(I know that is carcastic, but there is a bit of truth therein) There was no commitment to follow through. This was the straw that broke the camel's back and I very much doubt they'll be relevant at all, in the consumer space, in a few years time. So the future is going to be more difficult because Microsoft filed to develop a mobile OS market This is going to hurt Microsoft for the coming decades. They remind me academic profesors in my post soviet european country - they are completley out of this reality and all of their research is just to prove something and than back to the drawer. Threats are macro environment factors and developments that can derail business model of Nadella Satya. I think MS should learn from google and apple. That made the other carriers apprehensive to carry and push Windows phones, yes? Consumers and business want a third choice or at the very least they want to be able to decide. I am staying with my April 2017 Lumia 950XL (UK) till it no longer works. No vision equals no company. Like DT is running MS. All they need is a small but powerful tablet in the size of a phone with cellular but do not market it as a phone. The company can pursue horizontal integration to consolidate and bring efficiencies but I believe it will be a short term relief. They can't even get a Cortana powered speaker off the ground. In todays climate more and more people (ie..consumers) are concerned about loss of privacy, ID theft, and compromise of their personal information whether it is banking or otherwise. Microsoft was several years too late to having the Windows 10 Mobile platform even be ready to compete against iOS and Android. TRYING VERY HARD? But I do think I have a pretty good handle on the challenges hes facing right now. Just because any phone has a big screen with a high res it does not mean it copied a Lumia! Prior to that, Nadella was Microsoft EVP of the cloud and enterprise group. If MS has truely solved the CORE system then the Nadellas comments and the rest make sense and the development problem of a "mobile," desktop, and Social (Smart TV, IOT world) becomes trule nothing but a semantic difference in how a user interacts. The bottom line is that the "Surface Phone" is going to have to be incredible to draw me back. Satya Nadella - Satya Narayana Nadella (; born 19 August 1967) is an engineer and Indian American business executive. Are you kidding!?!? He learned the importance of daily gratitude from Michael Gervais and considers it . By 1999 he had been named vice president of the Microsoft bCentral small-business service, and two years later he became corporate vice president of Microsoft Business Solutions. In his own words, he needed to change the rules of the game. It is sticking to the same game that Microsoft already lost. That was the day I ordered a Pixel 2 and created a G-mail account. Look inside most of our elementary schools. Even within W10 product delivery it has been a mismatch of poor services - Cortana language/accent limitations, region dependencies, store credit card (cc) limitations (only cc of the region set can be used). My view is Microsoft have missed the next wave because the platform they have is peripheral to the next wave. And in his own words too, it is not about phone as a separate device category, it is about remaining relevant in personal computing where phone is just one of the form factors. Have a full and frank exchange of ideas in the board room. being a Windows Mobile user since the days of the PocketPC, WM4 WM5.3, WP7, etc etc.. etc.. That's now Nadellas problem to deal with. 96% of his compensation was performance-based, up from 71%. Strengths and Weaknesses are often restricted to company's internal - resources, skills and limitations. So, MS, wake up. I thought Game Of Thrones for all its fiction should have taught the lesson better.. just about ALL Windows 10 Microsoft Store Apps anf the Centennial Win32 desktop PC programs that are in the Windows 10 "Microsoft store" such a device would be like a smallhand held Surface Pro Tablet and run the same apps and PC proghrams the Surface pro 2 in 1 uses. They have opened the door and made it easy for the competitors. Other than that, this company is doomed. That could go poorly. In 1988, Satya completed his bachelor's degree at Manipal Institute in electronic engineering. Silverlight, WindowsRT, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Microsoft Band, Skype (Consumer End), Windows Phone, Nokia, Windows 10 Mobile, and now Groove and we could probably read the tea leaves to see what's next. If people start to use other software than Microsoft Office on those Android phones and Iphones then well then Microsoft is actually tottally irrelevant on the smartphones and hence really out of the bit data business in the smart phone business. Nadella will come out of this looking like a savior. Satya was most culpable of undercutting those within Microsoft trying to keep it alive, as he would say negative things about the platform and then drag his feet in clarifying. WTF??? Six challenges for Microsoft as the Satya Nadella era begins, His CEO speech: Reading between the software lines, New Microsoft CEO must focus on partners, too, What's next for the Microsoft insiders who didn't get the CEO nod. What really hurt Windows Phone was empty promises that they lost interest on keeping. Something built on Java that would be extremely open wait. On my Surface Pro 3, I like Stagelight by open labs. After several paragraphs it ended on a balanced note, stating: "Both Bing and Bard have their strengths and weaknesses, and they are still evolving and improving over time. Believe me when I tell you that windows phone had always been a beta test. I generally agree with what you say but really, you're ignoring the fact that Europe has twice as many consumers as the US. But why not as long as Microsoft keep raking in the $$$. The mythical Windows future device to change the world. I'm making this comment on downloaded bing from the play store on my old Samsung Galaxy Mega. Edge is complete rubbish, Bing doesn't compare to Google for search. HDM would never make a Windows powered device. Not to mention, updates for Win 10 & applications are poorly done and tested, which makes them a dice roll every time, as you cross your fingers that nothing breaks on your systems. What are the best Satya Nadella quotes from Hit Refresh?How do these statements succinctly capture the book's message? Sounds alot like myself Matt. Recommendations to Nadella. They should consider knocking Nokia's door again to deal a place in their handsets. With MS targeting enterprise and neglecting individual consumers, I just can't see them staying relevant. Microsoft is still pulling its re-org together at the same time it is changing its business model. The piece that Microsoft bought isnt much better. Its an encouraging development that Scott Guthrie, famous for his red shirts and a love for developers that is more real (if less boisterous) than Ballmers, will be acting head of the server and enterprise group, reporting to Nadella. It's very early days for Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and for the company's overhaul from a 1990s PC company to a service and cloud company. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston , it can also help in bringing the talent into domestic market and expanding into new areas Leadership, Organizational culture. Personally, I'd return to Windows mobile if they had a decent offering on Verizon. It is all masterful sleight of hand to distract attention away from weakness in enterprise spending, the genesis of Microsoft's core business. In this (WinPhone) case, hitting refresh is a good thing imo. After a mere 2 months, Microsoft pulled this phone, the Kin one and Kin two. Europe is a 500 million people big market so I don't think that's a small market at all. I"ve been abandoned with every MS product I've ever bought into: WinCE PDAs and phones, Win 8, 8.1, Zune, Surface RT, both the Band 1 and Band 2, Groove (Spotify sucks on my MS 950 and my Surface Pro 3). That issue has to be reconciled. I had one for grarage band, but I could not stand OSX. Why doesn't Microsoft modify Windows 10 to allow you to make phone calls? Users wanted small things like transparent icons for Skype, office apps landscape mode for start screen. Anyone who seriously thought that Microsofts board was going to choose an outsider who was willing to blow up Microsofts core businesses was, um,qualified to runfor Mayor of Toronto. My windows phones were always stable and reliable (except when I got on preview builds). Just how much will Satya Nadella get paid? Thank you, Brett. It's just a phone people, maybe leave cancer, autism, spousal abuse out of the commentary? I'm sure if you added all this up, again, like most you, tons of money invested in their products and services. And I'm going to get my hardware partners to build devices too. Making so many mistakes is ground for dismissal in any workplace. What will this all mean to Continuum? Glad I left to jump onboard the Android platform. And Joe B, I think there was one thing you missed while you were trying everything to incent developers: committing to the platform and sticking with it. And it looks to me like a huge mistake. Microsoft's hard ware business is a side business. Using Nadella Satya strengths to consolidate and expand the market position. In the course of my day I shall speak to clients. EXCELLENT POINT, I completely agree!!! It's clear that MS has no idea how to relate to the average consumer. Nadella will have to welcome droves of people into a culture that he will be only freshly in charge of. Consumers need free or less pricy option. all history now. Learn from mistakes and grow with concepts not with words.First and most important, build products/services for each and every person. MS was king because the dominated the desktop - all applications had to be written for it to exist. How likely are you to continue to believe and trust the Microsoft ecosystem"? A fan and loyalist since the first Samsung Focus, I'm not sure what to think of any potential refresh. The Surface division had a rocky start but seems to have recovered after those initial stumbles. I still use my Xbox for games primarily and entertainment at home (Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, etc. There had to be many outside influences to help with marketing that. On the immediate, serious side though - without mobile, their hopes for growing the end user - UWP - developer ecosystem is now down to, what - low to middle end Windows "S" devices? Feel free to connect with us if you need business research. They dominate in search and Android, maybe IoT, but that is questionable. Cheers to all! But, in the harsh afterglow of Googles Motorola purchase and sale, you have to wonder what might happen. I haven't seen it today either. As Microsoftenters the Nadella era, its a sprawling company with some tremendously successful divisions and some fundamental challenges. In hindsight, I'm convinced it was doomed from the beginning. He called a a rejected platform and yet at 1 point, there were as many windows phone users as there are Mac users. They simply do not respond to touch. According to Satya Nadella, a key attribute of a leader is to step into a situation where the future is uncertain and create clarity for the business and the people. Windows will keep only gamers, because there is no other gaming platform. It wasn't making headway. I was never unhappy with the OS as a whole and I still prefer it to Android. I think Microsoft should at least try to listen to us once.. Before abandoned windows phone platform totally.. You blame us not to buy you phone.. With the former, you'd have a stronger infrastructure but higher lead time. he likes a phone that has support from the company who makes it. If you are not making a mobile device then you are not creating the ecosystem for your services. ??? Does MS really think that Google and Apple are going to let it provide the cutting edge apps and services on their OS? How will Microsoft stay relevant? There have been leaks of Microsoft dual screen MINI TABLETS. Because Gates has moved to Android and Belfiore to an iOS they will soon see what the benefits and disadvantages are. All except Surface Pros have been ditched by MS. MS cons consumers into investing in its ecosystem then dumps them a year or two later. Which leads to no sales.. Def agree with the comments about verizon.and little doubt that played a big part in the lack of window phone sales Good he's admitted that is a huge issue. They make great products and then abandon the users who buy them. FOLKS PERHAP WE WILL SEE MICROSOFT DEBUT AND SELL A MINI TABLET CELL PHONES HYBRID DEViCE. Employee well-being is at risk as workdays become extended, often spilling over into the night, and despite hybrid work concessions, Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella said.. Mr Nadella, who was speaking online at this week's Wharton Future of Work Conference, said about one-third of white-collar workers are experiencing a third peak of productivity late at night, based on keyboard activity. Its demise seems engineered by the current CEO. Growing up as a young adult, all my home computer were Windows, 98- W10. Updates? The problem with the thinking by Nadella and company is that they just assume that MS can abandon a platform and its users and developers, and those people will then just circle in a "holding pattern" until the company announces their Next Big Thing. You've even way over engineered Visual Studio so much that VB & C# are no long intuitive and much more confusing to use and develop in. Windows is famous for still being Windows even on a low end cheap as piece of plastic. why they killed project astoria? As a company standpoinnt he did the right thing. I stuck with my 920 as long as I could (almost 3 years), hoping for MS to release something wothy. I hope Nadella has jotted down a note to himself: Do not attempt to re-create Ballmer developers video. They will never have any loyalty (or even knowledge of) to Microsoft going into the future. 8 years? But those users and developers aren't going to just sit around. I love how everyone seems to think Google and apple can conquer every market. Atleast MS will not have to worry about the app gap and the OS can be customized as per MS specific needs. I really do enjoy windows 10 as the best OS for computers. I can only remember Windows Mobile 7.5/8 being so stable that I'd go months without a reboot. Nadella should really just spare us all the yap.. Don't mean nothing if you are not backing it up. Satya Nadella, chief executive officer said in . Managers' fears about idle workers are creating what Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella calls "productivity paranoia," with undesirable resultslike spying on employees. It's about new management practices and . MS still dominates most aspects of computer infrastructure and Android/iOS isn't replacing that anytime soon. It had features that the iPhone couldn't simply do until the iPhone 3 came out. Unfortunately, its the personal equivalent of a longstanding corporate flaw at Microsoft, which (sometimes) enthusiastically launches products before theyre ready, then loses interest or dramatically shifts gears a few years later. Maybe what MS really needs is a complete corporate leadership flush out. Due to the recent news of Microsoft team members saying they have switched over to another mobile OS and that Micosoft has finally admitted given up on Windows Mobilewas the last straw for me. Ive done most of the leg work already on what impact Nokia could have on Microsofts earnings, and it looked slight. And then make whatever changes seem appropriate without being panicked by a single shareholder whose holdings constitute less than 1 percent of all shares. I was idealist I told myself I'd add my two bits to this grand idea against the odds because I believed in it. While we had blips of great service, products and attention, ultimately it came back down and we went back to finding proper solutions. Thus, he was biased for Azure and various cloud initiatives. Even though it looks really cool, I have a really hard time being sold on their mixed reality. 1. Can someone from WC actually get a quick interview with this CEO? What is Nadella going to do about this apparent lack of caring about consumers? Satya Nadella is the CEO of Microsoft, one of the world's largest and most influential technology companies. It never translated to consumer sales for Apple computers. WP8 was suposed to be a transtion from WP7 and shed all of the Widows Ce core code from the platform but they lost all the basic functionality of WP7. Satya is writing his own book - Hit Refresh. Office 365 revenues fail to match declining traditional Office revenues. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, Nadella Satya can use this trend to expand in adjacent areas Leadership, Organizational culture. I read once that it was estimated that over 100,000,000 (100 million) WINDOWS MOBILE PHONES have been sold over the life time of Windows Mobile. Apps were coming over fairly regularly and MS put a lot of energy into its Xamarin purchase and development. Laptop, Tablets and network Servers. Inspirational Motivation. Roll your sleeves up and put in some work Nadella/Microsoft.. Because if you can't make windows phone work..Then I wonder.. what cat was riding a fire breathing unicorn? I am still using one drive, one note and outlook. They dabbled in PCs for a few years, but then got out. They will naturally go with what they know, which won't be Microsoft. I agree with everyone on here! Nadella cowrote (with Greg Shaw and Jill Tracie Nichols) Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsofts Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone (2017), which included a discussion of his life as well as his thoughts on technology and leading. I think MS does have plans for Mobile (probably in line with Zach's overall vision) but they don't like to show devices till they are ready. Silly statement !! All to be left again, while they "retrench" themselves in another category. I was all in on Microsoft's services and hardware, by not providing me a mobile option they have lost me as a user. If he really wants to show/repair this divide he has created by constantly abandoning consumers then its time to sit up, stick with the concept of windows phone/mobile, make a cup of coffee and figure it out.. No other way to do it.. A new product will not replace the loyalty and trust lost by throwing out windows phone (just like buying a new cone of ice cream doesn't replace the one that fell.. You might get lucky but I'm not betting on you any more. It is also clear that WinPhone/WinMob was a cluster-f from the day iOS was launched and WinMob 6.5 was terrible by comparison. They stupidly justified every move of Microsoft instead of criticizing it. The fact that it was hard enough to get a 920 din't help. I don't see a long term future even for windows if this idea fails. How long before Movies and TV go? Percentages do not tell you the whole story. It would significantly provide an assistance to avail the opportunities of the external business environment. What "unlock shareholder. Very few. This whole "cloud first or nothing" push will eventually backfire and they will float into abyss. Lastly sort out new tabs in edge so they open up to the users home page or and page of choice. Thats where therolling-up-the-sleeves partbegins. WP7 kept all features from WM6.5? Considering phones are what will power VR/AR, especially as they get more and more powerful, the desktop is not where mixed reality will reside in the long term, so Microsoft has set itself up for failure there as well. Almost all Developers cater to consumers because that is the largest growth market for trends and 15-minute fame apps. They cut down every interesting product. So it wasn't completely stupid as long as it was the only way to stay in the race until you figure out something better. By using the old adage of "embrace and extend". That is just one long term aspect. I will NEVER buy MS hardware again! If this trend keeps up, there will be little to no need for our consultants to even know Microsoft products. Until now Microsoft has let all their phone users down. Nadella doesn't care about the future. Exactly! "Everybody is waking up and saying leadership and management and technological excellence go together." Now I sit here here in disbelief. Satya had every intention of killing this platform and every step he made ensured it's demise. Apple does that in a single quarter, so even this desperation strategy would likely have failed. WP8.1 and the aquistion of Nokia was arguably either a desparate or ingenious move at the time because it offered the possiblity of a hero mobile device that directly could have competed with Apple's product but also allowed the license to be available to other oems similar to Android. That said, I believe MSFT has been incredibly disingenuous and downright cavalier with people's emotions in how they have played this saga but then given the numbers of Windows 10 subscribers out there, I guess they brought that into their calculations. So, give them something they are familiar with but with a settingoption where they could useeither Live Tiles or Icons. That is just plain the stupidest business decision I have ever seen, I just hope Microsoft can dig themselves out of the hole that the CEO and VP has put them in before it is too late.