He doesn't hate me we actually have a good relationship , and it's not because of our daughter it's just the way we are with each other even before we had her. My baby momma got this; she do that; she a teacher; she real smart; she gotta big ass house." We're friends now. I blocked his number. duckling. Im sure he doesnt mean to offend you and will stop using the term if you ask him to. But she had issues and would call all the time, didn't have any "friends", and had a hard life and slowly they became friends which I was against because I knew she wanted to be with him. Stepmother Calls Fixer, He Fucks Mommy Hard. If he also calls other women mama and he shows the same body language around them as he does around you then it would be less likely that he was showing attraction to you and more likely that he naturally says it to women. The longer ya are broken up. I could tell you countless stories about this. Boyfriend who won't be a man. The thought of my daughter being parented by another man rips me apart inside and its always been very hard for me to cope with. Press Esc to cancel. Xper 5 Age: 27. My gut says he is full of it, but his story is possible. Just like your boyfriend shouldn't be hanging out with his baby mama, she also needs to respect the fact that he's in a new relationship. Think about that before you waste your time wondering if he cares for you and what is going on. July 2, 2019 at 9:56 pm Especially when u find someone who is better at loving you than anyone else was. Of course, you dont have to have children with him just because hes calling you his baby mama, but it is a sign that hes serious about you. And she has a very tight relationship with his family. You need to stop listening to baby momma. He Means it in a Romantic Way. It was a hot mess but I made sure he heard my take on all this because he barely spend s time with his kids and I dont nag him about it kids will learn one way or the other who their parent is down the line but Im just so fed up I dont know if all this has to do with the stupidness that happen because if it does its so ridicuous all because hes married. Last summer we had a bad falling out that lead me to move on with someone else. I, however, am the nickname type. It's like they always have this secret love and "appreciation" for the fact that she birthed his kid(s). help? 2. I'd rather chop off my member and toss it in the tall grass to never be seen again than to entertain the thought of getting back with her. Our biggest issue is that he's allergic to my cat. Hi there Catharine! "You don't want to be either, you are not "just" something, you are many great things and you win when you find someone who sees all of that.". Ive told him so many times i was okay with us not being together and just to be my sons father. And i done had sex with my babymoms while talking to other people. If he only shows one body language sign of attraction in his body language then it would be difficult to accurately conclude that he is attracted to you because he might be showing it for many different reasons. Why you still having sex with him and he's with someone else? He said he told her its over and the only time she must call him is about the baby, but she keeps calling and texting. It would be particularly likely that he would get anxious when youre with other men, get defensive when other men are around, make plans based on yours, point his feet at you and have dilated pupils when he is with you. So I dont' know, for my child's sake, I just want us to do better as parents. Unless baby daddy is a prize husband and father, I'd stop worrying about him and his ex. But it's so hard , apart of me feels as if I should stay , and ever since he moved out I've seen changes , I see us , but idk bout three children. The thing is I don't want his money and I know he needs to be held accountable but honestly if he doesn't want part of his daughter life he can go. He also wants me to remove the restraining order I have against him. That's how bad I wanted him out of my life. Log in to reply. I don't need problems. I think it probably has to do with me being a very old fashioned family oriented man, I would love nothing more than to see our family put back together and actually work out. As I moved on with the next guy for about four mouths , I end up dropping him and going back to my original guy from the start , the one I have history with. This is not a good way to start anything with a cheater! If he only calls you mama, he is around the same age as you and he changes his body language and behavior in a positive way when you are around then it would be likely that he is attracted to you. When he goes down on you, insist that he have a few bites of vegetables too. I'm a business man and I currently live abroad, but I'm looking for a woman who's as dedicated as you. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. Even his wife said, she didn't expect that he could go without sex for that long. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. More often than.not, people who share a child but aren't together anymore, they hate each other, or one hates the other more. I went to the doctor to make sure I was straight. Oh and women, feel free also to give your advice/opinion. He's bull****ting you. Having more dilated pupils when he is around you. I know this is an older thread but hopefully you can reply. Y'all both getting played and you getting played worse than his new girl. Wooo, some you ladies need to learn the game, y'all losing. It very likely makes him run the other way. He never stopped texting me and finally he told me he wanted to work things out and blah, blah I shouldve never listen to that bs again because I got pregnant! We share our daughter on weekly rotations and my boyfriend and I are long distance . I'll remove myself because he already blames me he can't be with anyone because I'll always try with him . This happened the last time we split as well ? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. 1 - He Loves You Deeply And Calls You Baby Because It's A Sweet Nickname When You're In A Relationship. 9. Hes not a bad guy to be honest but something is off. registered trademarks of Ziff Davis Canada, Inc. and may not be used by third parties without ), As they say in church, he needs to get his house in order. But when its common for the woman to text at all times of the night, it shows a lack of respect for your relationship on her part, and a lack of respect on his part as well for not drawing a line. Several Indicia That She Is Still Involved In His Life As His Baby Mama. I'm basically in the same situation. We talk things through, always thanking each other for existing and being good to each other, going out to eat, sleeping at each others houses all the time. Plain and simple. My sons father is 20. All the best beautiful mothers . But im not sure he did..think he stayed with me cuz she isnt going anywhereits been a yr ..this chick comes in n chills every time she drops off her soni have told him she needs to drop off their son and goi dont trust them ..n its no way to live..i cant tell you what to do..just hope it works out for u..so far not great for me..i think its exit time..this chick will be around for awhile and im sure try getting him back again like she admitted before..sending him naked pics..that he erased off messages just not off his gallery..n he still erases all his text from her..so guess its up to u.i have two boys but their father doesnt come around n i know if he were around i definitely wouldn't get away with doing what my boyfriend n his ex do..n i wouldn't cuz its disrespectful good luck!! I call my boyfriend baby, babe, handsome, sunshine, and my universe. Anyway he was hiding her they where going out to dinner together and the kids and I noticed the biggest diff when he was talking to her on a daily and he started doing way more then he ever did for them he ain't even do more for the other two he had with other ppl. And there are different takes to alot of things. What some men do is have a hoe on the side and pump her up but it's rare if he'll ever marry her. He must have made a ton of money or you were paying for everything. hes proly tryna stop a fight from happening. How many people have you slept with in your life?? He doesn't care about upsetting YOU, but God forbid SHE ever gets upset. Not "love" but "Love" the way back in the bedroom when they can! The same situation I was in She believed every lie he told her. He spent all last week at my house and of course we are physically attracted to each other so we have been having sex the whole time. Our break-up was heated and intense. The goal is always to de-triangle. I don't know what to do, I feel lonely. If I'd wanted kids I would have had my own. So no thats not love not because you have a baby mean they love each other. My boyfriend has 2 baby mommas! I do feel sorry for the kids though, it's not their fault two useless people got together and made a baby! Additional troubleshooting information here. The reason that he calls you wifey might actually be that he is being manipulative and he is doing it to make it feel like the relationship is more serious than it really is. Your bm had a profound effect on you. She uses my kid against me one minute and keeps him while shes ****ing with different guys but then tells me how.much she loves me . Even if you want him still you have to make not more contact with him. Reguardless of how long they have been together. He began cheating. Having baby after baby in a fatherless household will keep a poor woman poor. The mother of your child(ren), whom you did not marry and with whom you are not currently involved. If youre not sure what your guy means by it, you should ask him! and to you as well.these silly stories sound pathetic. HE TOLD ME THEIR RELATIONSHIP ENDED LONG TIME AGO? As we're in Miami , a friend hits me up and ask if I was still dealing with the guy and if I'm pregnant . That's why, if I were single. She says she will always love me no matter what but she never admits anything even when I came to get my son and a random guy is in her house with his shirt off walking out the bedroom. Why do you feel the need to prove your worth? Is okay so recently he told the kids he would take them to the movies but he never asked the kids what type of movie they wanted to see he bought the tickets and our kids paid no mind to the fact that they didnt know what movie they were going to see until they got to the theatre so when they get there he has a fit because his wife his wifes kids who are his step kids they dont have kids of their own made decision to watch a movie that they all agree on I guess while our kids whom he made plans with were not in on this movie decision making. To try to sum up what could be a culmination of mixed emotions may be impossible but you have to build that bridge to get across. This is one of the reasons why the economy *****. If he is from Honduras as well yes it's possible he is married and the entire family knows he has a girlfriend. It depends some people always have that love and some people don't. It would not matter where I am at in life or who I am with, if she would give things another shot I would drop anything and everyone to do just that. Boyfriend said another woman's name. We were in an 18yr relationship which eventually ended last year. I've tried to reach out to her personally but she' doesn't seem to like me or goes and tells my bf that I've tried to contact her. I am well educated with four children by my ex husband. She had an agenda the whole time. We were together 8 years and our daughter is six. Meldee09 Follow. I'm pretty sue that if it was you in that position you would not be saying such things. How am I suppose to feel about that? It doesnt matter if you Have 20 kids together if hes with someone and youre still having sex with him youre the side chick. Bro, I understand what you mean. My boyfriend and I've been together for a year now, I dnt have any problem with him having kids. So, I would therefore encourage him about the situation. Its certainly a little weirder when youre not actually the mother of his child, I can see that. Theres no need to meet her. "Babe" is a pretty common nickname to use for your boyfriend. Let not mention that bum(honestly speaking). Miss Lucy called the doctor, Miss Lucy called the nurse. It all depends on the context and how its used. The father of my child knew I wasn't on birth control.. (which I'm not saying it's all his fault it does take two to tango) anyways I found out after I had our daughter by his family members that he had purposely gotten me pregnant so I wouldn't go back to an ex. He should tell her to not call so late at night unless it's an emergency. Females would be like, "You the one?" She lives in a separate town with the kids and he goes to visit. Please contact your hosting provider to ensure that an up-to-date and valid SSL certificate issued by a Certificate Authority is configured for this domain name on the origin server. It's amazing that in todays day and age 2014 girls are still falling for this scam (he's making a fool of you using you abusing you and your blaming his wife)! Depending how things happen, if they were in a relationship or if they continue seeing each other after the split, in my case we were together for almost 2 years I found out he was lying to me the whole time he was still sleeping with his ex I suspected something wasnt ok, yes I did look into his fb. She probabaly knows someone is there with him being you and she calls on purpose just to make you mad and get back at him. Doesn't matter whether she's crazy or not. And yes your still with him you should work on self respect. i think i made the right choice. She Shouldn't Be Texting or Calling Him at Inappropriate Times. I hate it. I'm no longer in love with him and feel like an additional person when I'm with him and his childplus his baby's mother would call in occasionally (which, really was to check in on her son) but i just didn't like it. I found out they were actually living together and when I met her she acts like they're still together. The dude is completely depraved and behaves like an irresponsible teenager when in reality he's a man in his 50's who refuses acknowledgement of his daughter. You have every reason to feel disresepected. If they aren't married, it's possible he brought her and the child here with the intention to marry her. Doesn't mean they are not over their ex. Yes, he said that nothing was going on between them and he did it one time to cope and she said she was on birth control (I know that was a lie), but the truth is, he ran right to her after I told him to piss off and she is pleased and happy as pie (after being made to wait 7 months to announce pregnancy, she is an idiot). If neither the child or mother of the child know you something is up! Hanging out? After that i change dramatically and fell even more in love with her but she left me for another guy and lied about it. Whereas, if he only calls you mama and he shows different behavior and body language around you then it would be more likely that he is attracted to you. At one point, I thought things would get better between the three of us (my husband, his baby mama and I). When his male friend from work calls, your boyfriend has no problem taking the call in front of you. If they are not together as a couple anymore then why hide you? Divorce is a money making scam for lawyers! It was a boy; he text me the pics. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. I wish we had tried to just be friends a long time ago. Poor women having baby after baby in fatherless households tends to perpetuate poverty for the women AND her kids. I would never date a guy with a baby mama. What's funny he doesn't realize how good he has it. I feel a baby mama should be treated like any ex. I recently filed for, That's what I'm afraid of I been with my dude for 9 years when I met him he had 3 kids all girls and When I was stuck in a different country for for a year he made a forth and too my luck it turned out to be a boy. by the women who had his last daughter. A guy only has one life to give away not 9 what are we cats! And just let him be. Even though he and I are divorced we have remained friends. It's important for kids! Anyway of course he denied the whole thing I was very hurt I told him to leave me alone! But everytime he goes to see her, im blocked and she thinks theyre in love. Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this web site are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice. I'm in this same situation. Phone convos? I have casual sex with her sometimes though. He's married for better/worse, in sickness/health till death due you part! My babydadd still calls me every three months, I actually thought we moved on ..He continues to come where I'm at ..acting silly. And I just looked him like you can't be serious ? Well, what I can tell you is that its certainly a term of endearment in some cultures and means that he sees you as wife and/or mother material! I was devastated and it all made since, but he took away my choice in this. The soundtrack album for the show is a combination of both original songs by the characters in the show, songs by popular R&B music artists such as Alicia Keys, India.Arie, and Solange & Destiny's Child (who perform the theme song), and classic soul music from artists such as Aretha Franklin and the O'Jays.. Track listing "The Proud Family Theme Song" - Solange & Destiny's Child The house is 5 minutes from where he lives with his mom and in the same neighborhood as his sister. Required fields are marked *. You have to say this to him if you can't have me in your life 100% then we're done! This is also a good boundary to set to avoid a number of potential problems. "He's playing you both. cuz u know u have to deal with the drama that his baby mama will cuz. I'm the blueprint. Just know that you are perfectly fine. If he's as fussy as most men can be, he'll want his lady back over his "mama" in a hurry. So last night I had texted my boyfriend something really nice a memory and such. And hopefully, she can finally be back in my arms. Because he's not the one who did the dumping, it's safe to assume that if it was up to him, they'd still be together. no reasons. Realistically if i didnt have a daughter with her i wouldnt mind her getting hit by a train. I found he's having a BOY. Best thing you can do is end it and walk away. It made me enraged and ruined my ****ing life. If it was about the kids I can understand, but no it's either about how her hair dresser messed up her hair, or about some stupid stuff. What does it take to stop running into these types of people? After he got out of jail, he went through countless of women running them away because of the things we had going on. Yeah! Their **** if they think so! You made the right choice, even if he was being honest and said he didnt have a drop of love left for her, he said he did because of so and so. Lots of mixed emotions. I guess he is married to her. i have the same problem, i had this boy his name is lebo at first he told me that his not with the baby mama and out of the blue he told me the baby mama is back in his life.i stoped calling him and he called to ask me to give him R100.what can i do.
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