Further guidance to support schools has been provided in the Welsh Government document The Journey to 2022.. The data from this cookie is anonymised. Qualifications Wales is working with stakeholders to co-construct a coherent and inclusive choice of bilingual qualifications for schools that aligns to Curriculum for Wales and meets the needs of all learners. Mount Stuart Primary is currently working towards the new Curriculum for Wales which will come into effect from September 2022. Helping students think about money while choosing a university . As learners progress along the 3 to 16 continuum, they should engage more directly in the assessment process. To be truly effective all those involved with a learners journey need to collaborate and work together. If they choose to research an influential Welsh woman (Task 1) they can choose from a list of names including: Rose Mary Crawshay - suffragist who backed education and marriage reform Betty Campbell - Wales' first . However, information that flows from assessing learner progress can contribute to the evidence of learner progress in a school, both its extent and pace, and will be used to support the professional dialogue needed to underpin self-evaluation processes. This sets out the 3 phases that form the iterative process of curriculum design for schools and settings (engagement; designing, planning and trialling; and evaluation and preparing for first teaching). What practical arrangements might be needed to enable this? As they do so, they will make links across their learning and apply this in new and challenging contexts. The change includes a move to online Personalised Assessments from National Tests. in special schools, with practitioners from other special schools. There are 5 Progression Steps covering typical development from 3 years to 16 years. The Code sets out the ways in which a curriculum must make provision for all learners. Assessment should not be carried out for the purpose of accountability. What further support and opportunities for discussion are available to the school or setting through local and regional networks and how might these be used to discuss progression? (LogOut/ In doing this, they have ensured flexibility for funded non-maintained settings and schools to plan assessment appropriately to support their curricula at a local level. An assessment of how the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill will impact teaching and learning. Curriculum for Wales / Cwricwlwm i Gymru Curriculum for Wales - English Medium Progression Steps Progression Step 3 Health and Wellbeing Health, . This relationship at the local, regional, and national level will help bring coherence as schools and settings engage with and enact Curriculum for Wales and it evolves within schools and settings. Two Saints offers housing & support services in Berkshire, Hampshire (85%) and on the Isle of Wight. From September 2022 it is statutorily required in primary and nursery education. This guidance should be used as a basis for professional discussions and learning within and between schools and settings, to support self-improvement and to bring consistency across schools and settings. Equally, continuity of learning to support progression for learners is crucial at this stage in a learners journey. Matomo cookies Underpinned by the four purposes of the new Curriculum for Wales, this book empowers pupils with the knowledge and In doing so, they should build on structures and relationships that are already in place. However, decisions relating to the frequency of meetings and engagement opportunities lie with the school/setting leaders. For ease, links to the relevant sections of this guidance will be provided in the Welsh Ministers assessment arrangements guidance for funded non-maintained nursery settings. Practitioners developing a shared understanding of progression at a school, setting or cluster level helps ensure learners experiences are joined-up, authentic and relevant, and also helps identify how to sequence learning effectively. However, when assessing to award external qualifications the approach will build on the principles of Curriculum for Wales. Curriculum for Wales / Cwricwlwm i Gymru Curriculum for Wales - English Medium Areas of Learning and Experience Mathematics and Numeracy Progression Step 2 Geometry focuses on relationships involving shape, space and position, and measurement focuses on quantifying phenomena in the physical world. It differs to some extent in structure and content to other parts of the United Kingdom, in the later case particularly in . Contributeur: Laszlo Fedor (Contributions by), Jonathan Agar (Contributions by). Finding your passion. This should be in an accessible manner which both maximises parents and carers engagement and understanding. AoLE groups are working on this area over the Summer term. Confidently deliver Computing for the new Curriculum for Wales and develop students' ICT skills with the interactive, ac. New Curriculum for Wales. Practitioners should use descriptions of learning to develop a wide range of assessment approaches that help determine whether and how progress is being made. Request a different format. Assessment plays a fundamental role in enabling each individual learner to make progress at an appropriate pace, ensuring they are supported and challenged accordingly. As part of this, schools and settings should consider taking forward collaborative approaches through participation in clusters and wider networks. Curriculum for Wales 2022 Following a comprehensive curriculum review, the Welsh Government has developed an exciting new curriculum that aims to create a successful and exciting future for all the children and young people of Wales. Effective self-evaluation will involve schools and settings reflecting on their approaches to planning, developing and implementing curriculum and assessment arrangements, to ensure they are supporting learner progression. Track - Monitor coverage and progress across the five progression steps to help identify next steps for individual pupils and whole cohorts. We've saved some files called cookies on your device. At whatever point a learner enters a school or setting, practitioners should ensure they understand where they are in their learning and the progression they have made to date. This will give practitioners the ability to come together nationally to discuss progression in Curriculum for Wales. As such, assessment for qualifications is separate to this guidance. The National Network will be an opportunity for all interested practitioners to get involved in national co-construction to address our shared challenges and opportunities. When are students first introduced to key topics? Encounters with employers and employees . Leia Curriculum for Wales: Progress in Computing for 11-14 years de George Rouse disponvel na Rakuten Kobo. iBSL is no longer a CCEA Regulation recognised awarding organisation. How and why we are changing the curriculum. Public Health Wales have published a warn and inform letter regarding scarlet fever an invasive streptococcal disease./ Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi cyhoeddi llythyr rhybuddio a hysbysu yngln thwymyn y Scarlet yn glefyd streptococol ymledol. The new assessment arrangements will need to ensure that learners make progress at an appropriate pace along that continuum. Alok Gupta 2022-03-17 1.Matrix, 2. This should take into account their developmental stage and any barriers to learning, ensuring that each learner is able to demonstrate progress in line with their individual ability. Progression step 4. The national approach to professional learning (NAPL), Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill: Overview, Teaching about the multiethnic nature of Wales: teachers prompt sheet, Preparing learners for a new Curriculum: guidance for governors, Successful futures: report on responses to the great debate, Cwricwlwm Cymreig review group: final report, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group: interim report, Relationships and sexuality education (RSE) pilot in schools: final report, The Curriculum Requirements (Amendment of paragraph 7(5) of Schedule 17 to the Coronavirus Act 2020) (Wales) Regulations 2020, Scoping study for the evaluation of the curriculum and assessment reforms in Wales: government response, Notice to disapply curriculum requirements, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group: final report, The Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill: impact assessments, Mandatory status of English in the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill: summary of responses, The Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act: explanatory memorandum, Curriculum for Wales: Statements of What Matters Code, Modification of Curriculum Requirements in Wales Notice 2021, Curriculum for Wales: Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Code, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities (BAME), Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group, Audit Wales report on the new Curriculum for Wales: government response, Teaching about the multiethnic nature of Wales: vision statement, Annual report on implementation of the recommendations from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group report, Direction relating to developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression. . Although schools have faced a challenging time during the . developmentally appropriate relationships and sexuality education. functionality such as being able to log in to the website will not work if you do this. The curriculum has been reformed at a national level in order to raise standards, reduce the attainment gap between students and equip young people with the skills they need to live in todays ever-changing society. Is your school or setting involved in relevant, If your school/setting would benefit from further support when accessing the Camau AFTF workshops, your. Assessment should not be used to make a one-off judgement on the overall achievement of a learner at a set age or point in time against descriptors or criteria on a best-fit basis. Staff know their pupils well. The new curriculum will therefore measure learners' progress through expected 'Achievement Outcomes' at five 'Progression Steps' at ages 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16. Curriculum for Wales: Progression Code The Code sets out the ways in which a curriculum must make provision for all learners. What practical support might you need in doing this? Progression steps will now be in place at ages 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 relating to broad expectations of a childs progress. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Supporting learners to make progress is a fundamental driver of Curriculum for Wales and is the overarching purpose of assessment. Explains what the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act will do. When making, implementing, reviewing and revising assessment arrangements and classroom practice, those responsible should adopt the principles set out in this guidance and must have regard to its contents to support progression. Designing your curriculum 3. Dialogue informed by the information that flows from assessing learner progress can help build a shared understanding of progression within and across schools to ensure progress is being made at an appropriate pace and learning and teaching is providing appropriate challenge and support for all learners. An indication of how these discussions can support learner transition from year to year within a school/setting as well as between schools and settings), Identification of how internal discussions will inform wider discussions with other schools/settings as appropriate and vice versa, To discuss their understanding and experience of developing progression, schools and settings can use the. engage with the providers of funded non-maintained nursery education whereby learners transition from a setting to their school, inviting them to participate in ongoing professional dialogue, engage with PRUs to which, or from which, they have learners transitioning and/or dual registered learners, inviting them to participate in ongoing professional dialogue. As such, practitioners should assess all learners across the 3 to 16 continuum based on the progression articulated in their school or settings curriculum and in their planned learning intentions. We . A summary of how professional learning is changing to meet the needs of the new curriculum. The learner should be at the centre of the transition process. This important focus is a means for schools and settings to ensure their curriculum, and the learning and teaching, helps raise the achievement of all and, in particular, the achievement and attainment of learners from disadvantaged backgrounds. The purpose of the descriptions of learning is to provide guidance on the direction and pace of progression in order to support practitioners and inform their curriculum design and learning and teaching. Much work has been done to identify key areas for development in light of local & national priorities. When developing these processes, consideration should be given to using a wide variety of different communication means, for example, face-to-face, digital or written. However, Estyn and Governing Bodies, as well as local authorities and regional consortia, should not use assessment information as a proxy for standards in school, or to rank and compare schools. Principles of progression Mandatory In the Mathematics and Numeracy Area the model of progression is based on the development of five interdependent proficiencies, outlined below. This should include both immediate next steps and longer-term objectives and goals that the learner should work towards to help keep them moving forward in their learning. These are: Progression Step 1 - age 3-5 Progression Step 2 - age 5-8 Progression Step 3 - age 8-11 Progression Step 4 - age 11-14 Progression Step 5 - age 14-16 Children can be anywhere on the progression line though. Change). These assessment arrangements must continue to focus on understanding and supporting the progress made by these learners across the full breadth of the curriculum, and not just those aspects they are taking qualifications in. position and comparison. Our school curriculum has been developed using the principles of co-construction. To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it. By supporting learners to understand their strengths, areas for improvement and next steps, assessment can help learners prepare for their external qualifications including making informed choices about the qualifications they take. The new Curriculum for Wales will be organised in 6 Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE) (replacing the current 13 National Curriculum subjects), underpinned by the Cross Curricular Responsibilities of Literacy, Numeracy, Digital Competence and the Wider Skills. Schools and settings should encourage and enable parents and carers to: Schools and settings should engage external partners to: The principles of progression and the descriptions of learning, articulated in the Curriculum for Wales guidance, are intended to guide curriculum design and learning and teaching, with assessment arrangements and classroom practice being an integral part of both. More information can be found online. However, when coming together to develop their understanding of progression, we envisage primary and secondary school practitioners will consider not only progression at Year 6 and Year 7 but the 3-16 continuum as a whole.