He is strategic in his thinking and sensible in implementation. d. You are too afraid of taking risks on a creative solution. As a manager, it is your responsibility to appreciate employees who help foster a creative environment and approach employees who have trouble doing so. Strategic Planning: Exceeds Expectations Phrases. They are more effective and profitable post-intervention. There's a lack of planning in how you managed and delivered on priorities. Your team members respect and appreciate you. I am strategic in my thinking and has a way of presenting my thinking so that it engages all stakeholders and engenders commitment. g. You acknowledge accomplishments and recognize employees fairly., a. He is also very strategic in his thinking. Here are some sample employee evaluation comments that you can refer to while conducting the next appraisal review. b. c. "You should collaborate with others more to come up with solutions together.". ". Tim was promoted to the global role a year later and was ultimately better equipped to navigate the role. We feel there's a need for you to improve your relationships with others. Many sample performance appraisals seen in various industries define Leadership as follows: Leads effectively by providing appropriate feedback and direction to staff. - use of imagination. b. c. "Your positive attitude to your work encourages others to perform well too." c. His creative skills are an asset to the team. d. "She is a detail-oriented individual, which reflects positively in her work." Check them out and get the evaluation and then let him know what you think. In X duration, L&D penetration in my team is at Y%. Performance Review Phrases for Training Skills Part 1 Performance Review Phrases for Attitude Part 2 Performance Review Phrases for Critical Thinking Part 3 Performance Review Examples: Additional Resources Part 4 Performance evaluation comments are a way to provide feedback to employees about their work performance. e. You exceed expectations when working solo, but you seem to have trouble expressing ideas and opinions in a team.. I have the unique ability to not only think strategically, but also knows how to operationalize those strategic thoughts. John's also strategic and able to look ahead to how things will be, not just how they are. John is strategic in his thinking and always comes up with new ideas. Similarly, it gives you a way to encourage those who aren't being able to manage their time. I am excellent at thinking strategically and following through with plans. In short, effective review phrases can improve an employees performance and help them progress. Sets realistic work demands and a fair distribution of assignments. They brainstorm ideas in order to arrive at a decision and generate these ideas together. 27. 5. Focuses on measurable outcomes, sets incremental milestone targets, and celebrates victories and successes along the way. John's unique way of strategic thinking is what sets him apart from so many others. Ask yourself: Do people know where I stand? If not, what do you need to do to bring your perspective to the table? Does not settle for average performance but strives for excellence. d. He rarely comes up with concrete solutions that will help the team complete the project. 2. All performance feedback phrases for critical thinking: 100+ Performance Evaluation Comments for Attitude, Training Ability, Critical Thinking. There is even confusion among business and management experts. One in five employees isn't confident that their managers will provide regular, constructive feedback. Strategic Planning is organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations while guaranteeing that employees and other stakeholders are working towards common goals. Tim channeled the new energy and vision he had gained into a strategic planning process that culminated in formal recommendations for the supply chain group. " Your team consistently meets their goals often exceeding expectations. He is strategic in his thinking, his recommendations have always been in my best interests. I am an exceptional leader, who thinks and acts strategically. He is very good both at strategic thinking and at getting things done on the ground. Is making a strong effort to acquire greater experience and skills to increase potential for advancement. Time management appraisal comments can enable you to appreciate the ones who are managing effectively. John will do what is necessary to accomplish strategic objectives. 46. 39. However, strategic thinking is different. We witnessed a lack of transparency and accountability in how you functioned. Having greater clarity of vision also enhanced Tims effectiveness as a supervisor. Creativity. He was therefore surprised to receive informal feedback from the head of HR, a longtime colleague and friend, who said that a few influential executives had voiced concern that Tim wasnt strategic enough. These executives felt Tim was good at keeping the trains running, but he had not driven proactive change in the organization or set a strategic vision for supply chain. =strategic management - involves building and allocating resources both to meet the needs of today and to fulfill the vision of the future.-competencies - characteristics associated with successful performance. When applied in an organizational strategic management process, strategic thinking involves the generation and application of unique business insights and opportunities intended to create competitive advantage for a firm . I effectively communicate with all levels of our organization by maintaining contact with department heads and corporate meetings consistently. When given the opportunity he is capable of strategic thinking. Abigail inaccurately conducts needs assessments when developing long-range plans. Tim Waters (not his real name), vice president of the U.S. supply chain for a growing medical products company, hoped to be named global senior vice president of supply chain but sensed that his promotion discussions were stalled. If you are looking for someone to help you strategize your way to success, he's the guy. I am highly strategic, quick to see opportunities, and thinks big. We found our company to be very strong in strategic thinking and leadership. Keep an eye out for the following AMA Playbook blog posts coming your way soon that highlight how to set the performance bar higher for these key performance review competencies:Communication, Teamwork, andCreativity/Innovation. Here are a few employee performance appraisal comments to stir innovation and creativity: a. He thinks strategically, but also just gets on and gets the job done. 70. e. She often creates a communication gap and withholds information from her subordinates. You get frustrated with new hires easily and dont coach them properly. I am capable of both having a strategic approach and at the same time translate the strategic thinking into actions. 2. by Nina A. I am very forward thinking and uses that to my advantage for making strategic decisions for my department. You deliver urgent work without compromising on the details. d. You have a unique imagination and have come up with some of the most creative ideas weve ever seen., a. Strategies are often internal and direct operations with specific objectives, and this differs slightly from the vision that guides the company's actions but doesn't provide specific steps. John has always been ahead of the curve, he is proactive and very strategic. All employees can assess their strengths and weaknesses, evaluate themselves and find relevant strategic thinking self-review comments that supervisors would like to see in self-appraisal form. 4. Challenge #1 - Extrapolating from Today: Romano stressed the futility of imagining a car charging model by extrapolating from the current auto fueling one. Is capable of distinguished performance in a higher-level position. c. "You schedule your time off in advance and can be relied upon for completing your tasks on time.". Supports our organizations strategic plan and ensures that business practices are consistent with our mission. Here are a few overall performance review comments to discuss employees' creativity. Tim communicated the project and its milestones across the organization, allowing the executive team to see that he could lead a strategic initiative; previously, Tim would have kept it behind the scenes. Serves as a model of cooperation, sharing, and goodwill. I am strategically strong and has the ability to push thinking forward. Positive self appraisal comments. By asking yourself, Do people know where I stand? you can sharpen your ability to demonstrate this skill. While interpersonal skills come naturally to some people, for others, they can be cultivated with experience and knowledge. b. John is also an innovator and very strategic in his thinking. I am one of those people who just "get it" in regards to thinking strategically and outside the box. Can handle bigger projects and assignments6. And he is one of the few who strategizes for the first of its kind deals. Focuses team on not getting bogged down in analysis paralysis. He gets things done and looking back his strategic insight was superb. Constructive feedback is a delicate balance between both. For more insights and business strategies,sign upfor our free leadership newsletter. Many people conflate these two concepts. d. "He needs to focus more on the details and nitty-gritty before handing over a project." In order to ensure collaboration, you need a healthy team environment. Patience. e. He maintains a culture of transparency and knowledge-sharing across all levels in your department. In other words, about where you would like to be as an organization and how you get there, Dissecting strategic thinking versus strategic planning: Dynamic rather than static; Flexible rather than rigid Defines, delegates, and directs work in a flexible manner. Strategic-thinking in the workplace is the ability to make business decisions by analyzing current and future scenarios. If you were assigned a new project, what are the steps you would take to get the project moving and on track? A wholesome appraisal process will consist of both positive and negative appraisal comments. Rachel lacks analytical skills to become a good strategic planner. Strategic Planning is a technical fix that gets at only part of the question of organizational effectiveness and only deals with some of the dilemmas of organizations. One significant benefit of strategic planning is that it creates a single, forward-focused vision that can align your company and its shareholders. 2 (1979): 8-14. vision and strategic thinking appraisal comments. Showing strategic thinking skills tells your bosses that youre able to think for yourself and make decisions that position the organization for the future. To suspend critical judgment in an effort to think more creatively, Liedtka proposes a strategic thinking model of interrelated attributes: 1. Define Future Goals. John took us all to another level of strategic thinking. d. You cant explain the goals and objectives of a task clearly to an employee. I have unique strategic thinking abilities that go beyond conventional approaches. The thing to be admired most in him, is his learning ability and strategic thinking. John's thinking is always strategic, open-minded, and well presented. Can you describe the techniques or methods that you have used to develop a strategic plan for your company or department? In corporates, both big and small, where pressure is insurmountable, employees often have a hard time finishing work in time. Time Management appraisal comment samples. He challenges him to think outside of the box, to look beyond the now and to think strategically. Working with him is exciting because he truly thinks strategically and moves fast. And strategy lays out the goals, big themes of work, and go-to-market approach that will help you achieve both the vision and mission. "You communicate your ideas and vision clearly so others can understand it easily and quickly." b. Adheres consistently to safety standards and all company policies and protocols. c. You often come late to the office, causing scheduled meetings to start late. Companies hire employees with a strategic mindset to help achieve long-term business goals. You are a great team player. Here are some critical appraisal comments for leaders and managers. Start by acknowledging your shortcomings and explain that you want to address them. I am always thinking "big picture" and how we can meet strategic objectives. Excellent - Exceeds expectation often. Is that all youre truly expecting from your organizational leaders in terms of shepherding your companys employees to greater victories and success? 306 Followers. Analysis of strategic thinking reveals common themes about the interconnectedness of ideas and a regard to new possibilities. 6. He thinks ahead, he thinks strategically, and he has a way of getting people to join him in doing so. So, how should a manager comment on the performance appraisal process? He is the author of a number of AMACOM and SHRM bestselling books, four of which made SHRM's prestigious "Great 8" list: 96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire, 101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems, 101 Tough Conversations to Have with Employees, and 2,600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews. Vision . Milestones have all a concrete time and moment. Strategic thinkers do not ignore that achievement is a long-term ride. If so, then try ratcheting up your expectations using some or all of the following samples . They are constantly guiding others to progress and advance. Focusing too much on positive comments makes employees feel like they have nothing more to improve on. c. You do not encourage your team to find creative solutions. I am strategic, but when it comes to getting things done, things get done. Take the initiative on new projects that show how your understanding extends beyond your current function. Raising the bar in terms of performance expectations isnt as hard as most employers think. Ensures that he surpasses goals and not just meeting them. Create a peer to peer review using performance evaluation phrases, Create a LinkedIn recommendation using right phrases to profile, Make a job-worthy resume summary that gets you hired faster, Build your personalized self-assessment comments, Build an interview questions list that can facilitate you, Create a CV summary using right phrases to resume, Create your job performance self-review using self-evaluation phrases, Questions that can assist you in your job search or the hiring process, Strategic Planner Self-Evaluation Example Phrases, Comments List For Structural Designer Self-Appraisal, Strategic Consultant: Self-Assessment Feedback Comments, Top Self-Appraisal Comments About Student Advisor, Positive Stage Hand Self-Evaluation Phrases, Supply Manager Self-Review Example Comments, The Best Staffing Recruiter Self-Evaluation Examples, Support Engineer Phrases For Your Self-Review, Job Performance: Self-Appraisal Comments For Staff Engineer, Support Manager Self-Evaluation Performance Review Examples, Self-Appraisal Form: Good Staff Attorney Words For Your, An Employee Self-Assessment Phrases For Support Specialist, Interview Questions Strategic Thinking Phrases, Linkedin Recommendation Strategic Thinking Phrases, Performance Review Strategic Thinking Phrases. Simbline can help you write a self-evaluation performance review using phrases prepared for you. Try to use these positive, negative and strategic thinking evaluation phrases and examples to write a performance appraisal feedback. The 5 Levels of Strategic Orientation. She delays her responses to clients without giving them any reason for her delay. His strategic and conceptual thinking capability is outstanding. It assures them that you arent making decisions in a vacuum but are considering how other departments might be affected or how the outside world will respond. c. "The quality of your work has been unsatisfactory lately." John is very knowledgeable, forward thinking, strategic and accessible. He is also very strategic in his thinking. It also bridges the gap between departments and makes everyone more productive. 67. 2023 American Management Association. "You have displayed a highly consistent level of performance in your work." But not all employees are natural-born team players. There are three key benefits to having a clearly defined and focused vision. . He's always been very clear and strategic about the needs of his assignment. Proactivity appraisal comment samples. With regard to strategic thinking, he is very knowledgeable about the strategic approach. a. Strategic planning is the process of developing a blueprint for the work you will do against that direction. What is Strategic Thinking? When thinking strategically, much more emphasis is given to the long-term goal. John's great strength is that he thinks strategically and has the ability to articulate that strategic thinking in simple terms. John is very strategic in his thinking. A good vision will draw you forward, and define the larger undertaking that drives your activities. Strategic Planning: Use these sample phrases to craft meaningful performance evaluations, drive change and motivate your workforce. . Mission captures at a high level what you will do to realize your vision. d. He replies to emails and calls in time., a. John makes things happen and gets things done both strategically and tactically. Strives to provide open-book leadership so that team members understand the financial and operational drivers of organizational success. For any factor, performance comments should support the rating given. In his book Fifteen Things Common to Great Achievers, author Israelmore Ayivor shared, "A dream is the frame or portrait or a construction or focus of one's vision by means of perception, based on what he or she knows and settles within via strategic thinking." In strategic planning, leaders gather data and decide on the path the organization will take to achieve its goals. c. She provides employees with the resources and training required to fulfill a responsibility. I am creative and forward-thinking and as a strategic thinking leader, is second to none in my experience. I am great at strategic thinking and knows harvesting ideas from different functions. d. "You play favorites and are biased in your judgments." He took time to package his ideas into a vision for the organization and engaged his peers in new discussions about how the vision could impact their areas. Strategic thinking is an intentional process easily lost amid the pressures of operational decision-making and tactical leadership. Uncategorized. John is both strategic thinking and practice. On the other hand, feedback that mostly dwells on negative aspects of one's performance can make employees feel unappreciated. Creates internal competition by forming teams tasked with identifying viable solutions to ongoing quality challenges. In this role you really get to see his instincts and strategic thinking in action. Ensures that new hires work their plan and plan their work consistently on a day-in, day-out basis. It combines the highest quality content with a unique des. The examples listed here are designed to spark some ideas and get you thinking about how to approach performance reviews for your team members. I am the one who has strategic thinking together with ability to improve and make a better change. Regular appraisal and evaluation of an employees performance can help them get clarity of their actions. "He is regarded as highly credible by those working with him." 47. I have improved my thinking about the big strategic questions we face. Six common components include: 1) tools for analysis; 2) strategic purpose; 3) values; 4) vision; 5) key goals; and 6) action planning. The performance review comments listed below are simple, descriptive and effective to help in putting the right message across in every situation. d. Your willingness to listen to others and understand their point of view is highly appreciated by your peers. 1. His commitment, strategic thinking and dedication has always been outstanding. You ought to provide a diverse customer experience., A much-required skill, its importance becomes more prevalent among higher authority employees.