a ruse in order to allow Carina to take control of Gran Tesoro. After finishing the second wedding cake, Sanji disguised himself as one of the WCI 31 chefs by wearing a chef hat and a rag. The Straw Hats talked to Olga and found out she was from the lost island of Alchemi, and could lead them to an extremely valuable treasure known as Pure Gold. Before they could escape, Sanji, Luffy, and the Vinsmoke Family were subdued by the Charlotte Family. Post-time skip Sanji just yells and cries all the time. Camie stole the royal gondola and transports the Straw Hats to the town port, where most humans on the island should be. Prince" (Mr. , Misut Purinsu? 177 cm (5'9") (debut)[17]180 cm (5'10") (after timeskip)[14][15] Sanji tried to pursue Kanjuro but stopped when the latter conjured an ink cloud that rained down ink arrows. [114], Sanji still refused to leave the island due to his concern for the Baratie chefs and the Straw Hats. During their fight, the two traded both physical and verbal blows, with Sanji continually refusing to recognize his former family and even states he does not care what happens to them when Big Mom punishes them for his refusal. Also momentarily, he wears an extravagant panda costume designed by Usopp. At first Sanji protested, but Nami was firm in her decision. Reiju also said that even though Pudding's last name would not change upon marriage, Sanji would still be able to live a happy life with her if she likes him. As they were walking, each of them managed to step over Kin'emon's frozen body until Zoro noticed him laying there. As they worked to repair the Sunny, they later reunited with Luffy, who was traveling with Olga's father Myskina Acier. Sanji followed him out of concern for his bad sense of direction. Episode 516, titled "Luffy's Training Commences - 2 Years From Now at the Promised Place", premiered on September 25, 2011 as the final episode of Season 14. Franky told Sanji not to lead the Big Mom Pirates closer to Dressrosa or else Thunder Soldier's rebellion would be ruined. He then congratulated Chopper for holding out so long against the Brachiosaurus before lightly chastising him for believing the recent announcement of Luffy's defeat. In the Wano Country Arc, Sanji was given a yellow and white stripped yukata by Kin'emon with a top knot the same as Luffy and Zoro. As Big Mom prepared to attack again, Nami diverted Zeus' attention by using thunderclouds, causing the cloud homie to veer off-course and drop Big Mom. [189] As they continued on, Sanji was still frustrated with having to keep Luffy from engaging in pointless fights. Later, the Ammo Knights arrived to arrest him and Chopper because of Madam Shyarly's prediction and because of the false accusation for mermaid kidnappings. Sanji then carried Luffy again after the latter declared that he would defeat Big Mom after taking down Kaidou. Unfazed by Gotti's threats, Sanji repeated his earlier order (this time, directed at both Vito and Gotti) to leave, which enraged Gotti further. During his battle with Queen, when his dormant genetic modifications awakened, Sanji's eyebrows switched to curling in the same direction as his siblings' (i.e. Sanji remarked on how confusing it is coming from them. After Luffy pummeled Decken into the ground, he checked on Sanji, who reverted to his normal state. [218], A week later, after Luffy and Zoro awoke, most of the crew gathered in the Shogun's castle. [137] As Sanji and the chefs worked on making the cake, they heard a commotion outside the factory but remained focused on their task. While Sanji was distracted by Judge's comments, Judge then had Reiju cuff Sanji with exploding wristlets (the keys to which are in Big Mom's possession), threatening Sanji's most valued assets (his hands) in order to ensure his compliance with the approaching wedding. Tesoro managed to capture Zoro and gave the Straw Hats until 12:00 the next night to repay their debt, or else he would kill Zoro. Later, he dons the raid suit that was given to him by his family, which gives Sanji a presumably black Germa outfit and cape with the number 3 on it, as well as jet-propelled boots. [171], When news of Tonoyasu's capture was revealed, Sanji and his group gathered to see him being shown on a broadcast. When they reached the edge of a cliff, they encountered the yetis and got shot at with KYP gas, knocking them out and sending them falling off the cliff towards an icicle trap. Perona aided the trio by fending off the Marines with her Negative Hollow. As they were running away, Law used his ability to rearrange the personalities of the Straw Hat Pirates, putting Sanji in Nami's body and Chopper in Sanji's body. Upon going incognito into Acacia, he wore a black double breasted suit, with a white shirt with the top button undone. [216] Raizo and Jinbe sent torrents of water throughout the castle, extinguishing the fires. Several Big Mom Pirates caught up to their captain and clashed with the Sanji Retrieval Team. He then asked what would happen if the payment is not made and Tamago explained that the island would be destroyed if the candy is not given. The okamas then gave Sanji a ride back to Sabaody Archipelago. Furious at this revelation and the fact that he had accused himself of breaking his most important principle, Sanji then combined his genetic modifications with his Armament Haki to develop a stronger variant of his Diable Jambe technique, Ifrit Jambe. Stomping on his face to revive him, Sanji pulled him out of the ground asking if he's alright. With Luffy and Zoro, Sanji completes the Straw Hats' deadly trio, even if he is generally regarded as the weakest of the crew's strongest members. It increased to 177,000,000 after the Dressrosa Arc, but the condition of his bounty was changed to Only Alive due to his biological father's interference. Unlike Luffy and Zoro, he didn't need to have this skill. Sanji then took off his clothes and jumped into the lake to search for Kin'emon's torso. [60], After Law contacted Doflamingo to inform him that they would bring Caesar to Green Bit, Sanji was concerned about how many men Doflamingo would bring with him, but Law told him that would not be an issue. After getting past a few security guards, Team B entered a hallway that led to the staircase to the Hyper Suite Room, but the hall was guarded by owls with spotlights beaming from their eyes. After Franky assured Sanji that Nami will be fine with Brook and Chopper with her, Sanji saw a video broadcast from the Corrida Colosseum, which showed Luffy (as Lucy) participating in the tournament. During a conversation with Rayleigh, Sanji commented that Monkey D. Luffy must have gotten stronger training under the first mate of the Pirate King. [56], After the party ended, the Straw Hats left with Law, Kin'emon, and Momonosuke as Tashigi and her men took the children away from Punk Hazard. After the two-year timeskip, Sanji took to wearing orange, which represents warmth and passion (possibly invoking his fire powers through "Hell Memories"). Epithet: Kid then goaded Luffy and Law into taking their ships over the Climbing Koi Waterfall. Sanji spectated and cheered while they were wrestling. Following that, Sanji doesn't really have a focused fight post-TS so it's unfair to say he's "so-and-so strong" because most of his Post Timeskip feats have played up more who Sanji is as opposed to how powerful he is. After hearing Caesar's explanation, Sanji told him that he deserved what was coming. Violet gave Sanji a map to the factory, under the guise of a toy house. He and Franky stayed behind to hold off their pursuers. [30], While Sanji's eyes usually seem black, he was depicted with grey-blue eyes in the anime at the beginning of Thriller Bark Arc. However, Luffy managed to defeat Tesoro, freeing everyone on Gran Tesoro from his control, and they rejoiced. [101], As Sanji stared at the Germa soldiers, Yonji explained to him about their father's past partnership with Vegapunk, the research they were conducting, and that the soldiers are actually cloned humans. 4Kids English VA: Interestingly enough, the Straw Hats' chef names most of his attacks based on food ingredients or cooking procedures in French. [127], After Bege transformed into Big Father, Sanji gestured to his father to get inside. [35] While Sanji's group went looking for Kin'emon, Chopper (in Sanji's body) discovered that the children were being drugged and experimented on. They read that the paper also explained about Luffy and Law's alliance and the alliance between Kid, Hawkins, and Apoo. After Hody finished, Sanji stated that the New Fish-Man Pirates were trying to pick a fight and Luffy resolved to fight Hody. Caesar begged Sanji to protect him from the Big Mom Pirates again, but Sanji said they did not need him anymore and asked why Big Mom wanted him anyway. Sanji sat in sullen silence in the back of the carriage between Niji and Yonji. They went to a diner with Carina, who revealed to them that a massive portion of Tesoro's wealth was contained in the Hyper Suite Room near the top of the hotel, which they could steal to repay their debt. After getting disguises so no one would recognize them from the newspaper, the group headed to a restaurant to grab a bite to eat. Sanji and his group were later forced to jump off King Baum when Prometheus attacked and burned King Baum for his betrayal. Odex English VA: As the Sunny passed by Judge's castle, Sanji listened as Judge asked Luffy why he risked his life to rescue Sanji. [148], Upon seeing Luffy after Pekoms exited the Mirro-World with him and a captured Brle, Sanji reported to the group on the Thousand Sunny. [221] Afterwards, Yamato talked with Luffy and the others about staying in Wano instead of joining the crew, which left Sanji brokenhearted. Official English Name: [142], On the way to the Thousand Sunny, Sanji and Bege had an argument on what to do with the cake with Sanji claiming that his special ingredient would stop Big Mom.