. "But this is a very unlikely scenario for FLDS faithful, who practice a religious doctrine that requires men to be strictly obedient to religious leaders and requires women to give birth to as many children as possible to increase the sect's numbers. Wyler's ex-wife's sister has had two babies afflicted with fumarase deficiency. [8], In the late 1990s, three members of the LDCJC faced scrutiny for entering into incestuous relationships. Early persecution seems to have conditioned Kingston leaders to maintain the utmost secrecy, but third generation officers seem to use ignorance as a tool to enhance control of their followers, especially of women. WRE has since become defunct. Unfortunately, there are also numerous reports of members who lived in squalor in order to advance the monetary gains of the Co-op. Family members attribute the defects to the advanced ages of the mother and father -- he was 64, she was 45. [30] This practice lasted only a short time and was abandoned sometime before 1940. Once a baby is born with the condition, Aleck says, 'You really can't treat the underlying disorder.' Video unavailable This video. The Kingstons are members of the Davis County Cooperative Society or the Kingston Order, which practices polygamy. Because God loves that man, and because he honors his word. The girl's father and mother, Susan Nelson (one of John Daniel's many wives) are half-sister and brother. Bearing in mind I'm not American and have only a vague knowledge of Mormonism, a video came across my youtube from a former member of the Kingston clan/the order and wow is this terrifying. . "The children afflicted with fumarase deficiency from these three marriages include the grandchildren of Dan Barlow and his brother, the late Louis Barlow, and Merill Jessop, a top aide to fugitive prophet Warren Jeffs. "For more than 70 years, all marriages in the isolated towns have been arranged by the leader of the FLDS, a breakaway sect of the Salt Lake City-based Mormon Church. . Half and full siblings are marrying in religious ceremonies. They can't do anything by themselves. She's worked for lawyers who brought these cases to light and needed help with mormon terminology and ward politics workings. . . Like any fundamentalist Mormon sect, the Kingston Clan is very hierarchal. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. A small portion of the funds (less than 6%) were also used to purchase legitimate goods and services from businesses who provided them in "good faith". Three others, including Grant, said they had to flee to escape such a fate. . . [20] Long-time leader John Ortell Kingston lived in a small one-story clapboard house in Salt Lake City up until the time of his death in 1987. Unfortunately, it's still the innocent who suffer due to Joseph Smith's lies. . . The sisters were born into the Salt Lake City-based group and since they didn't choose the lifestyle, they decided to escape. [I]t appears that Joseph Smith Jessop and his first wife also passed on the rare genetic disorder fumarase deficiency. Let's revisit the boastful words of Mormon Church Prophet John Taylor and Mormon Church Apostle Heber C. Kimball, both quoted earlier: -Taylor, "Millennial Star," vol. Thanks for contacting us. Nearly all the Mormon founding families were relatives, so the first polygamists enjoyed relations to different degrees when the divine experiment began. While they affirm that they now carry the torch first lit by Joseph Smith, their agenda focuses only on plural marriage and their own brand of united order. "If you look in the literature, you won't find another dozen cases in the world that have been reported," says Tarby. Among the participants was Charles W. Kingston. . "'My mother should not have produced another baby," says Rugg, also Isabell and John Ortell's daughter and the baby's full sister. . . They ought to be ashamed of such conduct, and the still fouler channel which flows from their practices; and it is not to be wondered at that they should envy those who so much better understand the social relations. . If both parents carry the gene, the likelihood that their offspring will be affected by the disease or become carriers of the gene greatly increases, medical experts say. That apparently was John Ortell Kingston's intent, although most studies of first-cousin mating show their offspring test lower on IQ exams, Jorde says. Since the natural male-to-female ratio is roughly 50-50, the ratio must be manipulated so that there are more females than males for polygamy to work. "Tarby says the disease could begin to show up in children at Warren Jeffs' new FLDS headquarters . "'The "gene" that Warren is really selecting for,' Wyler says, 'is the "obedience gene. . Paul continued to practice his fathers ideas regarding intra-family marriages. However, the group reiterated its belief that "bleeding the beast" was "abhorent" and was "never a tenet" of its organization. . In fact more than half of today's Klans formed in the last three years. . mating in a way that increases genetic diseases, that the public ends up supporting, it becomes a matter of public interest.'. "While none of these can positively be linked to incest without DNA testing, geneticists say most of the conditions are exacerbated by incest. Morning Report delivers the latest news, videos, photos and more. This is a humane coping strategy devised to deal with a dilemma that devastated a woman taught from birth her only value was in the number of children she bore for the Kingdom of God. Daughters of men in the Co-op would be married off at young ages. . Accordingly, Elden became the first prophet of the Kingston Group and established the Davis County Cooperative Society. the tight-lipped adult answer, 'We dont know,' seemed woefully inadequate. "I never knew if I carried this deadly disease or if any preventative measures would halt its insidious march. 'We can only treat the complications of the disorder,' Aleck says. . 3, p. 291, "I have noticed that a man who has but one wife, and is inclined to that doctrine, soon begins to wither and dry up, while a man who goes into plurality [of wives] looks fresh, young, and sprightly. "Fumarase deficiency is caused by a lack of the fumarase enzyme, an essential component in a biological process called the Krebs cycle, which converts food into energy within each cell. This lack of information upset me as a child when to my fervent, 'Why?' The records of the marriages sealed at the Nauvoo Temple before the general exodus to Utah in the 1840s, may be the most important ones of all; yet, these are . "The disease is not widely known about even in Colorado City, a place where even normally public events such as marriages are conducted in secret. . From the article, "Mormon Polygamy: Frequently Asked Questions": "[Mormon] Church founder, Joseph Smith, said he received a revelation from God, which is still canonized Mormon scripture as Doctrine and Covenants Section 132. Jacob Kingston pleaded guilty to 41 charges, including conspiracy to commit mail fraud, aiding/assistance in filing a false claim, money laundering and obstruction. . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmhjgaB2Hi8. restricted in some polygamous sects, including FLDS groups in Colorado City, Arizona; Hildale, Utah; and West Texas, that force some of the young males to leave the communities . [6] Brooke Adams, Salt Lake Tribune, May 22, 2004. "He sent her to live in a coal yard with other polygamous wives and their many children in South Salt Lake, visiting her rarely and usually only to have sex, she testified. During the 1920s, hundreds of dissenters from the LDS Church gathered into specific groups across the Wasatch Front. "'I had never seen a patient with it,' Tarby says. He tells community residents that they should undergo genetic screening before marriage, but they've ignored the suggestion, Tarby said. Re: Polygamy's Patriarchy-Poisoned Bloodline: The Genetic Catastrophe That Has Sprung from Joseph Smith's "Divine" Breeding Program of Mormon Mutation . We specifically read that the law of consecration is designed to administer to the poor and the needy (D&C 42:35). . When the Lord chose Brother Elden through which to send this new covenant, all other covenants were thereby dissolved. . Even if a genetic screening test were available, Wyler says, Jeffs would have to be cautious about how he allowed it to be implemented. People are always trying to find people who are inferior and brand them as such.' Women and girls, after theyre married, submit to their husbands and men answer to higher-ranked men, the suit alleges. "The baby, delivered at Johnson's home in 1983, was taken to Primary Children's Medical Center. 'I've seen some children that can talk and communicate a little,' Wyler said. "Intermarriage among close relatives is producing children who have two copies of a recessive gene for a debilitating condition called fumarase deficiency. . . It appears my kinship group is suffering from clusters of rare recessive genes. Two weeks after is excommunication, Kingston had a dream wherein he believed he was visited by Jesus Christ and God the Father. "The widespread presence of the fumarase deficiency gene in the bloodlines of the founding families of Colorado City is going to make reaching any such goal extremely difficult. One of the most devastating hereditary malformations is fumarase deficiency, a rare genetic condition marked by severe mental retardation and seizures. [1], The Church . It is a common and intentional practice in the Order to require girls and women to submit sexually to their husbands even if the sexual submission is against their will because having children results in workers for the benefit of the Order, the lawsuit states. 'And when you talk about the public interest, you have to consider who pays for the consequences. KUTV A large police presence swarmed a well-known polygamous family's property in South Salt Lake Wednesday.A Department of Justice Spokesman Peter Carr confirmed to KUTV that it is involved in . . "'Incest as a policy or routine practice is rare,' says Melvin Williams, a professor of anthropology at the University of Michigan and a leading expert in the study of kinship systems. 13:1). While Charles W. Kingston was the first to oppose the Church, the primary mover in the Kingston Group was his son Elden. Consanguinity is a reason why families bear children of only one sex--all sons or all daughters. ". . . Duringa 2020 trialfor a California businessman accused of carrying out a nearly $500 million biodiesel fraud scheme with a member of the Kingston Group, attorneys for the businessman called the Kingstons an incestuous polygamous group that is always scheming to defraud the US government in what the group calls bleeding the beast., A spokesman for the group, Kent Johnson, called those allegations categorically false.. But residents who are aware of fumarase deficiency fear that the number of children afflicted with the disease will indeed increase. Jeremy Kingston was sentenced to a year in prison in 2004 for taking LuAnn Kingston, his cousin and aunt, as his fourth wife in 1994; their relationship began when he was 24 and she was 15. That's the big problem.' "John Ortell Kingston was the first Kingston to experiment with incest, marrying and bearing children with two half-sisters and two nieces, according to numerous ex-members of the clan. 'I try in my own, quiet way and tell them to outbreed. Some of you may not believe this, but I not only believe it but I also know it. "Genetics of Incest: Pre-eclampsia is a condition that can be traced genetically from one generation to the next and is prevalent among some Kingstons, Rugg says. In addition, placing the law of consecration at the pinnacle of divine laws is inconsistent with scripture and restoration history. They maintain a secretive but powerful presence in Utah's Salt Lake Valley, and their estimated 7,500. "There is too little empirical data of uncle-niece, half-brother/half-sister mating to draw firm conclusions about the IQ, survival rates, birth defects or longevity of their offspring, he says. . He estimates the test would . . From the article, "Fundamentalist Latter-day Saints Genealogy and Polygamy Problems": "The gene pool is . . The current leader of the Kingston Clan is Paul Elden Kingston, and it is reported that he has up to 27 wives (including three half-sisters) and some wives have as many as 18 children. "These groups are white supremacists and inbreeding is an essential doctrine in keeping the bloodline pure. With the dawn of the twenty-first century, lawsuits and education among Kingston followers would combine to create new obstacles, as leaders perpetuate this financially spiritual hybrid organization. It takes maturity to face the truth, especially if the truth is painful and challenges the family tradition and religious belief structure. ", ("Doctor: Birth defects increase in polygamy community," Associated Press, 9 February 2006, at: http://www.azcentral.com/health/news/articles/0209PolygamyBirthDefect09-) John Gustafson, a representative of the Davis County Cooperative Society, an affiliate of the Kingston Group, disputed the lawsuits claims. The lone man suing said three Order men raped him when he was 16 or 17 and that when he left the group and announced he was gay, was tracked down and severely beaten by a group of boys acting at the direction of the Order, the lawsuit alleges. . . . If male, some of these same 'worker bees' marry only once. In their own words, as quoted in a sister article that asks the question, "Is Monogamy the Ruin of Civilization?" Rome became the mistress of the world, and introduced this order of monogamy wherever her sway was acknowledged. _____. . "Some fumarase deficiency children, he says, develop a small degree of motor skills over time: 'They don't remain infantile their entire life.