d.)vary widely across cultures. c. c.)persistent depressive disorder. What is the probability that AAA occurs? He cannot concentrate at work and has been calling in sick at least once each week. d.)electrical activity. The brains of people who suffer from depression tend to have low levels of: a. )antisocial personality. )obsessive-compulsive disorder c.)Factor analysis c.)not including homosexuality as a mental disorder. John has been having difficulties getting out of bed, and is not interested in going out with friends or even answering the phone. d.)social facilitation. )gender typing. Mar. d.)client-centered therapy. )other's pursuit of their self-interest can harm our well-being. b. )overestimating the consistency of behavior from one situation to another. This technique is known as the: Language abilities are often used as examples of domain-specific mecha-nisms. She is constantly worried about her home life even when she is at work. An organism's complete set of genetic instructions is called a: The thread-like structures that contain genes are called: ______________ develop from a single fertilized egg, whereas ______________ develop from separate fertilized eggs. )the need to achieve. According to evolutionary psychologists, our predisposition to overconsume fatty junk foods illustrates that we are biologically prepared to behave in ways that promoted the ________ of our ancestors. Evolutionary psychologists would be most likely to predict that A) more people are biologically predisposed to fear guns than to fear snakes. a. School Miramar High School; Course Title AP PSYCH 21073500; Type. synapses. d.)Thomas, who has the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Which of the following pairings can be most easily explained by evolutionary psychology? A. larger bodies Why is Naima's hand washing considered part of a psychological disorder, while Rana's is not? d. b. b.)resistance. humanistic psychologists a historically significant perspective that emphasized human growth potential. d.)53, c.)She can make sure the participants know that she has a Ph.D. from a prestigious university. effortless encoding of incidental information into memory. C) behavior genetics. The evolutionary perspective suggests that this tendency to dwell on the negative more than the positive is simply one way the brain tries to keep us safe. conscious and unconscious mental activity. Acquired$900,000 of American Instruments 10% bonds at face value. c.)Wilhelm Wundt; Elvis While Thomas disagrees with his boss, he laughs at the joke anyway to gain her approval. )illustrate neural plasticity. d.)a negative explanatory style. Once people have agreed to a small request, they have a tendency to comply with a larger request. Significant dieting with significant weight loss of more than 15 percent of one's normal body weight is common in individuals with: a. b. twenties. a.)deindividuation. d.)dysfunctional, d.)All these things classify Naima's behavior as a psychological disorder. Last week Tate went into the hospital for a painful medical procedure. )the motivation to fulfill one's potential. d. Your judgment best illustrates: Because Gretchen is afraid of contracting infectious diseases, she compulsively avoids shaking people's hands or touching doorknobs. religious beliefs; personality traits Diane has a free-floating anxiety that leaves her tense, irritable, impairs her concentration, and leaves her with many sleepless nights. What scientist contributed to evolutionary theory? According to a recent survey of 1,200 people, 61%61 \%61% feel that the president is doing an acceptable job. They vandalized the opposing team's field and the police had to be called in. c.)cognitive dissonance phenomenon. c. Males in their ________ are most likely to be sexually attracted to women who are several years older rather than several years younger than themselves. His excess of inappropriate behavior is known as: According to _____________, by altering your behavior you stand a good chance of changing your attitude. )have hindered human reproduction. Identical twins separated at birth would be most likely to have similar A large-scale World Health Organization (2004) studybased on 90-minute interviews of 60,463 peopleestimated the number of prior-year mental disorders in 20 countries. hemispherectomy. d.)3:1. c.)physical exercise. genes or prenatal factors play a role in handedness. b. It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy because: Discuss. b. Evolutionary psychologists attribute the human tendency to fear snakes and heights to: a) gender schemas. Nov. 1. answer choices. c. Self-actualization is: Q. )Tonya, who has the positive symptoms of schizophrenia, Which of the following patients with schizophrenia is more likely to respond to medication? )the double-blind technique. b. b.)schizophrenia. Which of the following has been demonstrated to provide relief for those who suffer from a seasonal pattern of depression symptoms? Forty-six chromosomes are located within every human: Genes form templates for the production of: The human genome has about 3 billion pairs of: Evolutionary psychologists emphasize that environmentally adaptive behaviors are those that have promoted: The prevalence of genetically predisposed traits which have a reproductive advantage is best explained in terms of: If a genetic predisposition to fear darkness contributes to reproductive success, that trait will likely be passed on to subsequent generations. b. Although EP has yielded many theoretical advances and empirical discoveries, it has provoked resistance from some scholars in the social sciences ( Confer et al., 2010; Laland and Brown, 2011 ). )disruptive mood dysregulation disorder the way that genes solely create our personalities. Under hypnosis, they typically expressed a second personality when prompted to do so by the examining psychiatrist. a. d.)hindsight bias. c.)Asperger syndrome This behavior is best understood in terms of: "Evolutionary psychology and its causal mechanisms," he said, "are more fundamental than other branches of psychology and their causal explanations, which mostly deal with whole human beings." To reject evolutionary psychology is to reject broader reality; an outright rejection of biological and evolved realities is occurring. An adopted child's chances of developing schizophrenia ________ if the biological parents have schizophrenia. b. Yet in the last two decades there has been a growing realization that even though culture plays a major role in the final expression of human nature, there must be a basic scaffolding specified by . )Shanghai Even though they were removed when he was 5, his lack of visual experiences during early childhood makes it likely that he has experienced. Evolutionary psychologists would most likely attribute Jack's motivation to, Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to be criticized for, Evolutionary psychology would probably have the most difficulty accounting for, c. differences in the sexual behavior patterns of Americans and Russians, Twin studies are of most direct concern to. brain waves that indicate we are not reacting to a stimulus. a. d.)the attitudes-follow-behavior principle, Following the introduction of school desegregation in the United States and the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, White Americans expressed ___________ racial prejudice. The main focus in evolutionary psychology is reproduction of future generations. However, when examining . b. a. Research suggests that the chances are __________ that Billy will also suffer from bipolar disorder at some point in his life. )motivated forgetting phenomenon. )generalized anxiety disorder. )Freud's psychoanalysis. d.)mood linkage. Amazingly, he did not seem worried beforehand, and he showed no signs of autonomic nervous system arousal. The concept of personality most clearly embodies the notion of: a. )obsessive-compulsive disorder. Evolutionary psychologists would be most likely to predict that: b. A 3-month-old baby girl is always cheerful, relaxed, and predictable in terms of sleeping and eating. a. b. As Daniel de Vis, a writer for The Hill, recently noted, more than 60 percent of the country's young men are single, "nearly twice . b. b. Test Prep. )borderline personality disorder. a. d.)disorganized thinking. c. behavior correlations. d.)moral integrity. a. 1981).Although this assumption is borrowed from approaches to psychological stress where psychological demands and control . c.)2:1. b. C) people are the most romantically attracted to those who are the most genetically dissimilar to themselves. See Page 1. )cognitive dissonance theory. Stephen Jay Gould (/ u l d /; September 10, 1941 - May 20, 2002) was an American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and historian of science.He was one of the most influential and widely read authors of popular science of his generation. c.)An empirically derived c.)reinforcement. c.)obsessive-compulsive disorder. b. )clients transfer their problems onto their therapists, but the problem still exists. Evolutionary psychologists emphasize that environmentally adaptive behaviors are those that have promoted a. reproductive success. )"Objectivity does not guarantee validity." Incorrect psychotherapy. )generalized anxiety disorder. a. )posttraumatic stress disorder. d.)disorganized thoughts. Naima washes her hands about 50 times a day because she is afraid of the germs that seem to be everywhere. In this paper, we analyze the findings of biology and evolutionary medicine to better understand the phenomenon of pain . c) biological psychologist. )positive symptoms. )not use a placebo. )bulimia nervosa. )Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) This best illustrates the dangers of: b. c.)substantial Modern evolutionary psychologists propose that many motives have evolutionary underpinnings Homeostasis and Drive Theory Homeostasis- a state of internal physiological equilibrium that the body strives to maintain Requires a sensory mechanism for detecting changes in internal environment, a response . The moment she walks into your house you start smiling, even before she says something funny. d.)underestimating the potential influence of biological factors on personality development. c.)epigenetic molecule. Marla's sense of social isolation and embarrassment result from the interaction of )decreasing rate of depression. e. )exposure therapy. Alternately, only one partner at any one time (serial monogamy) as compared to the various forms of non-monogamy (e.g., polygamy or polyamory).The term is also applied to the social behavior of some animals, referring to the state of . This study investigated singles' similarity preferences concerning their ideal partner's personality traits, physical attractiveness, and social resources, as well as potential moderators (fear of being single and mate value) and mediators (forecasted satisfaction). c.)agoraphobia. \hline A & 0.09 & 0.22 & 0.15 & 0.20 \\ Jonah has schizophrenia. These seminars would likely be most effective in helping: Gwen is quite upset and asks why she is always the one who cooks, cleans, and takes care of the children the majority of the time. Margaret Washburn Who would be most likely to emphasize the role of the unconscious in affecting behavior? a.)individualism. )informational social influence. d.)those not undergoing therapy often improve, but those undergoing therapy are more likely to improve, and to improve more quickly and with less risk of relapse. b. )frontal lobes but when his son has a fistfight he says, "Did you win?!" c.)psychoanalysis Evolutionary psychologists believe that the behavioural predispositions or tendencies, such as 'aggression', is determined by genes and which is transfered from one generation to the next. d.)are at increased risk for antisocial behavior. )learned helplessness. c.)Psychotherapy d.)less; less. )if adopted children's adoptive parents have schizophrenia, they will, too. a.)obsessions. Which Viewpoint would John Watson Most Likely Agree with? plasticity. No investments were held by Ornamental on December 31, 2020. )educational goals. )binge eating an purging by self-induced vomitting, Patricia has been diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. )The behavior is dysfunctional for Naima. c.)latent He has a very difficult time reading the facial expressions of others and reading the state of mind of those who talk to him. d.)genetic predispositions have little effect on our social relationships. )light exposure therapy. a.)serotonin. )more people are biologically predisposed to fear guns than to fear snakes. )medulla c.)73 c. cultural diversity. Groupthink is fueled by a desire for: Evolutionary psychology is a relatively new branch of the behavioral sciences. a. b. b. )becoming so absorbed in reading a book that we don't hear the telephone ring c. c.)the therapeutic alliance. Evolutionary Psychology: #N# <h2>What Is Evolutionary Psychology?</h2>#N# <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden">#N# <div . )preconscious b. According to evolutionary psychology all humans share a universal _____ that has survived from a distant past in which we lived in small groups and punished those who directly harmed others. a. a. d.)the therapeutic alliance. The Comptroller General disclaimed an opinion on two agencies, and one only had its balance sheet audited. The threadlike structures that contain genes are called c.)behavioral consistency. )aggressive instinct The old dogma has always been that the most complex aspects of human emotions are driven by culture; Germans and English are thought to be straight-laced whereas Italians and Indians are effusive. a. (True Answer )Correct interaction. )tripled rate of teen suicide. d.)"According to a National Research Council report, the popularity of this test says it is. )83 a. d.)conscious, b. a. )personality traits. Cross-cultural research on human development indicates that: b. developmental processes are highly similar among individuals raised in different cultures. c. Incorrect natural selection. a. b. a. a. Powered by Cognero. b. Psychodynamic therapy has been found to be especially successful in the treatment of: An evolutionary psychologist would be likely to suggest that human preferences for sweet-tasting foods: )latency )Employed women have an hour more time to devote to taking care of the children. a. b. brain lesion. d.)client's expectation that psychotherapy will make things better. b. c.)foot-in-the-door phenomenon. Males' superiority on most spatial tasks has been attributed to the adaptive demands of hunting. Amanda blames herself for her recent job loss. The child's chances ________ if the adopted parents have schizophrenia. )the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. )Karen Horney; John Lennon At her health club, Bonnie pedals an exercise bike much faster when other patrons are using nearby equipment. B. evolutionary psychology. d.)7 in 10. This ____________ will likely influence Cynthia to act negatively toward her neighbor. )obsessions a.)transference. a. d.)major depressive disorder. active or inactive. )patient unconsciously responding to the therapist as though the therapist were a significant person in the patient's life. d.)dissociation. HSE. The current meta-analysis examined 41 studies drawn primarily from North America and Europe and published between 1978 to 2020. )do not increase; increase d.)client-centered. failing to consider unconscious motivations. c.)3 weeks )fear dangerous animals. c.)selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). )4 weeks c.)obsessive-compulsive disorder. lateralization. b. personal happiness. A behavior geneticist would be most interested in studying hereditary influences on A. skin color. )People in the psychotherapy group improve at about the same rate as the people in the untreated group. c.)a dispositional attribution. Several studies have mate value in evolutionary approaches suggest that sex partners. )obsessive-compulsive disorder. genomes. c.)stress disorder Clearly, Jennifer is already acquiring a knowledge of traditional, Women's leadership responsibilities have most clearly been limited by their, A person's sense of being male or female is his or her gender, The acquisition of a masculine or a feminine gender role is referred to as. Dr. Miller is most likely a(n): Epigenetics refers to the )partial b. Psychologists can measure sensation more accurately. identical or fraternal. )waking up from a nap and momentarily thinking that a dream event really happened providing hindsight explanations for human behaviors. b. )a smaller number of synapses. Child age . Be sure to specify your experimental hypothesis and identify your dependent and. The professor's suggestion best illustrates a(n) ________ theory. a. The Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board has a link to all agency Performance and Accountability Reports or Agency Financial Reports. a.)paraphilias. b. c.)hoarding disorder d.)repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, c.)Amy effectively cope with a seasonal pattern for major depressive disorder. )rapidly in response to a stressful life situation. Copyright Cengage Learning. a. )antisocial b. This is known as the: His doctor told him that it is likely that he smokes so much because: Opposing counsel asks you if this is an objective instrument. c.)our efforts to achieve a goal have been blocked. c.)the foot-in-the-door phenomenon Racial differences in a highly heritable trait are not necessarily caused by: Our selective exposure to those life experiences that are best suited to our unique temperaments best illustrates the interaction of, Because Marla is the first girl in her fourth-grade class to sexually mature, she is sometimes teased and rejected by her classmates. d.)confirmation bias. Six-year-old Tommy wants his hair cut and combed like his father's. )posttraumatic stress disorder a.)schizophrenia. )sex hormones. c.)self-actualization. The underlying assumption is that a demanding situation results in psychological distress and strain when decision latitude and control over characteristics of the situation are insufficient (e.g., Karasek et al. a. b. )the unconscious. )A young woman marries a successful middle-aged man. \text{American Instruments bonds}& \$ 850,000\\ Evolutionary psychology focuses on how universal patterns of behavior and cognitive processes have evolved over time. Gina has worked as a human resources specialist for several years, but she doesn't really like the job. If Nadine wants to gain insight into current issues, rather than delve into the past, she should try to find a therapist who specializes in: 120 seconds. our awareness of ourselves and our environment. b.)psychoanalysis. )systematic desensitization c.)8 b. d.)genome. )medical model. d.)striving for superiority. c.)Maslow's hierarchy of needs. In contrast to Freud, which of the following did psychoanalyst Karen Horney emphasize as important during personality development? a. )EMDR Evolutionary psychology Charles Darwin was the first scientist to point out that our common responses to certain emotionally charged situations, like our hair standing on end when we are frightened, are responses that probably evolved hundreds of millions of years ago in our early animal ancestors. a. )biological psychologist. Evolutionary psychologists emphasize that. Research on the causes of schizophrenia strongly suggests that: c.)hallucinations. a.)rumination. He gives her appropriate validation and encourages her to reflect on her feelings. d.)Behavioral analysis. This best illustrates racial differences in, The heritability of intelligence refers to. If a genetic predisposition to fear darkness contributes to reproductive success, that trait will likely be passed on to subsequent generations. )an external locus of control. Rather than believe your friend is a rude jerk, you decide that she may be having difficulties with her partner. d.)clients never speak kindly about their therapists. This compulsive overthinking is called: )the phallic DSM-5 provides mental health professionals with: c.)EMDR c.)being 15 to 20 percent below her ideal body weight d.)Ninety percent of the time the mother stays home with the children when they are sick. d.)molecular genetics. b) the X chromosome. Taro and Kiichi are fraternal twins being raised by the same parents; Helene and Victoire are identical twins being raised by the same parents. C 5. a. )mere exposure effect Which region of the brain will a fMRI show as active when a person is looking at a photo? )stress This school of thought emphasize that evolution has influenced humans to provide a mating advantage through processes of natural and sexual selection. b. B) epigenetics. A sense of being separated from one's own body and watching oneself with a sense of detachment is a symptom of: )underestimating the extent to which people differ from one another. d.)social facilitation. b. b.)1:1. c.)role playing. b. c.)mutation. a. b. She knows a little about different therapies and has decided she doesn't want to get involved in anything long term. c.)delusional thinking. At about age 11 in girls and age 13 in boys, a surge of sex hormones triggers the onset of: )the reality principle; the pleasure principle Which of the following procedures has typically resulted in patients becoming permanently lethargic? He felt very uncomfortable about having done this until he convinced himself that copying answers is not wrong if classmates are careless enough to expose their test sheets. The market prices of the investments are, AmericanInstrumentsbonds$850,000M&DCorporationbonds$1,460,000(Hint:Interestmustbeaccrued. )Freud; Billie Joe Armstrong a. a. )self-blaming and overgeneralized explanations of bad events. )transference )the id )including some conditions that are too "normal" to be considered disorders, such as extreme sadness related to bereavement. )enabling clients to feel unconditionally accepted. most left-handers process language primarily in their right hemisphere. )enabling clients to feel unconditionally accepted. Sigmund Freud Q. )external attributions for failure. Which theory best explains why Abe adopted this new attitude? )"It works better on males than on females." e. For the past four weeks, Odessa has been feeling lethargic and worthless. d. heritability. An evolutionary psychologist would be likely to suggest that human preferences for sweet-tasting foods. The study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior is known as A) molecular genetics. a. c.)meta-analysis. d.)I-knew-it-all-along phenomenon. )gender-typing bias. c.)a fugue state. d. AmericanInstrumentsbondsM&DCorporationbonds(Hint:Interestmustbeaccrued.)$850,000$1,460,000. c.)depression. c.)schizophrenia patients suffer from a deficiency of the neurotransmitter serotonin. The value of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is in part due to the effectiveness of d.)doubled rate of divorce. Children's English accents are more likely to be influenced by their ________ than by their ________. )the bystander effect. overemphasizing humans' capacity to learn and adapt to a variety of environments. 564 The reproductive advantage enjoyed by organisms best suitedto a particular environment is . )the motivation to fulfill one's potential. )people often enter therapy in crisis, and these crises often pass without professional help. b. a.)self-disclosure. )factor analytic d.)vary widely across cultures. See Page 1. The following selected transactions relate to investment activities of Ornamental Insulation Corporation during 2021. )Marshall, who has chronic schizophrenia Mark is likely to be diagnosed with a type of ______ disorder. Key Words: Notes: 4. b. )obsessive-compulsive disorder. Evolutionary psychologists emphasize that environmentally adaptive behaviors are those that have promoted reproductive success. b. In the original Milgram obedience experiment, men aged 20 to 50 had complied fully ________ percent of the time. Although Wendy is genetically male, she dresses in women's clothes in order to express her strong sense of identity as a female. b. )cognitive therapy. a. Caring for one's appearance does not depend on gender, and older people worry as much about . c.)being unable to remember one's own name or other important details about one's own life observable responses to the environment. c.)GABA. underestimating gender differences in mate selection. f. Given that AAA has occurred, what is the probability that B4B_4B4 occurs? This variation in an inherited trait is due to: frontal lobes e. 1 in combination with 2 directs our attention as researchers not to parts of the brain but to the programs run by the brain. d.)increase; increase, c.)being unable to remember one's own name or other important details about one's own life, Which of the following is an example of a dissociative experience that is pathological or abnormal? Dr. Miller is studying the evolution of behavior and the mind using principles of natural selection. According to Carl Rogers, an attitude of total acceptance toward another person is known as: The BLS does not specifically identify evolutionary psychology as a separate field, however, the American Psychological Association places the annual yearly salary for experimental psychology - a closely related field - at a range of $76,090-$116,343. Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to be criticized for a. a. b. a.)self-transcendence. As such, evolutionary psychologists would be most likely to predict that certain behaviors and traits are more likely to be present in individuals because they have been selected for over time due to their adaptive value in the environment in which they evolved. Therefore, variations in cognition and behavior would make individuals more or less successful in reproducing and passing those genes to their offspring.