It would be a good idea for a person to sit back and reflect on how their job makes them feel. I have Hebe,adonis,aphodite tightly conjuct my mc in 10th house and Eros conjuct sun in 10th house and juno,cupido,sappho,vertex,Alma,nymphe, lysis,innanen,Medusa in 7th house and Mars ,Uranus ,moon ,nepchun ,Zeus ,Hera,Lilith in 1 st house also sttellium in 1 st house can you please tell me what that means?? Aphrodite's Own . Aphrodite Asteroid (1388) in earth signs might give you a natural charm and people might tell you look very good natural. They may have a bit of an edge about them, as well. She will be very lovely, herself, as well, and will have a reputation for being beautiful. I dont use Hebe. It is different, but it would be beauty, too, Steven. The 10th house rules your career, social status, authority figures, and life path. Amor in 4th or 10th house in composite chart: Your ideal love supports you both in building a core life structure together, whether home, family or business. Any planet transiting here affects you on a very personal level whether its your sense f self, experiences, feelings, or external events. these arent fixed signs but cancer in the 9th gives me mother mary vibes lol. above all this is just for fun. leo mars: might not like when people touch their hair, certain people like hairstylists may be excepted. Maybe it is part of my selfidentification? - Intellectual stimulation as a flirting technique. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. Looking to the schema, note that the 9th house, opposite the 3rd house, is the rejoicing place of the Sun and it is called God. Venus hesitated and glanced over her shoulder at her ex-roommate. in the 1st house, 5th house, 8th House, 10th house, aspecting Mars, Venus, Pluto or Neptune. DD, Diandra and l have been pretty obsessed about these asteroids lately and l was wondering where everyone has these asects in their synastry's and how they manifest. People with harsh Pluto aspects have a deep and longlasting effect on people which can make people less likely to get over what they did. their detachment makes them look more attractive In a birth chart, the cusp of the 10th house . Juno in the 8st House. People seem to like Part One, so I will do a Part Two! Potent tie. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Are they all within 2deg? MC (Aries) trine mars,pluto and chiron, and square eros See more. I didn`t dare to mention those. Tenth House governs career, father, mother-in-law, boss, leadership roles and work place. I can tell you from the top of my head where those asteroids are in my natal chart. Mars Conjunct the MC Take care ~, My solar return chart of 2025, i feel like im gonna get popular, BUT HOW EXACTLY??? Aphrodite: 03 Aquarius in my tropical 2nd houseA DESERTER FROM THE NAVY. Hello!! I have an exact Ceres/Lilith/Aphrodite conjunction in 1st House squaring my Venus/Eros conjunction. I am not yet sure how to interprete Anteros. Homer (ca. Aquarius Aphrodite in 10H (Conjunct Uranus, Trine Saturn, Square Asc). 763 -- Cupido -- The look of love, aware of image, being tantalized by the reflection, seeing is exciting or foreboding. 2)his Eros in my 3rd house opposite his Mars / Jupiter / Amor in 9th house: 3)his Psyche in my 2nd house:conjuncts my Psyche / Lilith. geminis are fast, agile, also able to source information, devious, double agent like, quick thinkers. & if youre not a libra rising, you can also apply this logic if you dont have much of your rising signs physical traits. Listed as a minor planet, Medusa is commonly classed as an asteroidnumber 149 to be . Apollo, Union, Adonis (and Sappho widely) are conjunct in Libra in 10th house; the stellium sextiles my Sun and MErcury and trines my Psyche and Lilith. They need to feel a part of society, to feel recognised and acknowledged by the people. they take their spiritual life seriously. 9. . Thank you. 11th House Taurus: Venus: If Venus is lord of the 10th, or in the 10th house and dignified or received, it is an indicaton that the native enjoys great popularity and public praise and is favored by superiors for advancement.Frequently talent in the arts, particularly in music is present. Is it only me, or do these Sabians have a common theme? I have Aura in Libra and in the 10th house, it semi-squares my sun, opposes my venus and semi-squares my mars, what do you think this could mean? But I will only list conjunctions, oppositions and trines. Go forth down new roads and be the iconic pioneer you're capable of. her parents were childhood friends- her mom has an aquarius venus which can be a friends to lovers type of placement. Would that mean too much beauty or superficiality? Are you planning to move, enhance, or renovate your place? "", Nope, it's not just you. I mean, cappy. This is an introspective, reserved, spiritual house. Others feel at ease in your presence because you're fun to be around, that's how you conquer them, - The general public enjoys your youthful aura and people find themselves agreeing with you quite often, - People might praise you a lot (they might talk about you quite often), - You might search for hints that someone likes you before showing any true interest them, - You might be quite flirty with everyone, - Suitors are career oriented, famous/popular, social. 1388 -- Aphrodite -- Impulsive love and attraction, love inspired by fated events, animosity turning to magnetism, charisma, my gosh, so much info! These people should never work in the service industry because bumping into that many people can be too much for them since they absorb peoples energies. - funny coincidence; when I was almost 2 years old, I drowned in a swimmingpool and almost died. Mark Cartwright (CC BY-NC-SA) Aphrodite was the ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, desire, and all aspects of sexuality. Power is very sexy. Attractive Placements in the birth chart , Venus in Fire Signs: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo; they can love with a very very very big passion and excitement, their motto in my opinion will be "We did this but at least, we had fun". Internally. This correlation was part of a system where each planet was the joy of a particular house and the name of the house was connected to the planet that rejoiced therein. Pluto will be debuting in Aquarius and your 10th house of authority on March 23, bringing a pivotal prelude of what's to come. Cancer placements/Moon 1st housers might want to live close to their parents. Mercury in 12th house will make you less communicative with others, very shy and secretive in communication, while you will get into an isolation mode. i remember winning bingo like 5 times in one round and people started getting annoyed lol. I hope I can do this in my articles. Scorpio is the sister sign of Taurus (rules the throat, neck and chin), so expect that these people can also gain money from their voice or have a beautiful voice. They might even try to impress you with their money and possessions, Thank you so much for your patience, I hope this resonated! Im picking : However, I agree, it is very time consuming to do all these analysises. Aphrodite's greatest weaknesses were her vanity, jealousy, and hate of anyone considered more beautiful than herself. you could be attracted to confidence, the way a person carries themselves. some of your attractive traits & qualities. The dynamics found here show how you fulfill, over time, your destiny to . Love of life is expressed by creating scenes where the senses are tantalized, teased and satisfied. Apollo Trine Sun This clearly was the catalyst behind Lancome dropping her after 14 years; due to her declining beauty. 3.Apollo Conjunct the Ascendant The twelve astrological houses are the stage on which your life unfolds. They could foreshadow career advancement, a change in your life path, or dealings with someone in a position of authority. Three-bedroom house in Aphrodite Hills, Paphos with built area of 153 sqm. In Roman mythology, she was known as Venus. They can look concerned or worried. genuinely enjoy the finer things in life's purpose; build your dream" Pluto conjunct my Asc 5 degrees. Capricorn in 2nd house - these people tend to value status. - In the love department you might be a hopeless romantic, - Suitors are beautiful/handsome, affectionate and flirty. able to move around quietly. His Valentine in Scorpio in my 11th house conjunct 12th house cusp:trine my Saturn in Cancer in 8th (2,5)trine my Eros in Cancer in 8th (1)trine my Juno in Pisces in 3rd (2,5)trine my dr Valentine in Pisces in 3rd (2)trine my dr Amor in Pisces in 3rd (2). Commuting between that and Chiron.Registered: Feb 2013. Hades, even though one of the more humble of the Gods when he wanted something he made sure he got it. She's punished by Athena, the god that Medusa works for, because it occurs in her temple. Bella sextile moon and neptune opposite saturn Chart Calculation. My brother who is a Libra is easily influenced by his friends. Either Medusa is overcome by Neptune and gives in to temptation, or she's raped by Neptune. Posts: 1419From: Neptune with Faith, Bella, Muddy and Doux. If they don't feel recognition, it can result in moodiness . lol aphrodite in pisces conjunct venus and ascendent in 1st, and my venus is exalted whatever that actually means (it doesn't sounds like a bad thing to have though) word! I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. fixed signs in the 9th house: may be religious. Adonis trine lilith, uranus and mercury and sextile mars I noticed having a Chiron in your 1st house can affect your communication with other people, since Chiron is our deepest wound and trauma, having it sit in your 1st house which is the house of "appearance", you tend to be conscious on how you appear to other people. others may love your personality, your perspective of life, and think you have a beautiful body. - His SApprho conj my Psyche:he feels very passionated and attracted when i show him our psysich/intuitive conection, - my VX/DC conj his Aprhodite:it was fated in double:fated to meet me as a partner with impulsive love and attraction. - Jonnhys Apollo conj his AC- Adonis conj his Sun/Psych/Merc- Cupid conj his Saturn/Pluto- Sapprho conj his 5thcusp- Aphrodit its in his 9th,opose his Sun tight- Pan is exact conj his Kiron- Anteros is conj his Valentine.opose his VX, - My ANteros is conj my Pluto.trine my NN- Adonis is conj my Pluto- Cupid is conj my Neptune/IC- Sapprho is in my 8th,conj my Osiris- Aphrpdite is conj my Isis/MC- Pan is exact trine my VX and Jup- Apollo is conj my Sun, - His Psych/Adonis/Cupid falls in my 1st:my bf feels very attracted to my way of appearing and also awakes my soul in an intuitive way, - My Anteros conj his Sat/PLut/Cupid , falling in his 4th house: my loves longing i find in his deepest core and home.Feel my love returned through his commitment,intensity and himself. They have to spell things out for you if they're into you, to communicate their feelings to you, - You might be the last one to find out someone has feelings for you, - Your limbs and hair might stand out somehow (maybe you have tattoos on your hands, arms, legs, etc), - Your image and your presence will help you achieve your goals. might like to wear revealing clothing to rebel, Aphrodite conjunct mc at pisces, 1 degree, and opposites saturn. You have an obsessive need to find out the truth and go deep into any situation. My dad rescued me. Jealous of people who might be richer than them. Love, This house corresponds to Capricorn and its planetary ruler, Saturn. how about Urania as asteroid for astrology? Aquarius reminds me a lot of Taurus, but less sensual. "I want to welcome you to my website. . 433 -- Eros -- Erotic love, sexual or creative revelation that brings two people together to form a lasting transformation. APHRODITE was the Olympian goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation. Of course, it's you as a big fish in a small pond, too, like a prominent member of your small town. If an auspicious planet occupies this house . The Tenth House in astrology reveals your energetic disposition to goals, achievements, and success. However, according to Homer, in Iliad, Aphrodite may instead be the . others may like your family/being around them, the idea of starting a family with you, your warm and nurturing personality. you could be attracted to well kept or veiny hands, people with vehicles like luxurious cars or motorcycles. The story is told one of two ways. Send enquiry. venus in the 3rd house: you may like the way you think/your way of applying logic and processing information. Not a place for high energy and action, but one for dreams, inspiration, diving into the subconscious, and recharging. Hii love,how are you? I will have a look at some synastries later on. People with Juno(3) conjunct Sun or Ascendant are very loyal friends. Aphrodite's cabin has a painted roof, with pillars and a blue-and-white checkerboard deck with steps and gray walls. Here's some astro observations again. People with this placement are thus likely to attract good luck and karma throughout their professional journey. Thoughts on Aquarius aphrodite in 10h trine Saturn, conjunct Uranus, and square asc? Ive seen it so many times. venus in the 1st house: you might really love your self and be an advocate for self love. A lot of them started working early or had to be the caretaker of a sibling. Networking will be very beneficial for your chosen career, - Very expressive with your style (you either have the ability to make things look fashionable or have great style, so people might admire you for the way you dress and want to be like you), - The ethereal energy of Aphrodite mixed with Venus makes people think you're quite untouchable, - Your appearance and anything beauty related will bring you good fortune, - You might be drawn to art or creative endeavours, - I've seen this aspect in the charts of models, so that could be a career option for you, - Your self-esteem changes based on the way you look, - You try to find beauty in anything that surrounds you + you might spend money on things that complement your aesthetic, - Speaking of aesthetic, you might on the feminine side and anything you do might seem effortless to others. She's likely drawn to rich desserts . Lilith/True Lilith - Mars aspects (can have a very big appeal/high drive). Its the battle of the ego versus others, of autonomy versus dependency, of following ones path regardless of obstacles. I do charts for the people who want them. Its trine my Jupiter rx in virgo in the 1st and Juno Capricorn in the 5th far conjunct 6th! His realm is a place of freedom from the pain of the world and his Queen, Persephone offers rebirth and a blessed afterlife. It feels all over the place. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000
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