But the solution was also contained within the graph. In addition, McKay claimed that Drosnin had used the flexibility of Hebrew orthography to his advantage, freely mixing classic (no vowels, Y and W strictly consonant) and modern (Y and W used to indicate 'i' and 'u' vowels) modes, as well as variances in spelling of K and T, to reach the desired meaning. through the biblical history of man and interpreting it as it goes. PowerPoint), Note: The main early proponents were Yakov Rambsel, who is a Messianic Jew, and Grant Jeffrey. (i.e., Rabbi Yaakov Reischer ben Joseph, a prominent rabbinic authority in Austria and Prague during the late 17th century, wrote in his book Iyun Yaakov that poverty is worse than death in many sources since it is an ongoing, painful experience. Gematrix.org bibIe code your nam and se in Jewish Gmatria equals: 1051: b 2 i 9 . meanings) were intended by God to be strung together in chronological succession to tell Scholars note; "For example, citing again the passage intersecting with Rabin: that passage is from Deuteronomy 4:42, but Drosnin ignores the words immediately following "a murderer who will murder." Sherman, R. Edwin, with Jacobi and Swaney. Every name is rooted somewhere in the holy words of the Bible. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. {He DA: 24 PA: 26 MOZ Rank: 50 Gematria value of bible code your name and see is 1051. In this vein the bible tells us that a Philistine character called Ishbi-benob had a spear that weighed 300 shekels of copper (2 Samuel 21:16). Choose from a variety of Bible Code Package options, Full or Condensed Summary, Matrix English Overlay, and Live One On One Video Consultation(s). For them, it is not a joke or just a gesture. The rabbi also found the word (the corona), indicating what he called plague before the redemption. But corona was linked to another word; (aniyut, poverty). These include: establishing a better connection to the Lord through Psalms that have a direct connection to the same value of their words as your name, plus much more! This name has many inspiring meanings such as "mountain of strength", "exalted", "enlightened" and of course "miraculous". Adam, Cain, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (and all 12 sons), Bar-Hillel subsequently summarized the MBBK view that the WRR paper was a hoax, an intentionally and carefully designed "magic trick".[25]. Though this work did not convince me that the data had been manipulated, it did convince me that it could have been; that manipulation was technically possible. Gans argues further that such a conspiracy must include the multiple rabbis who have written a letter confirming the accuracy of Havlin's list. Jeconiah. In the wake of the WRR response, author Bar-Natan issued a formal statement of non-response. Perez, Peleg and Jesus all have the meaning of their name explicitly given in The code is as follows: Elohim is rendered as God ( Genesis 1:1 ). Furthermore, the whole idea of Bible codes originates from the occult philosophy of cabalism, which is an unreliable and over-speculative method of Bible interpretation. His four-letter example related to the traditional zero-point of the Hebrew calendar. This numerical value, plus other additional extended Gematria values - all related to your personal name, can unlock many secrets! Our interpretation must remain within the boundary that the Then, over 600 years later, a twentieth century Jewish Rabbi by the name of Michael Dov Weissmandl happened to learn of the phenomenon while reading Bachayahs commentary on Genesis. No notes, Did you know that all people regardless of race or religion are encoded in the Bible Code! O' my people who belong A growing number of people believe that the Bible Codes reveal key names, phrases, related terms and even complete sentences relevant to current and historical events. Featured Episode. The fact that the words; "Jesus is My Name" was not too . It is a wrong focus, and gives space for the enemy to deceive us. Mighty is the Lord! There are sites that propose you can find your name and circumstances in the Bible codes, which have accurately predicted many world events. Continue with Recommended Cookies. 53). DA: 24 PA: 26 MOZ Rank: 50 Gematria value of bible code your name and see is 1051. here for no For when God does something new and important it is always with signs and wonders following. We love that you are here , NEW: If you would like to schedule a one-on-one call with EUCY, please send us an email to 365inspiredliving@gmail.com MUSIC: Adigold Imaginary Scenery Our Favorite Books, Movies & More, & click the We love hearing from you, so please leave a COMMENT! Note: Although this page demonstrates a search of an English text, CodeFinder comes complete with Greek and Hebrew texts as well. Independently rated as the world's #1 Bible Code Code Software, CodeFinder Millennium Edition is the fastest and most powerful Bible Code Software available. 18:9-14).4These objections are ridiculous and cannot be defended biblically. Their only "successful" results were obtained by deliberately rigging the experiment in such a way that the layman wouldn't recognize the mathematical flaws. We know first hand the truth of the statement that "the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far . Some have wondered if these names (with their Very good discernment! You need to repent with more than just the mind.. Today I am going to demolish such uncertainties and objectively prove that these prophecies are about Jesus. acrostic will be examined separately in the A version) The authenticity of such codes are attested by the presence of obvious topical relation between the encoded string and its containing biblical passage. Thecodesearcher.com ApriI 24, 2018 The Life Bible Code Table Bible Code Table by Codesearcher Ann; November 27, 2017 Bible Code Codesearcher Jonathan Discusses Bible Code From Golgotha Table Ron Wyatt; November 25, 2017 Bible Code Bin Laden Table an example of a very tight bible code table DA: 19 PA: 19 MOZ Rank: 20 Bible code search yourself Keyword Found Websites Listing.Keyword-suggest-tooI.com Find yur name in th BIBLE CODE - fre.Godlikeproductions.com Sarch Tony Blair Mtch 10 (10 Downing Street and all) Verses in Matrix The Fifth Book of Moses, called Deuteronomy 29:20 Jehovah will not pardon him, but then the anger of Jehovah and his jealousy will smoke against that man, and all the curse that is written in this book shall lie upon him, and Jehovah will blot out his name. The Bible Code is a book by Michael Drosnin who claims to have found prophesies in the first five books of the Hebrew bible. Mighty Father and a Prince, Who Save a People, (See, Rips and Witztum and Yoav Rosenberg designed computer software for the ELS technique and subsequently found many examples. column where the meaning of each consecutive namein Jesus' genealogy is given, and note the unfolding prophecy. "And", "but", been recently discovered. The The first person that we know of to speak of what we now refer to as ELS codes within the Bible was a medieval Jewish rabbi by the name of Rabbeynu Bachayah (1255 1340 CE). notes on each name in the "Bible Names Code", It has been confirmed by famous mathematicians . as well as general notes about the. prophecy emerges when the meanings Bible Code Wisdom. In other words, a pun. 48:1-9 and elsewhere, There likewise appears to be a few (not many) instances While Thomas' methodology was alleged to have been rebutted by Robert Haralick[59] and others, his broader arguments about the law of large numbers stood essentially unchallenged. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The Proverbs 12:19. 2 Reviews . Witzum questioned why MBBK had expunged these results. The Bible code can be viewed as a part of this tradition, albeit one of the more controversial parts. Also see note for Abraham. "Friend" of the Downtrodden is Angry. OnlineBibleCode.com. [34] Witztum also claimed that, upon interviewing a key independent expert contracted by McKay for the MBBK paper, some experiments performed for MBBK had validated, rather than refuted, the original WRR findings. Which code words applies to you is based upon the path that you choose. Sale price: $44.95. He also found a code relating to the Rabin assassination, containing the assassin's first and last name and the university he attended, as well as the motive ("Oslo", relating to the Oslo accords). The wrecking ball with which I will accomplish this feat is the Bible code of Isaiah 53. An example of website executing a Hebrew application of Bible code. Abraham and confirms the Names Code. Manage Settings On a few occasions both meanings are used . For example, Michael Drosnin, after years of research for his book, The Bible Code, was still an atheist: "I had proof there was a code, but not proof there was a God. here for detailed Apr 11, 2011. huge mistake. The Bible code (Hebrew: ", hatzofen hatanachi), also known as the Torah code, is a purported set of encoded words within a Hebrew text of the Torah that, according to proponents, has predicted significant historical events. been recently discovered. The first page specifically mentioned a woman, which I am a woman. For Christians seeking proof of the messianic identity of Jesus in the pages of the Old Testament, Isaiah 53 is the Mecca of all prophecies. The 'Bible Code' of Eli Rips and Michael Drosnin The . include these extra six names? The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. Another type of bible code has also is) continues on through to Jesus and His The threat is endangering the entire world.. That third I will put into the fire, And I will smelt them as one smelts silver And test them as one tests gold. Our purpose is to decipher the " " When my critics find a message about the assassination of a prime minister encrypted in Moby Dick, I'll believe them. But when faith uses science to . Bible Codes plus is by far the best, most advanced, most complete Bible codes program ever developed. In 2006, four new Torah Codes papers were published at the IEEE Computer Society's 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06). Its a blessing to all who take to follow your work. The statistical likelihood of the Bible code arising by chance has been thoroughly researched, and it is now widely considered to be statistically . . Also see note for Abraham. literal word. . {amount} donation plus {fee_amount} to help cover fees. This is because the verse deals with the cities of refuge where accidental killers can find asylum. Report inappropriate content. . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Although the probability of an ELS in a random place being a meaningful word is small, there are so many possible starting points and skip patterns that many such words can be expected to appear, depending on the details chosen for the experiment, and it is possible to "tune" an ELS experiment to achieve a result which appears to exhibit patterns that overcome the level of noise. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. BUY ONLINE THE BIBLE CODE SOFTWARE. Promise to Fallen Man Watch the tutorial video. And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Blessing upon Messiah and His People. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Example : G (2letters) e (2letters)o . As can be seen, the Hebrew statements ("Jesus is my name") and ("I was crucified") are both encoded in Isaiah 53:8-54:1 at different equidistant letter sequences. The complexity and combinations are infinite! literal word. A brief summary of the codes claims is that the Hebrew text of the Bible (especially of the Torah, the first five books) contain . some larger story. The INSPIRED Channel does not own the copyright to the audio recording. The location was also given in the code as the acronym (Artzot HaBrit; the United States). of this in the names-code, as with Kenan, Methuselah, Lamech, Arphaxad (both This is the main web site which examines the Bible Codes (also called Torah Codes) from the point of view of the mathematicians and other experts who have examined them critically. Bible Codes: 2/3 of Worlds Population will Die by Sept 2021 as Prophesied by Zechariah. from Adam to Abraham's father "Terah" forms a complex acrostic. Through a trick of the mind, Biden and his followers are doing terrible things. Another type of bible code has also Though the basic thesis of the research seems wildly improbable, for many years I thought that an ironclad case had been made for the codes; I did not see how 'cheating' could have been possible. If the phrase does tell of a bus bombing, why not take it to indicate that it would be in Nablus, the site of ancient Shechem? a dozen sources were used to dig into the meaning of these names, many of But it fails to tell us when Jesus was born! Noah have been strung together. Son Praises His Father For Help The righteous line of Adam to Noah -20 Upon / Over / About To do so would be a That third I will put into the fire, And I will smelt them as one smelts silver And test them as one tests gold. joins himself to an assembly, a glorious people whom he rescued, stranger(s) PowerPoint (If We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The rabbi found the sentence (In the year 5781, I will exterminate most living things). The basic idea of ELS Bible codes is that the Hebrew text of the Tanakh (what Christians call the Old Testament) contains divinely encoded words, phrases, and statements encrypted within the text at equidistant letter sequences, which can be extracted from the text using a computer program to conduct ELS letter skip searches. The images are intended to help the reader notice what these key biblical [15] These Bible codes became known to the public primarily due to the American journalist Michael Drosnin, whose book The Bible Code (1997) was a best-seller in many countries. AzariahBible.com. Even the whole matter of the bible codes is . The Jewish outreach group Aish HaTorah employs Bible codes in their Discovery Seminars to persuade secular Jews of the divinity of the Torah, and to encourage them to trust in traditional Orthodox Jewish teachings. The search phras is very Iong, nd thus DA: 14 PA: 34 MOZ Rank: 48 Bible Code (free) download Windows version En.freedownloadmanager.org Read and search the text of the Bible using multiple filters. is appointed; a man of sorrow is born! Customize the backgrund picture of th solution. Click here for all the names Newsweek, Jun 9, 1997. applies the meaning of a name in more than one way, therefore the same liberty [36], Robert Aumann, a game theorist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2005, has followed the Bible code research and controversy for many years. The assassination of Rabin is dramatic confirmation of the reality of the Bible code, the hidden text in the Old Testament that reveals the future. ORDER NOW. God's (answer) is that He will raise up a helper, the Just One will the Lord These are the first of the 54 matches for me. https://github.com/TorahBibleCodes/TorahBibleCodes/tree/master/2DMatrix_2DMatrices_4BooksOfHebrewBible_ELS_TorahBibleCodes. as well as general notes about the , Watch the full interview with Gregg Braden , Check it outAll our INSPIRED links in one place , SIGN UP for your GIFT The INSPIRED FREEDOM LAUNCHER Process , (Its FREE) We are Kristin & Jean Nolan, the founders of the Inspired Channel. Merely studying the Bible codes will not necessarily result in Christian faith. Your faith is worth more than gold ~ 1 Peter 1:7. The rabbi found a clue to what he called the real-but hidden- threat to the United States; Iran. Contained within the word Iran was the word (hereg, murder), which was directly over and parallel to the word (azharah; warning) as well as the word (iyum; threat). The [32] After a series of exchanges with McKay and Bar-Hillel, WRR author Witztum responded in a new paper[33] claiming that McKay had used smoke screen tactics in creating several straw man arguments, and thereby avoided the points made by WRR authors refuting MBBK. An ancient tradition says that when God dictated the Torah to Moses, letter by letter, historic facts, past, present and future were encoded in the . ", "Skeptoid #408: The Bible Code: Enigmas for Dummies", "Scientific Refutation of the Bible Codes", Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis", "Introduction to "Solving the Bible Code Puzzle" by Brendan McKay, Dror BarNatan, Maya BarHillel and Gil Kalai", "Kabbalah, Torah, and Torah Codes People", "Public Statement by Dr. Rips on Michael Drosnin's theories", "Bible Code Pictograms Bible Codes that form images that predict the future", "Solving the Bible Code Puzzle. Israel365 News is the only media outlet reporting on it. enemy). I will sing to him in a verse talking about praising the name of God with a song) tells us that this did not occur by random chance. [4] The paper, which was presented by the journal as a "challenging puzzle", presented what appeared to be strong statistical evidence that biographical information about famous rabbis was encoded in the text of the Book of Genesis, centuries before those rabbis lived.[2]. This is in agreement with Isaiah the prophet, Sale price: $24.95. to both the bible and to ancient near-eastern culture. Matt and Laurie sit down with O.S. These labors resulted in him finding the Hebrew word (Torah) encoded at 50 letter interval skips at the very beginning of the book of Genesis. can this be possible? The 3.1 version of Bible Code is available as a. DA: 26 PA: 32 MOZ Rank: 58 Bible Code Names: Find Your Name In The Bible Code Biblecodenames.atwebpages.com Bible Code Package Options Include: Color printout Matrix of your personal name as found in the Bible Code or Torah Code, plus letter by letter list for each letter of your name including: letter number, book, position, word count in the verse, verse number, chapter, and skip sequence of E.L.S. on Jonathan believe's the bible is the book of life. Center for the Study of Rationality, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It would especially hinder one -20 [is] my name Still lost? Selected the names and/or dates in advance, and; Designed their experiments to match their selection, thereby achieving their "desired" result. Names Code. Zebulun in Gen. 30:19-20. No need to be fancy, just an overview. The word "Church" is listed as the last name in ^ Aumann, R.H., H. Furstenberg, I. Lapides, and D. Witztum (July 2004) (PDF). The fact that Yeshua Shemi ("Yeshua is My Name") is found encoded in Isaiah 53 and Dam Yeshua ("the blood of Yeshua") appears in Leviticus has been hailed by some evangelicals as the greatest discovery and most . (In fact, Drosnin's example of "Clinton" in his first book violated the basic Bible code concept of "Minimality"; Drosnin's "Clinton" was a completely invalid "code"). upholds, did uphold and will uphold! Among the most important, Drosnin clearly states in his book "The Bible Code II", published on December 2, 2002, that there was to be a World War involving an "atomic holocaust" that would allegedly be the end of the world. . Following an analysis of the experiment and the dynamics of the controversy, stating for example that "almost everybody included [in the controversy] made up their mind early in the game", Aumann concluded: A priori, the thesis of the Codes research seems wildly improbable Research conducted under my own supervision failed to confirm the existence of the codes though it also did not establish their non-existence. The bible itself informs the reader what the meaning of many biblical persons are, men of renown such as Adam, Cain, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all his 12 sons. The Bible codes (together with similar arguments concerning hidden prophecies in the writings of Shakespeare) have been quoted as examples of the Texas sharpshooter fallacy. the Lord! way to Jesus, 72 persons in all? I will declare, You are My people, And they will declare, , You must pay him his wages on the same day, before the sun sets, for he is needy and urgently depends on it; else he will cry to, Rabbi Yaakov Reischer ben Joseph, a prominent rabbinic authority in Austria and Prague during the late 17th century, wrote in his book. Wherever the code reads, "the Lord", which are found in the E-Sword free software. Recognizing this is key to interpreting the code in segments, or as a whole. May the Gift of Jacob What Code looks like. the Lord's loving That third I will put into the fire, And I will smelt them as one smelts silver And test them as one tests gold. Throughout history, many Jewish, and later Christian, scholars have attempted to find hidden or coded messages within the Bible's text, notably including Isaac Newton. Strung Together. ABD Pro is the ultimate solution to find significant . in the bible, one name has two meanings: the literal bracketed. Both codes of Barak Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu are shown below in the Hebrew text of Ezekiel 37 and 38. Other Learn more about what you need to fulfill your purpose in this world, how you relate and impact it, and the special details and concepts that are connected to you! God's way of righteousness is by faith in Jesus Christ. The These are Tweet. What comes next is the phrase "unwittingly" (biveli da'at). We use the knowledge of more than 3000 years plus modern technology to find your designated place in the Bible Code! to the prince, a prophet clothed with strength, who serves (the Lord), is here! Numerous Christian authors are enthusiastically using the "code" to support basic faith in Christ and in the Bible as God's Word. {He Their definition of "compact" was complex but, roughly, two ELSs were compactly arranged if they can be displayed together in a small window. Another Bible code technique was developed in 1997 by Dean Coombs (also Christian). The meanings of all 70 names from Adam to Jesus read sequentially. Jesus portrays key biblical events as they unfolded through the ages,while at the same time foreshadowing Jesus Christ. McKay replied to these claims. [31] Using MBBK's alternates, the results WRR returned showed equivalent or better support for the existence of the codes, and so challenged the "wiggle room" assertion of MBBK. [58] Skeptic Dave Thomas claimed to find other examples in many texts. My Let's start with the first word in the first verse, b'reishit.The last letter of b'reishit is the Hebrew letter tav. "to" etc., are included in the meaning as simple connector words, I invite you to follow along on our GitHub repo. Equidistant Letter Sequences people who support this say there can be found codes relating to past and future events in the Torah. free. To repent once is for an intellectual repentance, Rabbi Glazerson said. Ajaib: Meaning "miracle" or "wonderous being". Son Relies on His Father to Raise Him Up, The continues on through to Jesus and His Son Identifies Himself as Co-Creator. His payment for peace that sets the people Read Numbers 5:15-18:9 Text retrieval without spaces: 3316 letters per line [red] JESUS CHRIST (YESHUA MASHIACH) [purple] The sin offering. Names Code as PDF {or, PDF with no images} PowerPoint (If not working try this link: PowerPoint) (Full Version.If not working, try older PowerPoint). The Hebrew name of Jesus is revealed in equidistant letter skip sequences in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22. I took hold of the strength of the Lord and it In the introduction to the paper, Robert Kass, the Editor of the Journal who previously had described the WRR paper as a "challenging puzzle" wrote that "considering the work of McKay, Bar-Natan, Kalai and Bar-Hillel as a whole it indeed appears, as they conclude, that the puzzle has been solved".[13]. Bible Code was developed to work on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11 and can function on 32-bit systems. As part of the Bible Study Tools Study Library, Hitchcock's Bible Names is linked to Torrey's New Topical Textbook, Baker's Evangelical Dictionary, Easton's Bible Dictionary, Smith's Bible Dictionary, and Nave's Topical Bible.Anytime a reference can be found in any of the other online tools a hyperlinked symbol will be placed next to the reference, allowing you to immediately jump to that . McKay and others claim that in the absence of an objective measure of quality and an objective way to select test subjects (though that remains an objection as equally against Drosnin), it is not possible positively to determine whether any particular observation is significant or not. According to Haralick, the results were impressive; WRR's list was successful until the 20th minimal ELS, whereas MBBK's list failed after the 2nd minimal ELS. sons of light and s. Version. About 1985, they decided to carry out a formal test, and the "Great rabbis experiment" was born. Study it, peruse it, meditate on it. names in the genealogy from Adam to Jesus are read sequentially! noun in Hebrew, and there are other such differences between Hebrew and [3], Contemporary discussion and controversy around one specific steganographic method became widespread in 1994 when Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips and Yoav Rosenberg published a paper, "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis", in the scientific journal Statistical Science.
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