But most likely I'm having another boy. My daughter has two boys already and we did this test.like you, she followed it to a tee!! Was your girl result correct? My result came back BOY and I honestly feel like it is such a shot in the dark after reading all of the reviews, YouTube videos and blogs. Im in your boatmy at home shows boy and already have 3 boys. That might be a coincidence, but either way happened both times. Reviewed in the United States on January 26, 2023. this is so worth it if you can handle the blood. NIPT is way more accurate. So I would recommend skipping the snap back option and to be prepared to wait 3-5 business days to get results. My child did not cooperate with swabbing, and I was not able to fully collect both swabs. Well you were wrong. 2 1/2 year old boy and we were hoping for a baby girl. I took the test on a day when all my kids were napping and my husband, Sam was at work. If it said you had enough fetal DNA you should be fine! What do I do if no blood at all is collected with SneakPeek Snap? Awe hello fellow boy mom! Can I use them on two different people? Elizabeth, First off, thank you so much!! Also to note: Im still nursing my youngest son. Omg i just read everyones response, i just got the results to my test and it says girl i already have 3 girls and this is my last pregnancy i feel soo guilty that Im sad. I have an ultrasound for gender confirmation at 14 weeks. I purchased the fast track snap kit and sent it off it arrived at the lab in one business day as promised, however its now been at the lab for 3 days now and I have yet to receive a confirmation email that it has arrived. Ever since I found out I was pregnant (about 7 weeks) I just had this gut feeling and strong feeling that it was a girl. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. thats just alway been my experience. Oh my gosh, first off, congratulations!! These results were around 11-12 weeks, and just yesterday I had my 23 week anatomy ultrasound where I was told and shown very clearly and obviously that ITS A GIRL! Some things arent just meant to be. Results said boy, but this pregnancy surely is not like my previous 2. Lol I personally did not struggle with the finger prick. I was so sure I was having a girl, but I didnt want to say it out loud because I didnt want to jinx it. I was very excited when I received my sneak peek kit in the evening and couldnt wait until morning to do the test. And congrats on your pregnancy! Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. Oh Thank you!!! I appreciate hearing your experience!! I am hoping I didnt mess it up! Overall, I can say that I am still upset with the company, not with the gender of my baby. What is the status of my results? I was so sure I was having a girl. Thankfully we have a girl bathroom and a boy bathroom. Because Im only 8 weeks. Update me when you find out? So we took all of the right precautions to make sure there was no outside contamination. Based on all the comments on this post and my own results a false male is definitely very possible! I was very excited but she told me that SneakPeak is wrong more than it is right. However, they absolutely COULD control for contamination and could detect possible contamination by testing not only the sample vial, but by testing the interior of the packaging any time a "boy" result is obtained. I was squeezing like no ones business and even had to use more than one finger. It said boy (yay!) Frustrating that my emotions had to go through everything they did the last couple of months but like you said, its almost even sweeter now, actually getting the girl that I had planned/hoped for. I was supposed to get my results today but instead I received an email telling me they were unable to run my sample. I did Sneak Peek last week. were the results correct? . All I could think about was Ive been lied to about this baby. I just sent mine back out and honestly believe theres no way I contaminated it. Did you go into a place for the nurse to complete the test, or did you have a nurse (friend/family) do it at your home? After, I used a paper towel to dry my hands instead of our kitchen towel (that could potentially have my husband's DNA on it). I am just curious, because this blog post has been by far one of my favorites for hearing others stories, and connecting with others! What did it end up being and how close were your pregnancies. any doctors office will tell you blood results will be inaccurate if done before 10 weeks. Well crap, its been 5 mins. Anyway the results came back today and it says Im having another boy . I would love to hear what ends up happening either comment here or shoot me a message on Instagram! Just because something isnt a mass casualty doesnt mean that the effect is any less tragic on someone. I am 100% team boy and now it might be a girl? totally agree with you! Also, with all 3 of my boys, I had severe morning sickness and vomiting almost every single day up to weeks 14-16 of pregnancy. 3/15/2018: I am starting out by giving this company/test a 3 Star review. Sneak peek is great and definitely gives results way before the normal 20 week scan. It had to be. We shall see!!! Keep us updated!!! At the end of the day i am hoping fr an healthy baby. This pregnancy has been awful from the start. I just took it with boy results. Wrong Sneak peek results!!! I cannot shake that feeling that this is a girl. Okay, ignore all of the bad reviews. I had experienced how my body handled both boy and girl pregnancies, and in my opinion felt as though my body felt different with the two genders. One week ago in my dream , I was looking for something (I forgot dreams can be weird & sometimes cant really remember) but i just remember looking for something , I was checking everywhere , I looked under my bed & found a mini gift basket Ramzi says girl , sneak peek says girl .. really want a boy .. disappointed.. Somehow Dont have results yet but wanted to share in case anyone else is looking at this. But I've done it twice now and both times, the turnaround was longer than 72 hours. a nub shot guess and distinguishable genitalia is not the same thing, its a shot in the dark at that point. But I so desperately want a little girl . Heres the thing: we did IVF and know that an XX embryo was transferred. Hello!!! We had a doctors appointment 2 weeks later where I was already planning the doctor ordered blood panel. Aww first off congratulations and second, I am so sorry youre dealing with all of this pandemic stuff while pregnant. Britanny, I would love to hear what the result is either here or on Instagram (@arinsolange) or Facebook (Arin Solange at home!). When will I receive my SneakPeek Traits collection kit? Got the results, I was happy.. then cried my eyes out that I would never get to do hair bows and tutus, etc. There is a 72 hour option and a 5-7 day result option. Also what a cool blog! I have 2 girls and 1 boy and honestly I was hoping for another girl! Can FedEx pick up my SneakPeek FastTrack sample? I guess we will have to wait and see?? #sneakpeekbaby. So I believe you can guess the amount of male DNA in my home. So I quickly sit down get my refillable waterbottle(that my boys handled earlier), I wasnt thinking but knew I needed something cold quick. You did NIPT also, so you would know that they make you wait until 10 weeks so that there is for sure enough fetal DNA in your blood. I cleaned the kitchen, and sprayed it down with lysol like it was my job. Because you totally have a lot of boy DNA in your house too! Yes so true! Cool test, but could be less error-prone. This makes me so sad and I totally feel your pain . I already . I feel awful feeling awful about this. I had my mom come help me and made her change and scrub before coming into the roomI felt crazy but we laughed so hard at my inability to get my blood working and my moms reaction to the whole thing. Got the results from the doctor on Tuesday saying its a Boy! I just sat crying for past two hours I mean Im happy if baby is healthy but I so wanted my girl this is it for us and just its you so hard I am always curious on how many people who got the positive boy result that was correct had their husband or sons DNA in the sample also. Read on to read my opinion. If they get a "boy" result from the vial, they could swab the inside of the kit and run that swab looking for a Y chromosome. Please wait for your scans people! We did it with our daughter and it was accurate. Im going to have a 15 week sonogram so Ill confirm. He got to explaining the position of the genitals but then said we will most definitely know next time you come. If you follow the instructions and completely sanitize everything before you touch anything in the box then youll be okay! I dont know. Oh my goodness, I will be crossing my fingers for you!! Today at my 20 week ultrasound, a girl was confirmed! Really disappointed that I paid for expedited results and have gotten the exact opposite. What do you think?? Took sneak peak, got the results. They are sprinters. So blessings on a wonderful pregnancy and healthy baby. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. So I did sneak peek at 12 weeks a d it came out it was a boy. I will update once I find out for sure! With sneak peak your more likely to get a false boy result. It was just like a stab in the gut. I am sick in the same way as I was with my daughter. I really wish I would have never gotten the Sneak Peek done. . I was so uncomfortable with the results that I asked my doctor for a test in his office yesterday (at 9 weeks) because I want a second opinion! I cried of course I want a healthy baby no matter what and I was so sure this was a girl this time because everything was so different! I havent had mine yet but scan said another boy, this cant be. I don't think they'd say you can do it at 8 weeks if they weren't confident in the accuracy at that point! My gut feeling is this pregnancy IS a third boy, but sneakpeek has me all convinced I could have EASILY contaminated. I was so impatient and excited so decided to order the sneak peek test (snap). This was so helpful. I keep having dreams of having a little newborn baby girl. I got a boy result and I feel so torn because this feels so much like whe. Ive gotten used to the idea and am just as excited. I was so hoping for a girl. With Walker and this baby I was so sure on gender, so it just felt wrong. I am scheduling a 3D ultrasound around 15 weeks to confirm. Well we did the panorama test at 14 weeks to check everything was ok with bb due to me being so sick on the beginning. straight off their site!! We were overjoyed because we have 2 girls already. Congratulations on your sweet girl! Everyone I have talked to who has gotten a girl result has been correct, so I bet you are having a girl. I did the sneak peak test at 11 weeks and it came back 100% boy. Also , lets be real, taking the test from 6 weeks is ridiculous. I had a boy still born in 2018; and since have had 2 girls. Then I got my my NIPT back and it confirmed boy. Ive previously had a boy. I had my blood drawn yesterday by a phlebotomist for the sneak peak clinical test and got my results back this evening! Im secretly hoping! A few weeks ago we were doing a routine ultrasound. I appreciate your vulnerability. Because Im done too, I cant make another baby I just cant. We already did our gender announcement on social media and weve picked out a name as well. I know people say that Sneak Peek has a 50/50 chance so they just guess, that is crazy. I told my husband Im not having any abortion, I cant wait to have my ultrasound done, its killing me when shes calling every little girl sister. I just took the test two weeks ago Im 10 weeks today and three results said a boy. I called back and schedule the gender ultrasound for tomorrow because I am totally wrecked and confused! The sonographer told us we were 1 of many who have been scammed.Honestly its a total scam and not worth wasting a penny its as good as guessing yourself. HIGHLY doubt anyone will respond. They should return a "contaminated" result to the customer with a reminder about preventing contamination. In the opposite way. I took the sneak a peek test at 9 weeks! I already have a 22 month old daughter and as an only child, I was wanting sisters. They didnt dupe or deceive you. I think Ive found 3 different ones of the clinical version online. However with this pregnancy, very little or no morning sickness at all. But I never get my hopes up. Sooo happy. But here's the catchif you contaminate your sample, you could get inaccurate results. I decided to assume that the Sneak Peek might have been wrong, but to also assume 90% it was a boy. I have 2 boys and 1 girl. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Check with your Doctor for more accurate results, Reviewed in the United States on February 8, 2023. Getting my nipt tomorrow so hopefully will know for sure this week! The company said that they were 99.1% accurate with their tests. We will see what it says! Create an account or log in to participate. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. Its almost like letting go of a dream. Of course.. we just want a healthy baby and its a blessing no matter what but I cant help but feel a little sad. This pregnancy is the exact same, if not easier this time. This sounds easy as can be, but let me tell yougetting enough blood out of your finger IS NOT EASY. Lets be honest , contamination plays a huge role of incorrect results. Im hoping to hear back from them by Monday ! Sorry for the late response, I just came across this post. I went for my 12 week appointment and the nurse said do not do the sneak peek. I just did the sneak peak my gut is telling me its a girl I pick out this beautiful baby girl name I have two boys all ready 4 and 1 my heart was set in baby girl but my results say baby boy I have and appt on may 14 to find out what Im having I hope the results are wrong. Dont have results yet but wanted to share in case anyone else is looking at this. Either way I understand why you were so upset. We followed all the directs to a tee. Hi ladies!Another sneak peek post I've read sooo many things about male contamination but has anyone gotten a girl result when it was r. If you want to do it, Id go with the standard times because they definitely dont seem to stay true to expediting. We all share the same bathroom and I didnt know that you shouldnt take the test in the bathroom. Reviewed in the United States on November 29, 2022. We got the results backits another boy! Hi , Ive just done the sneak a peek test . But my mind wasnt even thinking that at the time because was eager to do the test plus I was already running late for work that morning. I did mine at 8&1, got a girl result. I too have 3 sons, threw up till 20 weeks with all three. I cant find my results email, what do I do? I just got boy results and am hoping they're wrong. Disappointed but praying for a Healthy baby. One that I never thought I would be making. So seeing this most definitely puts me back i curiosity now. I scrubbed my nails to death, in between my fingers etc etc .. the works. Yes 100%, I will feel much better after an ultrasound. Amanda, I hope you get your second sweet girl, and am praying for a healthy pregnancy for you! I just had my ultrasound and the tech asked if we wanted to know the gender (I didnt say that I already knew) so to our surprise she said, youre having a girl!!!! Which was fine with us since it is me and my husbands first child. Then I got my ultrasound at 12 weeks and the ultrasound tech said girl based on nub - when I posted my results here everyone also guessed girl based on nub. I did so much research on the company and how they treat, read the results. (@arinsolange). I did a sneak peek around 7 weeks & 3 days , results were girl .. pretty bum .. SneakPeek is a registered trademark of Gateway Genomics, LLC. I was told it wasnt too uncommon for something the male chromosome to show up, and in my case I think his took a while having four big sisters. His response was well genitalia can be ambiguous at 12 weeks, but this doesnt look ambiguous to me, this looks like a girl. So well see! ive seen many false boy results but anyone have a false girl results and end up having a boy? Worst experience ever. Had convinced myself it was likely another boy seeing as thats all weve made in the past I was so confident in whatever this said because I knew I eliminated the contamination factor, but now after reading all the reviews it makes me so anxious for our ultrasound. It does seem like the girl results are more accurate so fingers crossed. Once I felt well enough, I got up, used my last alcohol swabs to clean my bloody finger(and of course without thinking cleaned a new finger with the same alcohol swab), I sprayed rubbing alcohol on my hands, pricked another finger and proceeded to fill the vial. I just took sneak peek and it came back boy and I already have a 13 month boy. You can get a false girl if you do it too soon so the male dna wasn't detectable yet. Do not recommend this company to anyone! I have a boy and a girl already and I felt like it was a girl again based off my pregnancy symptoms feeling more similar to my daughters pregnancy than my sons. It seems as tho the girl results are nearly always right, so I bet you are getting that sweet girl of your dreams. What is the difference between Refer a Friend and Affiliate Program? I did the test completely correct. This is as important for taking the Sneak Peek Test as the absence of men during the process! Mainly the 99% accuracy is definitely not true. I have 4 girls already .. i had a miscarriage on oct . Ugh! If I cant enter a post office due to social distancing or limited hours, are there other ways to return? As far as the blood draw went, I have extremely small veins so I wasnt expecting to get enough blood from one finger prick. If you follow the instructions and completely sanitize everything before you touch anything in the box then youll be okay! If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. So theres 2 girls (including me) and 5 boys. NIPT confirmed my 3rd boy today. Reviewed in the United States on January 23, 2023. . We have decided to not share anything until confirmed in our anatomy scan. Please keep me posted on your appointment went! Can I use SneakPeek if I am having a multiple-birth pregnancy? It should be labeled as something for fun. Our shared bathroom is extremely dirty with three little boys and two adult men running around, so I feel as if my spray of lysol that I wiped off with toilet paper was not sufficient enough. Create an account or log in to participate. Congratulations!! We followed all the directs to a tee. I am now expecting my third and final boy . A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. I am 12 weeks today and I am enjoying this pregnancy but hoping and praying that the sneak peek results were wrong. I am excited to hear what you have it seems as tho the girl results are almost always right! I would go with the NIPT results. I did the NIPT and am waiting for the results but we have an ultrasound on 2/10 and Ill be 12 wks so hoping theyll be able to confirm whatever the NIPT says! They look at the same thing that the NIPT test looks for for genderThat being said, you were either not far enough along, or they mixed up your result (also rare). I did the faster one this time. I am so much hoping my sneak peak boy results were wrong just like yours. looking forward to hearing your end result! Shes also nonverbal, which makes it that much harder. Just because some have had accurate predictions at that point doesnt mean its reliable, theres a reason why doctors have policies in place that they dont disclose gender by ultrasound that early. Its the ones that you do at home thats usually wrong. sneek peek clinical Had booked for sneek peek clinical partners blood was drawn 24th October. I thought for sure I could believe it! So if your V is basal and you use a Vinegar and Water douche before sex you will give the girl swimmers a better chance, they are slower but travel better in the acidic environment. I have 3 boys, my husband and one of our dogs are male. I love and cherish my boys so much. Im nauseous most of the time, my boobs are already sore and have been sore since I first found out. it would have shown boy. My blood sample was taken at a participating location. Im so hoping I didnt clean good because I went to my first doctor appointment today and my Dr told me he believed it was a girl this time. Then I was about to pass out from the blood, so I was in a rush to prick my second finger and forgot to use the alcohol swab. I scrubbed, ran my hands under hot water frequently, cloroxd and dawnd the area before doing the test. I can totally relate to that, and am so happy for you. As long as your follow all the instructions, it should be accurate. One of those was a sneakpeek result that said girl the mom had been buying girl stuff.. only to find out that she was having a boy. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). I shouldve waited to ease my mind, but Im so impatient lol. But I guess nothings ever 100% until theyre born! Eventually, I realized that I am very naturally a boy mom, I love being a boy mom, was excited thinking about all the pros of having another boy. Simply select Sezzle as your payment method when checking out. I was convinced I was having a girl. I doubt its incorrect, but I keep seeing people getting false boy results. I have always wanted a daughter. Im 13 weeks today so next week I will have an ultrasound and they supposed to tell me our gender I hope its a baby girl but will see. Did you get the results after all? I am a first time mom and have had dreams since I was a little girl of having a girl first! Original-Geologist14 1 yr. ago. The answer is at 8 weeks or later in your pregnancy. The customer service is awful. Update me here or on Instagram (Arinsolange). I would go with the NIPT results. Later, once I was able to compose myself I reached out again and was told that I must have fallen into the .09% and ultrasounds were only 80%. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Crossing my fingers so much for you! The woman I go to for private ultrasounds who also does sneak peek clinicals says only 1 has ever been wrong out of about 2,000 and it Has anyone ever had their sneak peek clinical be wrong? Have to admit, I was a little disappointed and Im hoping that with all that male DNA floating around, not to mention the male dog, that I somehow contaminated it, but I was super careful, so it may be accurate. I read youre not supposed to scrape your blood into the vial but I had to. Unless you take the test too early, the girl results are accurate, as we know, all fetuses develop at their own pacethat being said and hopefully understood, with some (and by their accounts most) babies will give off enough fetal DNA to be detected in the mothers blood. The results were sent to Sam (because I knew I would just check my email 400 times a day), and he came upstairs on a Friday while the kids were napping, to tell me he had the results. They are probably more accurate. It creates angst and extra worry. What a blessing. The blood is being drawn straight from the vein to the tube, theres no risk of contamination. With Av and with this baby I got REALLY SICK. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. I bet its right. Pregnancy Update: SneakPeek Test Was Wrong, how accurate is the sneakpeek blood test? Thinking of naming him Leonardo as my first sons name is Vincent (Vincent Van Gogh and Leonardo de Vinci) ago I had multiple dreams about having a girl, day dreams about how I would announce it to everyone including my husband, visions of the gender reveal and have been so emotional this whole time around! I know not every mom with multiple kids has this same experience with similar symptoms and such, but for me it had held true with my other three. I should have just paid for a NIPT test . This group is for people and their baby / babies born in November 2021! Im pretty confident that the results are right because I feel the same way as I did when I was pregnant with my daughter (constantly nauseous and throwing up) as with my son I never got sick at all! What is the SneakPeek Traits testing process? Going to do NIPT in a couple weeks to confirm. One thing I will fully admit about myself is that I am NOT patient. I hope to continue to spread awareness about SneakPeek and their false tests to help others before their heart breaks. I felt like I was now mourning a baby that I never had while still carrying a very healthy baby. If the test detects the presence of male chromosomes, your result will be a boy; if it doesn't detect the male chromosomes, your result is a girl. I got told I was having a girl. My result came back boy. no judgement please. I have 4 brothers and no sister, so I have always prayed for a baby girl so bad. As long as you keep that in mind, you won't be disappointed.