I'm going dream team one shots. I wasnt sure if I was more scared or if you were. Not only did he experience emotional abuse, but physical too. You run a hand through his hair, glad to see him again. He will be somewhat jealous that you have larger wings, Hell size you up, before getting pouty once he realizes, Unconsciously puffs up his own feathers to try and appear larger, He already has people making fun of him for his height, so if others make fun of his wing size? A monster. His eyebrows are furrowed together and tears drip down his face and off his chin. It all changes when Dream gets wings. Sapnap cradles the dust of your remains in his palms, holding it close to his chest. He knows that what the other hybrids are offering sounds amazing, and in your position he would probably pick them. Why. You hear his voice in the wind, his laughter amongst others and see dashes of his wings around corners. Please contact us at contact@fivehills.us and we will reach out as soon as possible to solve your request. He screams dramatically, when you grab him, lifting him off the ground. I see the way you look at me. The love, pain and whatever else he could possibly offer. He struck you on accident. I dont know if I can look you in the eyes when this happens.. Assassinate the prince. -He can get really jealous when y'all are out with friends and you're paying more attention to them than him especially if it's someone like Dream or Wilbur He yells and screams, shoving back at anyone who tries to pull him away. . He struggles for a moment, pushing away and mumbling something about not wanting your pity before relaxing in your grip. You didnt take them with you, often leaving them behind. He became a recluse for a week, not wanting to risk seeing you. 18+ "She did all this? The peaceful moment ends as he begins to stir. I dont want to hurt anyone anymore. I cant listen to your voice anymore. He grits his teeth, his heels digging into the soil. If you think he was protective before, oh boy. You sigh, leaning your head back against the ground. This isnt something you need to do now, right? Quackitys voice cracks, tears rising to his eyes. Collapsed against a house, a hand on your stomach. Sobs rack through his body as he curls into himself. You've been in love with your best friend Alex since the age of 11, but you know that he will never return your feelings. Schlatt: Back to Back. How A chaotic, funni and very slay/gay Quackbur fic. Theyll all just leave you in the end. "Yeah." Y/N sighed. They become his most prized possession. Lazily, you rock back and forth on the heels of your feet, the two of you swaying in the hug. The next couple of hours are followed by long conversations between you two. and if you dont want to talk, hell understand and remind you how much he loves you <33, hes a bit more private when it comes to his love life, (if youre comfy) just like Ranboo, youre wearing a mask and glasses on his streams :]], the chat loves the chaotic neutral couple vibes you two are giving off, Ranboo sometimes makes some jokes about getting a divorce with you since he wants to marry Tubbo, and sometimes its the other way around! I remember I was scared to talk to you at first. But, the horns, oh how they sent a pain through his body. Will probably include smut, and probably a couple make out parts. That you could break your promise. :), tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, find me a man that treats me like alexis treats y/n fr, After-stream Humiliation PART 2 - 3.8K Words, GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF) & You, NSFW - I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH THIS IS VERY NSFW, Alexis | Quackity/Original Female Character(s), Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued. So he left you alone for greater periods of time. 1.8m Likes, 41.4k Comments - @quackity on Instagram: "Quackity from Las Nevadas (not real cigs)" He was frantic to find you, knowing that youd be in here somewhere. Lyrics from Acetone by Vundabar He felt sick, like the constant dizziness after drinking the wrong potion. Do you remember the first time we met? He continues to rant about you having larger wings and how it is unfair. I dont need people tip toeing around me because I remind them of some dead guy. You glare at the floor in front of you, trying to not direct your anger to Quackity. There were several crime organizations around Essempi. The only thing that would end this friendship would be your death. Alex, also known online as Quackity, recently got the reputation of being kinda dumb, dumb to the point where another streamer heard about it and has to go see for hers. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. You kept teasing me so I started calling you names. Kudos: 2 Hits: 34 *DSMP CHARACTER AND READER ONESHOTS* [This is a request book] by icecreamis_gay Dream SMP Not Rated Follow the procedures described below to install this shaders into your game. His hand lands on your shoulder, pulling roughly. At least, I have a goal in life. You scoff, staring down your old friend. *********************************************************************************This is for shits and giggles! You said that you would always protect me. It's literally just you two cuddling and having a slumber party that's it that's the fic, ~Part 1 in a collection of scenes from your life as a streamer living in the dream team house. smut is to be expected. Like an anvil is pressed against your back, forcing you to stay in place. And if he holds you close like this no one can hurt you. It's just so comforting to him. I dont know what to believe, they seemed so sincere., You cant go live with that pig! He shouts briefly, but quiets down when you flinch. He shouldnt have befriended you. Y/n lived off of the woods and villages that . QUACKITY X READER As he ran away, he caught view of your saddened eyes. He stays there until your body dissipates into golden particles. And yes! You know where to find us. He backs away, turning to leave. He made you promise him that you wouldnt die again. It is just being polite at this point, Youre very appreciative, trailing behind him happily. You hold him just as tight, not wanting to let go. I thought that you wanted this and- Youre cut off by a loud gasp behind you. Your body jostles with the impact, lurching forward. You couldnt deny his words, knowing that you would do anything for your past leader. Genderqueer - They/them - 18 - Writer Fandoms: Markiplier - Dream Smp - Requests are open . X stares down at your limp body, trapped under rubble. Youre talking to Sapnap and Karl, occasionally looking to Quackity. The clock ticked by ominously, for a long period of time. A part of him relishes in seeing pain. What are you still doing here? You shake your head, laughing to yourself while running your hands through your hair roughly. He looks at you frantically before whispering his troubles. Its been a year. No, not only you but Dream, Philza and Technoblade. Is afraid they he might hurt you or the baby. Somehow, this all feels wrong. You slam your boot down on the fabric, digging it into the ground. Printed on light chiffon fabric, Redbubble's scarves will keep you cool in summer and stylish in winter. He left presents, although they were rather strange. Your eyes light up and you wave to the group. Youd show mercy to some but not others; the way you pave your path was irregular. Others would cry or shout in disgust. You shook your head, before giving your own response: friendship. The fabric bunches and twists under your grip. Youre panting heavily, bleed dripping in huge streams down your face. He flushes from the accusation, feeling embarrassed that he was caught. That is the cruel reality of this world. Prompt: Ive recently watched the video where Quackity,Tommy, and stubborn ask Gogy those questions and I was thinking! Oh, how he wants to ease your comfort but he couldnt deny the truth. Sit down hell do it for you. And, you were. Humans love material possessions and yet you traveled light. The rain washes away the golden dust, any signs of your life removed from the destruction. A part of you did believe the anarchists. And, his heart dropped. Please consider turning it on! With a racked sob, you lean in to hug Quackity. You dont take anything, youre just very curious, Hes quick to learn that you are curious about almost anything. For a brief moment, Quackity debates pulling you back in, to give you a kiss that expresses everything hes felt. He figured it would continue this way, you two together. You lost your second life months later. Through a raid she meets the streamer named Quackity on takes time to have talent like mine ;) Why arent they happy? He enjoys how playful you are, so it is not unexpected the two of you become friends, He will want to fly around with you, but cant keep up with how small his wings are, Youll have to carry him sometimes, and although he will complain at first, he really does enjoy it, He might grumble about your height being taller than him, blaming your dragon genes essentially. The others, they wont change. || (+) He is very understanding, that as a bear hybrid, you feel the need to touch many things and will be patient with you, Philza really likes to touch your ears, it just amuses him to see how sensitive they are, Tubbo most likely introduced him to you, thinking youd get along because of your similarities as hybrids, Neither you or Fundy bother to correct the boy; that just because youre hybrids doesnt means youll get along. Havent you done enough already? He holds onto the handle of his sword a little tighter, his nails digging into the metal. They obviously shouldnt be staying in Lmanburg if this is how theyre being treated.. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I just wanted to help. You reach a hand to brush his bangs out of his eyes, but he flinches, squeezing his eyes shut harshly. He sinks into himself, remembering how he responded when you asked a similar question before. Youre a mortal and youd eventually die. He looks from your wings back to his own. Even if you assure him your fine he still wont let you. I cant do this. He felt childish reacting like this, he hates himself for it. They will change, I know they will! You said, that everything will be okay and you held onto my hand tightly. He doesnt answer fast enough, leaving you in despair. He nods in agreement, his hands reaching for yours. A teenage boy is running from the law. A pre-sale or pre-order is a new product that is available for sale before being in stock and ready to ship. Thats all the humans were given. Finding a use or giving them to someone else. You dont say much, appearing to be in a solemn mood for some reason, as you sit next to him. Ill probably write a platonic quackity fic but just not with the specific ask. They lift another potion to your face, pushing you to drink it. A long kiss will end his antics quickly, if youre annoyed by them, Hes met his fair share of creatures while traveling, So he knew that you were a yokai when he first met you, but not exactly what type, You didnt talk to him much when you first interacted, instead just following the poor soul around, He didnt mind assuming youd eventually leave him alone, But you dont, spending more and more days with him, And one point, the two of you start talking simply to push away the silence, He watches while you cup your hands together and a mini explosion appears in your palms, Looking closer, he finally notices the purple specks in your eyes, He is more curious than amazed, taking notes of other details about you, Youre a great help on travels, not only company wise but also since monsters seem to avoid you, The few brave ones that approach get knocked back by Philza, He wont admit his fondness for you, especially since he knows youll get a good laugh about the situation, Technically, since youre a spirit you cant get hurt but you dont bother to tell him that, He spotted the fire spreading around the forest before he saw you, Once he did see you, he tried to rush you out of the area, Quickly learns that he cant when his arm phases through your body, You decide to follow him anyways, curious of the creature, You find out he is part fox, while he learns that youre a yokai, The fire was apparently your fault, a side effect of the object you took on: a campfire, He wants to laugh, he really does, but you seem so excited while explaining what you can do, It is a bit interesting to see different colored flames dance about your skin harmlessly, If he wants to hang out with you, itll have to be outside since you seem to struggle to control the flames, That or he will need to dump water on you, but youre never fond of that, He likes how you warm up the area around you, his muscles always relaxing when you show up, He will stretch out, flopping into the grass with you, Just very relaxing moments spent together, Even if you cant interact with humans, you can still touch objects, It is like you are constantly sliding everywhere, similar to wearing socks on hardwood floors, Schlatt would toss out an arm and trip you if he could, Although he finds it adorable, it can be a little too much at times, Your yokai is ice, a rather normal but fun material, Yet, with that your presence always chills the room, The temperature will drop by a couple degrees whenever you decide to appear, basically giving away your location, Schlatt would be the person to make jokes about what horrible things he has done to get stuck with you saying that more frequently when he realizes most other people cant see you, He doesnt actual mean it though, enjoying your companionship, He didnt realize at first that you are a yokai, He simply saw a person fall off a cliff and freaked out, Ranboo would run to your side trying to check if youre okay, When you get up nonchalantly, brushing off the dirt like you merely tripped, Youre quickly to explain that youre a yokai, specifically one that took on the qualities of obsidian, Now that he looks closer, he can see the dark purple details on your skin, almost like freckles, By taking on the properties of obsidian, you became quite resilient to damage, You boast loudly to the hybrid, asking if he wants to see you jump again, He is bound to have a heart attack because of you, At one point he is worried that he is imagining you, simply because he already hears voices and has memory problems, That worry escapes when he sees you tackle Technoblade in an attempt to steal his crown, He had to drag you away from the angry piglin, feeling faint from your wild actions, He normally doesnt care about other creatures, paying no mind to them, Until you show up searching through his chests, His sword is quick to slice through your body, but it hits no resistance, He lets out a loud heh in confusion, wondering if youre a ghost that Ghostbur brought back, You dont pay much attention to the hybrid, mumbling something about being a yokai, Hes obviously interested, and slightly peeved that you are ruffling in his chests, and asks more questions, Apparently, you took on the aspects of gilded blackstone for whatever reason, It explains his strange attraction to you, since the block has aspects of gold within it, If he inspects your skin, hell find freckles than shine like the ore, Techno tries to ignore you, but finds it difficult because of your features, Hell have to get Philza to drag you out, the mentor laughing at his predicament, Techno wont try to stop you from visiting, having a soft spot for you already, He doesnt care that youre a spirit or that others think of you as evil, All he knows is that you have the same qualities of a note block, You can easily mimic other sounds and sing little tunes to trick other people, He enjoys pranking people with you, joining in from time to time, Quackity tries to give you different items to see if you can hold a different pitched tune, If you dont give him attention, he will joke around about replacing you with a jukebox, He likes seeing how defensive you get, knowing deep down that he could never do that, He was walking through a forest nearby the houses, simply enjoying the day when you come tumbling down into a pile of snow nearby. You could tell how he had spent a lot of time perfecting his pearly white grin. You stayed with him the rest of the night, talking like old times. Once an order has left our shipping facility, we are unable to change its address. The two surprisingly bond, and things get a little more intimate. But, you guys have changed for the worse. You lean back on your heels casually, trying to look nonchalant. With a mutu A little one-shot thing I decided to make. So, I could see you smile so freely. Sapnap bites onto his bottom lip, the skin breaking at the force. You stare at your hands in your lap, unsure of how to respond. Nothing to it, right?? After months of knowing you, Quackity still cant help his lingering thoughts. People watch as the hybrid runs past everyone, a strange look on their face. No one has the patience or the ability to wait for time. basically im reposting everything that i wrote on my wattpad oneshot book. *** REQUESTS ARE CLOSED AS I HAVE SO MANY TO WRITE AND I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE A BREAK TO WRITE SOME OF MY OWN IDEAS. The pair glance at you briefly, their features softening, before turning back. Coins littering the street, the sight of his old office and the lasting wounds on citizens and friends alike. Do you remember when you said that you loved me? Sapnap freezes, his blood running cold. Quackity crossed his legs and put his jacket over his crotch to hide his *cough* problem. With a heavy huff, you fall back into the grass. For everything relies on time not healing wounds. We were fighting in a raid. Philza steps forward, placing a gentle hand against your shoulder. He sits up straight, turning to look at you. They would just be using you for some reason.. Psters originales del tema Quackity X Reader Las Nevadas Lemon Hechos y vendidos por artistas Decora las paredes de tu dormitorio, oficina o habitacin. Four, he raises his sword, the black metal glowing in the light. Oh, Im being rude arent I? You sit up and shove your hand out to the male. El precio y otros detalles pueden variar segn el tamao y color del producto. Youre silent for a moment and he fears the worst happened. inspired by: @shrekloverrrr69 Using the bloodied sword to look at your reflection, you smile wide seeing the horns absent from your head. He periodically looks over at you, surprised to find that your eyes are closed completely. He instantly calms down, laughing lightly with you. Our weapons kept breaking, we were running out of food and hiding in a house. He sniffles, his nose feeling runny. sorry for this being so short, i only added my comfort streamers, but i still hope you guys enjoy it! You could always go back. Philza places a reassuring hand on your shoulder. Karl and Sapnap run through the crowd, shock growing in their faces. But they always have to keep on a poker face to avoid publ ~Royal au~ Token quackity x dream x reader. No matter how much it changes.. This was not how Tegan has expected her summer to be. It took Sapnap and Karl days of convincing to lure him out of his house once more. Aha, 13+, even though half. Blood coats the surrounding areas, splattered like a messy painting. He does, reaching for your hand to hold while the others talk. He snapped that day, yelling at you for the first time. Please, love. (c) 1996-2023 Amazon.com, Inc. o sus afiliados. Her room and Quackity's bathroom were literally only a wall apart. You lean in, lips gently gliding across his own. He screws his eyes tightly together. Finding no new blood, she returns with a red potion, pushing it in your face. It is a matter of time until they revert to their old ways. Nihachu stands in the doorway, Puffy behind her. But he will be there for you every step of the way. Specifically some angst headcannons. It echos louder than the rest. reader finds themselves in the office of the owner of las nevadas. why do people still read this I was 13 dude . With the goal in mind, you rush through the streets knowing the perfect place to go. Yet, he always avoided it one way or another. Even if time could heal, that would take too long. Not saying a word, he runs away from the three, his legs taking him farther than expected. You want to laugh and cry. His breath quivers and catches in his throat. Quackity doesnt stop, looking deep in concentration. Thanks <3, Yes I got it! He was crying? Be sure to leave you suggestions. (TW's will be pasted on the top of each chapter). Their hands are soft, unlike Schlatts. Your the first on the anon list! But, his entire life has been spent in this area. When Y/n is forced to take her younger brother to meet his friends in Brighton, she creates a spark Not all love stories start off with lingering stares or flirting. You pulled me into a hug, spinning me around while laughing. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (61), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF)/You (66), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF)/You (50), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF)/You (42), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Clay | Dream's Sister Drista (Video Blogging RPF), References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Alternate Universe - Ancient Greek Religion & Lore Fusion, Mount Olympus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Las Nevadas on Dream SMP (Video Blogging RPF), *DSMP CHARACTER AND READER ONESHOTS* [This is a request book], Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound/Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound/Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF)/You, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, Wilbur/You/Quakity spend the night together, Alexis | Quackity's Chat (Video Blogging RPF), Dream Team SMP Roleplay (Video Blogging RPF), I Hear a Symphony {Quackity x Reader Royal AU}, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson & You, Post-Doomsday War on Dream Team SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Dream Team SMP Angst (Video Blogging RPF), Protective Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Traumatized TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo's Memory Books (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade Is Bad At Self-Care (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Needs a Break (Video Blogging RPF), implied female reader but gender neutral pronouns used, THE ROLE OF THE KING - LAS NEVADAS FANFIC, Youtubers Playing Minecraft (Video Blogging RPF), Prison Arc on Dream Team SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Quote: Technoblade Never Dies (Video Blogging RPF). Should she be happy? After all, he is the one that left you behind. People dont try to hide their gossiping while they take in your figure. :)) hope u enjoy dearsoulmate. How are people actually solving these? I need some time to think, and you do too. With that he rushes out of the room, not even saying goodbye. { Las Nevadas | Quackity (Dream SMP) x Reader. He has to leave, now. He said that Wilbur wanted you to finish the job, to help him until the end. Quackity from Las Nevadas Streetwear - Sudadera con capucha para hombre, para otoo e invierno No hay opiniones $34903 $80.00 de envo MARLLEGEBEE Quackity The End of Las Nevadas Sudadera con capucha de manga larga para hombre y mujer No hay opiniones $35071 $200.00 de envo WBLXYMDP Three, hes close enough that you can see anger swirling in his pupils. And, I believed you.. He isnt used to affection, so almost anything will make him react, Sam likes to scratch behind your ears, thinking the rumbles from your throat are soothing. Will was 20, fundy was 4 and y/n was 1. He doesnt want you to die not this way. What did you do? Her voice is hush, her hand reaching out slowly. When you are conscious again, the pain hits you hard. He remembers how much that nickname would bother him. Several others near your frame, trying to help. Why. Apologies tumble from his mouth and tears fall from his eyes. Bears often scent or rub against their companions to show affection, so its normal for you to follow that, Fundy doesnt mind, his fox side enjoying all the attention, He doesnt think much of your hybrid side, not finding it weird or strange, He will want to know what traits or instincts you inherited though, that is always his favorite part about meeting hybrids, Ranboo will probably find you rustling through his chests most of the time, simply because you can. Hours were spent talking together, finding new lands and just being around each other. He laughs so hard when you yip in response, Quackity will tug on your ears occasionally, trying to figure out, As a joke, he will try to introduce you to any bear he finds, running away when you chase after him, He enjoys spending lazy days with you, cuddling for hours on end, Quite literally bear hugs with how tightly you hold onto him.
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