Do not call Bulgaria to war yet, focus on defeating Turkey first. 1: Stay non-aligned (you can form any kingdom of your choice). Then once Togo revolts they'll join The Allies (since they revolted against your ally). Vichy France is guaranteed by Germany. Another good option is to join Allies then paradrop from Sardegna into Sicily and occupy Palermo. In the meantime start going down the economic path of the tree. During your war with the Soviets, Germany will declare war on the Soviets as well. As Germany, capitulate the Soviet Union without taking Stalingrad. A civil war is gonna be more difficult late game tho since the other side might call in a major power due to WT. When the justification is finished, declare war on the Philippines which will automatically draw in the US as they are a puppet. Build up forces while you wait for Barbarossa. just ask control italy for control over paris then you get the event of what to do with capitulated france. Invade Belgium, joining the Axis and getting German help if necessary. 2019,, Play Do the whole left side of communist focus tree to get rid of debuffs (up to "Crush the Forest Brothers" and "Realign the Paramilitarists"). How to use nukes in Hearts of Iron 4 In order to deploy a nuke in Hearts of Iron IV, ensure you meet the following criteria: You must have at least one bomb in your stockpile You must be at war. The US must control the state you drop the nuke in. This way you can guarantee Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan and you can join in the fight and invite them to your faction once the USSR declare war on them. Don't pick a focus yet. cigankole 5 hr. Once Non-aligned popularity is over 50% (you can make it faster by banning Democratic and Communist as well as Press Censorship and Anti-fascist Raids), take the Power to The King focus then immediately take the 3 focuses after it starting with Seek Papal Support. Regardless of what warlords accept, justify a Take Claimed State war goal on Communist China; then, garrison the large army you just trained across Nationalist China and any of the warlords who did not accept vassalization (do not garrison in Communist China if you got military access from them, as you can't directly declare war on a nation you have forces inside of). So you should have no problem pushing up from the Austrian territories (besides hitting the Czechoslovak forts at some point). This is a community maintained wiki. 4 Cave to the German, join the Axis and take your naval focuses. on Paradox technology, Legal In this case there are two majors on your side, France and Poland. Rush the fascist focuses. From the beginning build a couple of dockyards to increase your convoy production, and maybe some extra submarines too. Release Zaolzie as a puppet, Return land to Lithuania and release Ukraine and Belarus (not as puppets). When the war with the Soviets is over, either puppet or annex them. Attack the Monarchist (or both sides) before they can recover from the civil war. If you are lucky, a civil war in Germany might trigger in which case you can invite the rebel Germany to your faction. Major powers refer to ones with the highest number of factories, within the top 7 or 70% of the average of the top 7, updated monthly. If not enough air superiority, use your own interceptors or wait for the Allies. Join the war. I Captured the Bosporus and All I Got Was This Lousy Achievement. If the Soviets get Bessarabia, you won't be able to get it. does not have country flag: invalid_for_danzig_achievement Stage naval invasions from Wilhelmshaven to Hull and the provinces surrounding it (the British won't protect those as much; use the French navy + your navy to secure the Channel), and rush the provinces - capitulate the UK (as Poland is part of the Allies, you can take land from them in the Peace Deal, and then annex France through the puppet system (if you don't have , just annex France outright in the peace deal after they capitulate). The hardest part of the achievement is to enter Moscow before the Axis does. Set all of your military factories to produce infantry equipment and build more mils in all of your states (you need lots of guns for coups), Build a spy agency from the very start and make 5 improvements. Make advantageous pushes. But don't do this yet! (have between 48-72 good divisions). You need a decent war score because you gained cores on east Germany, you need your old cores and the eastern German provinces to get the achievement. So once you have 75 PP you can try again until Turkey does accept. Alternatively, elect the Fascist king, join the Axis, and help them in the Africa campaign. Can be done quite easily. So I did. Try to take Nationalist China (or whoever controls Beijing and Nanjing) last, because once you take those provinces and give them to your Collaboration Government, the event will fire allowing them to move their capital from Macau, thus preventing you getting the achievement. You can do this as soon as you have recruited your first operative but the more operatives you assign to establish a network in the same region, the faster the network will be at full strength. "Mainland" France includes Corsica. Don't develop any political branch in national focus tree. It is not required to have Joseph Stalin as the current leader. Conquered all core territory of China and Manchukuo not including the states of Hong Kong(326) , Macau (729) and Guangzhouwan (728). During the Peace Deal, focus on taking American land - the Axis will be mostly focused on Africa and Mainland Europe (if you didn't generate enough war score, take the coastal states + Alaska and Hawaii first, then the states bordering Canada and Mexico; then, take the rest of the inner states; if the Axis manage to make a puppet of the US with one of their cores, you should be strong enough to beat the Axis if you attack while they're dealing with the Soviets) - if you want to annex the US, you can puppet them using a non-core state and still take the decision. As for how to become a major, I believe it has to do with faction leader status, as well as factory count. You may want to build some extra dockyards. Refuse the Soviet's ultimatum and just hold the line for a while. Without massive losses to the Soviets, the German army will be quite big. Deleting all your units before the civil war and then deploying two units ahead of time outside of Riga and Daugavpils lets you end the war immediately with no casualties. This one requires one to be in the winning side against both Axis and Allies. Accept the call to arms and invite the rest of the Axis. As the United Kingdom, put Edward VIII in power, enforce an American monarchy, and have both it and Scotland as subjects. Alternatively play as Germany and play normally until you sea lion Britain. If they don't do so - start the game all over again. Can also be done as communist Yugoslavia. Do note that the UK and France can individually bail on the war when you complete the focus to attack Turkey even if they agreed at the convention, but it is still easy to beat Turkey with just one of them and is possible to beat them by yourself. Save up Political Power. Take the "King for our people" focus in order to put Mindaugas III on the throne and go straight to the "Support monarchist in Poland". Doing this achievement as one of these three countries also allows for it to be combined with True Blitzkrieg (and Operation Sea Lion if France joins Allies), Britzkrieg and Tour de France respectively since France must be conquered. Is a Collaboration Government You can only train 75% of the manpower currently on the field with a minimum of 100.00K. Keep going down the focus and complete Convene with The Grand Council. Then, justify and declare on Turkey - by this point, Turkey will only be guaranteed by you and Germany if historical is turned on, and as you are both faction members, the Germans won't answer their call to arms (do not answer any German call to arms against the Soviet Union until after Turkey is defeated). Simply go to war with the colonial powers and occupy enough territories in Africa to create 13 collaboration governments, which will count for the achievement once you complete the Towards African Unity focus. Best done by joining the Comintern, as the USSR will never take or puppet any land in China. Hearts of Iron IV has 171 different achievements, all using the Steam achievements mechanics. You can also play as Romania and go down the "Balkan Dominance" path. As France, have at least 150 Destroyers and research the maximum torpedo launcher technology, before 1945. number of bicycle battalions > 22 Scotland is a subject of The United Kingdom Repeat this invasion process for Belgium. If this occurs during the civil war, Gibraltar may not be given to the player's Spain but will be transferred once the civil war is won. As soon as you turn Fascist, justify on Bulgaria immediately. I composed the music for the Battle for the Bosphorus pack. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. By this point Shanxi and Xibei San Ma won't have enough divisions to cover the front line so you can walk around them. As the Soviet Union, activate 30 propaganda campaigns before 1945. This suggestion requires DLC, patch 1.6 or later, and to not have DLC. A naval invasion may help you reach Kenya before the Italians do. Help the axis capitulate the allies and Comintern, and grab South Georgia (an island off the coast of Argentina) from the British, and Georgia (a Soviet state in the Caucasus region) from the USSR. A great country to get this achievement with is by playing as France and forming the Little Entente with Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Poland, and the United Kingdom. After securing the Mediterranean, it can easily be done with a small 1944 strategic bomber fleet (without any escort) by taking control of the following provinces: Gibraltar (118), Azores (698), Bermuda (696). Unite Arabia with thirty camelry divisions. Take the focuses to exile any advisors you want to keep and if you want to keep Tukhachevsky you must start the civil war before he is killed in the second purge. You can do this as any nation, as long as you have camel units. Starting as a minor power, assume faction leadership of the Allies, the Axis, or the Comintern. Kick Tannu Tuva from your faction and justify a war goal against them. If you're unlucky and haven't reached 13 members yet after you revolted all of the French African provinces, go for the Belgian ones or the Portuguese (British is pointless, far too high compliance). Once you feel you have a comfortable position start taking supply hubs and surrounding divisions. Game Play button - Click the game Play button after choosing the video settings, DLC, and mods. Change the Advisor to Democratic as soon as that focus is taken. Alternatively, playing as the German Reich, you can defeat France and Britain and during the peace conference satellite all releasable nations from both of their territories. Conquer Belgium and Luxembourg as Netherlands. Wilhelm II must be your leader and he must not die before the focus is complete. Just don't do "Jah" or "The One Tru Heir of Solomon". . Once Finland is Fascist go for "Unite Our Nations" and around this time you should start justifying on Denmark. Would be nice if they just made it so nations that have fully capitulated (no more territory left) will be divided up and stop resisting as much. Once you defeat Turkey and restore Byzantium, you can start working on Romania, dig in on the Bulgarian border and let the Romanian troops destroy themselves in the offensive, then start pushing in. If you want more divisions, train your army and use the xp to make small 2 regiment cavalry divisions for fast capture of VP's. For more information, please see our Guess it all depends on if the US are still isolationist or turned into the current day World Police by that point. The difficulty of each achievement varies; some achievements are very easy (e.g. I composed the music for the Battle for the Bosphorus pack. Do not accept cooperation with Communist China until the Japanese are about to attack. Rush into Submarines III. Remember to build Infrastructure, Railroads and Supply Hubs, as Chinese supply is mostly atrocious. At this point you will get invitations from different candidates for the crown and you have to wait for Karl Albrecht I, the Habsburg claimant. hoi4 what to do when capitulate. Yes. As the U.S.A., Win against the Confederate States. Beware of Japan as they will likely attempt to attack and invade Indonesia so make sure to guard all ports and have some planes and ships to hold them off. As the U.S.A., have more than 300 military factories. Can be accomplished by having the law after capitulating and controlling no territory (e.g. After the civil war focus on getting more manpower and factories. Prepare to attack Britain with naval invasion. However, it must have a naval port. Near the end of 1937 (November/December) do the focus clamp down on Danzig and then continue down the monarchy path you've chosen. The Soviet have their hands full with the German and are reluctant to attack accross bad supply areas (as of patch 1.11), so keep pushing on Moscow through any gap you find and let the German clean up behind you. This requires you either to push Italy into the seas or to keep holding until the AI has had enough and offers you peace. Also you want to take the Foreign Affair branch until you reach Albanian Occupation to get Albania. Capitulate and puppet Italy (the achievement does not require Italy to be in control of all of it's cores). It is also possible to combine this achievement with "Balkan Problem Solved" and request the required land from Turkey peacefully by a decision in exchange of 75 PP. As of 1.9.0, the event gives a larger portion of units and equipment. number of infantry equipment in armies > 2200 As Yugoslavia, occupy all your neighbouring countries (Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Italy and Greece). As Italy, occupy New York, Chicago and Hawaii. Best done in conjunction with "Sun Tzu Reborn" after finishing "Battlecry" or "Awake and angry". The key to this achievement is that the Soviet Union never takes or puppet any territory in China. Then start Decolonisation while you wait for the justification to finish, and install a communist government in Canada to make sure they will be friendly to you. With "The People's Militia Directorate" focus you can get 3 spies then you should increase this to 4 with an advisor. Hi, let me introduce myself! Take the "Balkan Federation of Socialist Republics" focus to influence Greece and Romania, Ignore Albania and Turkey. The way In which hoi4 determines majors is strange, all the countries that start as majors are permanently majors, unless they don't exist. Do NOT puppet Belgium, as Germany will attack you if you do. Ignore China, justify on Netherlands, ask Germany for Military Access and Naval invade from German Coast into western coast of Netherlands. Ignore Africa for now. This will drag all the others in without any major powers. Occupy a coastal province in Europe as Mexico, and if in a faction have it contain only South American members or puppets. There really needs to be a better mechanic for stalemates or peace deals that "freeze" the frontline based on the states you currently control. If that still isn't enough, conquer Germany and Italy, puppet Italy and satellite all of Italy's African territories as puppets (if Poland capitulated to Germany during the war, satellite them as well), and take the focus Disunite Germany to gain more puppets. With Together for Victory DLC enabled and Waking the Tiger DLC disabled: Note that it's possible for the achievement to fire off if you declare on a member of the Allies even if the Allies are already at war, provided that one joins the Axis before declaring (although note that doing so can cause problems if Bulgaria has been granted occupation of certain zones). Once you are done with Ethiopia, you can start justifying on France, switch your mountaineer to normal infantry template and train 7-8 paratrooper divisions as soon as you are done with paratrooper research. Hire an ideology-changing advisor and prepare for a civil war. Do not spend PP on Yugoslavia. As a warlord, conquer all of China and Japan. It can be completed in the same run with the. number of support equipment in armies > 220. Do not wait for a liberation to complete for one African country before starting the liberation process for the next country. Can be done relatively easily by defeating the Axis together with the Allies and simply taking Latium in the peace deal. If you do it early enough, it should be a quick conflict. You have to complete the focus: 'The One True Heir of Solomon' and form the Empire of Solomon. Set up a naval invasion from Wilhelmshaven to either Dunkerque or Calais, and have your starting navy on Strike Force in the English Channel. Win the Spanish Civil War as the Anarchists. Once the USA and Mexico have been annexed, dismantle your faction and join the Axis to fight off the Allies. They will have no way to grow their military until they remove isolation so it should be trivial to win this way. If Japan goes communist this achievement becomes much easier. If a puppet master capitulates but there are still majors in a puppet's faction, the puppet will earn autonomy points. This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 10:40. Furthermore, you already have Instanbul (since Turkey is required to form the Roman Empire). As you only need to control Jerusalem, simply gain enough warscore to ask the controller to transfer occupation of Palestine to you. As the Netherlands, ensure the United Kingdom has no capital ships (carriers, battleships, battlecruisers, or heavy cruisers). You don't need to rush democracy because world tension will be under 80% for a long time. Follow the focus tree to "Government of National Defense". Even if Sweden intercepts one divisions, they never will be able to get them all. Abstain from Continue the New Deal until the 1936 election, choose Republicans, and Re-establish the Gold Standard. When you feel that the Soviets have lost enough equipment and troops, counterattack. Declare war on Communist China (the Take Claimed State war goal will not expire, and the AI will never cancel your military access, so if you wish to wait to gather up equipment, feel free to do so), and then proceed to come close to capitulating most of Nationalist China once they get called in. This will trigger the achievement_seducer_spy flag. Try to poke holes in the US line as they will have a tough time manning a long border and encircle their troops. - do a national referendum without discrediting the government (It's very fast nontheless and you will need the pp) 3. You must log in or register to reply here. Once that is done start pushing upwards from Ethiopia to surround the allied divisions left in Egypt and to take the remaining states. UK should guarantee Yugoslavia which will pull them into the war. Then, use paratroopers to land in Dover and send your army into mainland England to finish the war. After taking Austria, go down the civil warpath and then follow down the democratic side of the focus tree. The allies will leave you alone if you don't cause any world tension. IIRC, whoever kills the most of the capitulating country is the country that is surrendered to. Disband your entire army and declare on the Soviets right before Oppose Hitler fires off, which will result in the Soviets still being at war with the German Reich, but not the German Military Junta (either join the Comintern or give the Soviets military access to have the Soviets fight for you). Merge all your ships in one single fleet and place it in one of your ports near Denmark with the order, Start the war. May be completed with Bad Romeance. Due to Vichy France's large colonial holdings, you will have over 24 states after annexing them in the peace deal. Furthermore, you could start taking some of the focusses from "Plan East". There are a number of problems, like the troops that just disappear upon capitulation, the fact that the navy doesn't appear to contribute to war score, occupation appears to be randomized. Start building up your industry and go for 'Surrender the East'. Because of this, collaborating with the Axis is the simplest route to achieving this. Don't forget to research Transport Ships to be able to launch naval invasions! 1.4K. Then, form the Chinese United Front and accept all invites. In the meantime, France and Czechoslovakia will have gone to war with Germany over Sudetenland. One viable way is to puppet the UK - go either fascist or communist, and declare war on the UK as early as possible. Turkey has capitulated Annex for their resources and their navy. The Trk Ulusu focus will pacify the Kurdish states, while the Islamist opposition can be dealt with through the Counter-Fundamentalist Operation or compromise decisions (as long as the Kemalist remain loyal). Once you finish "Autonomous Soviet Republics" you will need to release all of these nations as puppets: Lithuania, Finland, Mongolia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Turkestan, Bukharan, Altai and The Far East, You will also then need to return Biaystok to Poland after this. Just take fascist demagogue and spam "Rally the Leagues" decision. Pick Organize the peasant's strike, then the two communist options. Remember to defend your ports - basic District Brigade (3xINF) will do the job nicely. The Faroe Islands (and Iceland, and Greenland) are Danish cores, and within the air range of Sweden, so there is no need to prevent Germany from invading mainland Denmark. Again, avoid direct fights with enemies if you can. Achievement will pop after landing in Iceland. As South Africa, finish the A King for our People focus and take Jerusalem. The run was played with all DLCs, on Ironman and historical. Create 2 army templates: One 16-width with Engineers and One 16-width with Engineers & Anti-air. Prince Paul will be replaced by Peter II in February 1941, and Germany will attack Yugoslavia soon after. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Do note that even if the UK or France has agreed to split up Turkey they can individually bail on the war when you do the focus to declare war on Turkey. As the Soviet union, capitulate Germany after the fall of France before the allies control one German core state. You can justify on them directly or guarantee Finland to enter the war then as defending country. Send your paratroopers (one at a time) at Paris plus 6 or 7 other cities to capitulate France ASAP, avoid the border cities as these are usually guarded. Do this early so you can attack them immediately after defeating the first two warlords. If possible, ask your faction members for as many expeditionary forces as possible. Win Spanish Civil War as Republican Spain. Choose Fascist Demagogue as your first Political Power spending, turn Fascist (skip Civil War option) and join the Axis, Start Justifying War on the UK and when it's done declare war, Declaring war on a country before it joins the Allies does, Not Germany and not in faction with Germany. If one has La Resistance, they can easily achieve this as France, by doing revive the National Bloc and Utilize the Leagues, then rushing Freedom Front you can easily switch to Fascism, after that justify on Iraq and Iran so that you go to war with both at the same time, after annexing them you just have to wait for Germany to attack Poland and Romania to do Appoint Pro Axis Government so that Turkey doesn't have any guarantees and you can simply justify on them annex them and release and play as Kurdistan. When the Trotsky seeks refuge event pops up, choose to invite him into the government. For this achievement, you only need to occupy the states in question. Once the Soviet Union falls and the peace conference triggers, just take Onega and Olonets (or any other region neighbouring Finland), you can then satellite the constituents nations but DO NOT puppet the USSR itself. As Haile Selassie, declare yourself King of Kings and control Kenya and Tanzania. Take the Move to Secure the Dominion focus as soon as you switch communist, and start justifying on the Philippines, since that won't raise WT by much but still make sure the US gets involved. So depending on whether you started the game with historical AI on or off, you may have to capitulate The Allies. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. After the dutch have surrendered, start on Belgium (wait until your tanks are at the front line) and get to brussels as quick as you can. Faction leaders are majors even if they dont have a single factory or division. If you want to be extra safe, defeat the Netherlands first, line all your troops up against the belgian border, declare war on them and immediately break them with your tanks at the coast. Complete "The Path of Marxism Leninism", "Addressing Internal Affairs", "Expand the Agitprop", "The Komsomol" and then either "Positive Heroism" or "Collectivist Propaganda" to unlock the Agitprop decisions and expand to three slots. Micromanage your army into London and annex the UK in the Peace Conference, With sufficient fighting strength, leave the Comintern, attack the Soviets (During Operation Barbarossa) and take the necessary provinces. Follow the focus tree to fortify against Germany and Italy, then Frontier Defense plan. If a puppet master is forced to capitulate, its puppets will automatically capitulate as well if they aren't in a faction with a major country that has yet to capitulate. Declare war on Sweden after your communist support reaches 50%, then call in your allies and switch to communism. (similar to Bulgarian ones), After the allies go to war with Germany, most of the time they kick out Italy out of Africa and liberate Ethiopia. A few months into 1941, Italy should be stretched thin. If you want to avoid war with Japan, just leave out one province of British Malaya and Dutch East Indies. The Megali Idea involves you, UK, and France agreeing to attack and split up Turkey so you are guaranteed the land required in the peace deal. Copy their template and train the divisions. Istanbul has been renamed to Constantinople: In order for Mexico to host an exiled country, it has to be Democratic and a faction leader needs to be Democratic. Note you may need to have some AA gun in stock, or the recomposed division may not return equipment to stock. Easiest way is to disable La Resistance and start boosting non-aligned to Russia and USA from the beginning of game and right after concluding civil war against Kemalists. requires the Assertiveness Sub-branch of the focus tree. Kick the Italians out of Albania and if you get an opening, try launching a naval invasion at Italy and capitulate them to get more war score. Push up and potentially set a secondary invasion from Palermo to Rome. Occupy at least one space from Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, and then capitulate Canada (if you want to also get the Raj at this point, feel free to declare on them as well; if Pakistan has spawned, wait for them to White Peace with India before declaring on them, since they won't join the Commonwealth of Nations while at war with another member; like with the other 3 dominions, just occupy one tile each of Burma, India, and Pakistan). This is not historically accurate. Alternatively, just nuke Siam once they join Japan's faction. Research all rocket, nuclear and jet technologies. 3: Be at war with Italy and have a division in Latium, Abruzzo, or Tuscan. As Switzerland annex 5 states that are not contiguous with each other or Switzerland. Not a lot of micromanaging needed, just punch through with tanks, groups of 12. Stay out of WWII. After a reload I didnt nuke them instantly, waited a bit and again it just failed. As Ethiopia, found the African Union and have it encompass at least 13 different countries with capitals in Africa. #Hoi4 Germany #speedrun guide with commentary to beat Hearts of Iron 4 in december of 1936. Conquered a coastal state in Europe. As Manchukuo, Break free from Japan and annex your former Overlord without being in a faction. controls all cores of Poland and France, excluding cores that are islands or outside of Europe As Manchukuo, have max level infrastructure in every owned state and generate at least 15 units of oil. Use your forces to mop up the Turkish forces trapped in the Bosphorus, then have them retreat back to the starting border. Try finishing the focuses Superesercito, Superaereo, and Supermarina during this war as you will not get another chance until much later. If you like it, I would very much appreciate if you'd follow me on Spotify. Just go democratic and wait for world tension to rise. The focus "Reintegrate the Railroads" has a hidden effect that increases the chance of a peaceful annexation. As Turkey, subjugate both Greece & Bulgaria. When fighting, push through Mengkukuo and try to get to the shore but. As South Africa, finish the Anti-Colonialist Crusade focus, release all European colonies via the focus, and take London. Note: invalid_for_danzig_achievement flag fires when Germany declares war on France. Listen Very Carefully, I Shall Say This Have a French and British spy work together on the same Operation. If you want to be extra safe, defeat the Netherlands first, line all your troops up against the belgian border, declare war on them and immediately break them with your tanks at the coast. It is likely Italy will join the Axis to aid Germany but, your faction would be huge and strong enough to take it out.
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