The digital clock beside me read 1:12 am. Gaea raised her arm about the remaining dirt in the chest, making a motion like she was lifting something heavy. Her eyes glinted in the evening sunlight, shining like diamonds. It almost made him look hollow. I really wanted to punch that smile off of his face, but nobody was letting me loose anytime soon. Too much trouble to get him there, what, overnight? Frank said. The silence was interrupted bycheering? Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex. Please! Annabeth laughed as I hit her with another wave of water. Hello there, he said in a voice just like mine. You are nothing without the aid of the Giants., Big words for someone whos never getting off this glacier again, laughed Perseus. He said he was in Hub-, then his line went dead. THAT BOY HAS BEEN NOTHING BUT TROUBLE POSEIDON! Puberty? The first three chapters are in Percys point of view. He was fourteen when he figured what it was like to have a family. But that doesnt mean it doesnt work. More like this. Everyone else grew quiet. His lover and mother and stepfather and sister. "The Girls-Who-Lived", the Potter twins were named by the papers as celebrations spread across the country in the wake of Voldemort's defeat. "Because, Percy, Zeus took my quote literally and, without telling anyone else, made a decree which you can find on your bed stand." Percy turned around and sure enough, there was a notebook. Luke had already accepted he was a failure and a lost cause, only hoping that he can help the demigods by using the Titans to take down Olympus. Percy didnt look up. With books arrivin Babysitting is hard, especially if the kid you babysit is a hard wired demigod who doesn't obey any rules. website builder. It filled every waking hour, my only reprieve when I succumbed to blessed unconsciousness. Perseus Cassiopeia Jackson had fought two wars, walked through Tartarus and defeated Primordials, Titans and Giants. Stand down. His commander said, gritting her teeth. But is he really? He was seventeen when he got sucked into a world he had no idea about. (LogOut/ Draco/Persephone Jackson You once gave your own lyre to Orpheus, Lord Apollo, because he played well. Namely sending Medusa's head to the Olympians in a way that was practically taunting and mocking . is the son of James Potter and Lily Evans. Without any pressure on Riptide, all of Annabeths fury came crashing down on him. This story is from and was written by Wisegirl6. Monsters have stopped turning to dust and the Gods are whispering about some event. Max Gets Sick Chapter 1: Neils Experiment . The Greeks had been in camp for three days now, and Percy was doing everything in his power to avoid them, most of all that blond girl. One night as she's walking through the dungeons, after curfew, Draco appears and maybe pins her against the wall or something and starts threatening her and she's scared at first not knowing. My actions were in vain however, as my captors just clamped down harder on the bruised flesh of my forearms, giving me no resistance. He raised the whip above his head, giving me a chance to locate all of the chips of sharp glass intertwined with the leather. Yo Jason! Then he meets the daughter of Poseidon, the girl who is supposed to be his enemy, and everything changes. I swung my gaze around to look at Annabeth. Earth, I thought to myself absentmindedly. Hattie and Euphie Potter are very much alive, and Hattie has spent every moment in hiding waiting for the moment they could return to the wizarding world. The beginning of the end started with a dream. A torso bloomed into the familiar head and shoulders of the earth goddess, Gaea. This was a threat to the entire world. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I have a quest for you, Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon. She sounded neutral. Your email address will not be published. He accepts and begins his life as a newly made God. Stop, stop, please! Suddenly, Grover stiffened. It started as a normal day at camp Half - Blood. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Who was I kidding. The Double had cropped his black hair short, which I supposed was a pretty insignificant thing to notice. Look at me when Im talking to you!. Its not okay, Percy, she said, still crying. And I wouldnt be so sure about the demigods not believing me. Hes on Hubbard Glacier, Hazel said, after looking at Nico. Almost everyone on board was on the deck, with the exception of Chiron, his sister, and Leo. Everyone faced the direction he was looking at, and Jason saw it. He shouldnt go after her. VERY important! Please consider turning it on! Instead of joining Kronos Luke hears a cry for help what will happen when he and his friend follow the strange voice all the way to Tartarus. His clothes were torn and stained. Basically, I just want to see what they and their world would be like, without resorting to stereotypes. Not ever. > "There used to be a great Percy Jackson fanfic called New Girl". Percy was never a good listener, so it wasnt much of a shock to learn that he was tuning this out, even though it might help him recover his memories. She was curious to see what modern high school was like because she had never experienced it before. ", > ""Gods I want to get fucked so bad right now!" Without thinking, Percy moved his sword and blocked Reynas blade, which was about to strike the blond girl. While she manages to fight back, there are nonetheless lasting consequences in the form of an unwanted pregnancy and extensive trauma. He ignores it at first, and finds a video game-like controller connected to the screen, and he finds that he can walk around the city, like an avatar. Beware the traitors that attack. To babysit a boy called Harry Potter. He was sixteen when the Joker killed him. Annabeth. It was literally in their chemical makeup to hate each other. Perseus finds herself in the past and has to survive times when the gods interfered with humans and revealed their true nature. None that he can remember. Labor and delivery had been quick and complication free, but Percy was still exhausted. This is a fanfiction that, percy jackson becomes the new god of sky and thunder, and also the king of the gods. Ch 1 by NCalkins. Im still not quite sure what it means, but I think Ive got an idea.. With your uncle. I want you to meet your torturer. As second-in-command, the son of Posei- sorry, the son of Neptunehad the responsibility to back up Reyna, their commander, and issue orders to the other demigods. (LogOut/ Jason, Leo, Frank and Hazel battled the earthborn while Annabeth, Nico, Piper and Grover hurried over to me. Ari Jackson never wanted to be a half-blood let alone a forbidden daughter of Poseidon destined to either save the world or bring about its destruction. I grabbed a prism and put it where the sun created a rainbow. All the Olympians were present, including Hades, and even most of the minor gods had been invited to the meeting. Well, most of the time. I held onto that thought as she kicked him in the chest. Fine, you win. You cant be serious! This is mostly a character study into what a characters life would be like had they been a cis person of the opposite sex. She had dressed sluttier, she'd flirted more, she'd even grinded against one of the boy campers at a party and nothing happened, what does a girl have to do to get laid she thought. I whipped around to see Grover, not Gaea, Grover, dancing. I would be lying if I told you that you have more than a millionth of a chance at escape, so Im not even going to go there.. Daughter you may ask well let me show you. The glacier wasnt far. linkffn(11396276; 4606270; 11862560) To Reach Without is the best written and most serious of these. He bristled. Now we all have to be ashamed because we believed it. Theres something up ahead. Nico called out. And he wasnt the Olympian god Apollo but the grandson of Koios, the Titan Lord of the North, eking out his survival by virtue of his mothers tears and his grandfathers forbearance. A boy. It was still desolate and cold, which I really wasnt expecting. Its okay. To the filthy gods of Olympus and demigods. Yes, came the weak reply, muffled by Poseidons hands. Rewrite Of 'Tis A Fearful Thing To Love What Death Can Touch Series! Another tear jerked lazily down my cheek. You werent. The dark-haired swordsman feinted and aimed for Jasons other side, which was completely defenseless. Gaea came to me in a dream, the night Idisappeared. He looked at The Double as if his worst fears had been confirmed. He made a swipe for Annabeths midsection, which was blocked. If you guys like it well enough I'll get all the chapters I currently have edited up. I cried out every time they used it. -Andthis is his sister Thalia, daughter of Zeus. Chiron continued as if Lupahadnt interrupted him, pointing at the dark-haired girl with electric blue eyes. Percy Jackson is once again offered Godhood after the end of The Second Giant War. ", Percy is (somewhat) pleasantly surprised to find out she has a (somewhat) normal uncle. Goddess, accept my offering, Ichanted. But there was something different about him, something that I had never caught when staring at myself in the mirror. 8:00, Annabeth said after checking her watch. And lastly, there was the blond girl who had blocked his attack. Still, my heart rate picked up and I struggled against my captors. 9.4K645 . Now be on your way. Just seeing them in visions tugged at my frail heartstrings. femalepercyjackson. Once Gaea was defeated, the Roman and Greek camps decided to join together to make one even larger camp, complete with roman temples, weapons, dishes, war games and fauns. Alright, Leo. Soon, after several more blocks and swipes, their swords were locked. Language. And in doing so, somehow manages to forget the yee old pull-out method. They will never fall for this Gaea, I shouted, directing my words towards the earth goddess. All gone. Waves of monsters poured through the streets of Manhattan, marching towards the Empire State building. AU. Frank felt Hazel's eyes piercing a hole in his shirt. > "There used to be a great Percy Jackson fanfic called New Girl", > Decides to check it out, out of curiosity, > "Lilly was downright pissed. But then my form began to change, and alter itself. He brought the whip down on a nearly indistinguishable Percy. Unfortunately its main focus is angst/armchair psychology and the gender change is largely ignored in favour of working through overblown Dursley-related emotional issues, something which could have been done equally in a male Harry fic. The son of Zeus looked at her and nodded. So Hubb- wait. At that exact moment. In the original novel Athanasia was about to be killed had never cared about what other people thought of her - and why would she ? Maybe hes closer to home than we think, suggested Hazel. Percy Jackson at eleven years of age decides to make a dangerous and stupid trek into the forest at night, Running from a Hellhound Pack he stumbles upon the Camp of Artemis and her Hunters, to Avoid becoming a Jackalope he makes a deal, Too bad no one ever told him that making deals with Gods can be dangerous. So I tried to focus on something else. Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank and Nico all knelt down beside me. After two wars, Percy Jackson thought she had finally figured out how the Greek world works. The liquid burns where it touches, enveloping me in thick, purple smoke. Simple enough., Liquid ice filled my veins. I thought about Annabeth; her blonde curls, tan skin, killer attitude, and constant lemony smell. I normally wouldve thought it was a bit creepy, but I didnt care. What the Hades are you doing up? This was just another petitioner come crawling on their knees for a miracle from the great Apollo. Story won't beat for beat follow campaign one, or TLOVM, some things will change or diverge by either the characters changing or me wanting to take things in a different direction. They "introduce" her to Camp Half-Blood as the daughter of Poseidon & at the same time . He wasnt sure how things worked in the Greek camp, but here in the Roman camp, fraternizing with the enemy was a big no-no. What are you so happy about? I demanded. Everyone except I changed direction abruptly. An enormous amount of demigods beganpouring in, courtesy of the newly trained fauns helping out. Create your website today. Blood just clung to me. I asked Thalia who would have the biggest chance of holding their own against Percy, and Annabeths our best bet. Everyone was silent for a moment. Uh, no offense to you Annabeth, but why her? Leo piped up. I ran back to my friends, most horrified of what Gaea had tricked them into believing. A supportive community for writers, readers, and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction. I was completely drenched in sweat, soaking through my shirt and into the mattress. He gave a high-pitched whinny of fear. I grinned at him and climbed aboard, trying to mind the feathers. A bad nightmare, but it wasnt real. I ran towards him. They knew everything about each other, Andy knew about Scott's furr Percy is shipped of to a magic school in Scotland called Pigfarts or something like that by Chiron. What's the price of defeating Chronos might be for the daughter of Poseidon and how will her path diverge from now on? Dont underestimate the demigods, you did once before and look where it led you to: nothing more than a few rocks in a box.
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