The Sun is just totally fantizied by the house partner. Sun in 2nd house of Astrology - 2nd house represents - your family, family lineage, value, asstes, savings, wealth, what type of food do you like, your food intake, drinking capacity, your vocal cord, speech that is why 2nd house is most important for all singers. My (adopted) child has their Sun in my 8th House. #NoFilter. Sun in 1st House Shining Bright With Your Own Light! You awaken all sorts of issues in your partner, and your partners very identity is on the line in this relationship. Your email address will not be published. You also have the effect of fueling your partners confidence, and to look beyond the drudgery of daily existence, to dream, and to do more. The North Node helps astrologers understand the connection between the Moon, Sun, and Earth at the moment of someone's birth. Your relationship usually begins as a friendship, or as "friends with benefits." In this relationship, you tend to accept a "no strings attached" arrangement from the beginning. The Sun in the 11th House woman possesses a deep interest in philosophy, religion, and the arts. The house person will not let go of the other under almost any circumstances. His Sun in my 5th, my Sun in his 5th, now what???!!!! Sun in 10th house personality traits includes hard work, responsible behavior, ambition, natural leadership qualities, and perfection. However, you may not get what he or she is all about, ultimately, and you should avoid finding irrational reasons to mistrust your partner as a result of this. Sun in 11th House people are friends even before they become lovers, so their marriages are more on the order of something that just happenedthey didnt really decide to be together! The romantic synastric analysis is the interaction of houses between two birth charts. Your partner views you as a vehicle through which they can have fun, and perhaps as an ego boost. Thanks for the insight. This means that they can really get in your head. In this case, the sun in the second house overlay will create a positive environment for the two of you to work to wards a profitable goal. With this placement of the Sun, you may have received lots of love from a grandparent or older sibling. The security here comes from a gut feeling, although its not any less real. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Sun in 2nd house of Astrology. There is support and chances are there are several mutual friends between the two. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. I wonder what happens with the ones (as me) that have 12th house packed as me Is really bad to have other sun or personal planets in our 12th? He has witnessed the most intimate and vulnerable parts of me. The 11th house in astrology is known as the house of hopes and wishes. When searching for a mate, the Sun in 11th House woman values intelligence and creativity over other traits. (esp. Sun in 11th House synastry can illustrate a partner who will support or aid the native. Mars in the 3rd house overlay: This position for Mars in synastry, much like the 1st house position, can be very stimulating in either a positive or negative way.On the one hand, this position can stimulate a lot of invigorating conversation between the two, and the house person can appreciate how vocal and confident the Mars person is in their speech. We react upon entering someones home because we get that first impression. The sun in the 12th house indicates that it would be excellent if you show became more sensitive to the thoughts, feelings of not only yourself but others too. The harmonious Sun in the 11th House relationship is so well-balanced that there is almost no need for the partners to discuss anything major, for instead of arguing about details or procedures, they understand each other perfectly. Be careful not to let this desire for balance degenerate into a tit for tat attitude toward one another. In this relationship, you tend to agree to a no-obligation arrangement from the start. The Sun in the partners ninth house of a synastry overlay means that you share similar world views. This person will also start to study or will have the desire to study related subjects such as religion, philosophy or psychic sciences. It helps you guys express your individuality, freedom, and greatness, often creating a relationship that is even a "best friend" bond. The feeling here is so strong that you may feel like no one else will fit with you as well as you do with each other. It is also your professional network and place for achieving status and recognition. (See instead: Sun overlays in 1st7th houses.). My child and I are deeply connected. It is especially critical to look at hard aspect between Moon, Venus, Mars and Saturn and Pluto. This is not impossible. Mutually beneficial spiritual enrichment allows them to achieve the desired results. He is Capricorn sun, Capricorn moon. This is a fun and enjoyable relationship, and there is real love here, but there must be some other synastry connections between the two of you to ensure a long-term relationship. Although, keep in mind that this synastry overlay doesnt, by itself, ensure a long-term, or even a serious, relationship. The Suns in 11th House indicates the individuals overall approach to life: personality and talents, orientation towards the world and its concerns. The Sun person has a mysterious feeling in the pit of their stomach that you two have some history together. Other scenarios are when my male best friends who I friend zoned after they confessed their feelings to me as I dont feel the same. Sun in the Twelfth House - Synastry When Sun is in the partner's Twelfth House, it is capable of inspiring the owner of the field to develop the whole palette of different interests that could help him or her to reach deeper levels of understanding this life as a whole. It is the other way around.Stop writing things that make 0 sense. You are not simply a pair, but rather you complete one whole. You treat each other in a friendly, non-judgmental manner. These traits are a demonstration of the viewpoint that this person has on life and his surroundings. Sometimes this indicates that your partner perceives you to be in a position of authority or status, and he or she naturally tends to follow you along, deferring to that authority. This idea is not new. It may feel like a sacrifice, but some of the best rewards in life require lots of patience. Both partners enjoy the romance in this relationship. It is referred to as the Labha house which means the house of gains. The best thing about this aspect is that no matter how many other problems might crop up in the marriage, these two can always work past them because they like each other on a non-romantic level. Loving, warm, and positive, the energy of 11th House holds connections that last. We are super close and sometimes to the point where we need spacebut it never lasts too long lmao. Marriage is not impossible with this overlay. Sorry for English, but I dont know much and google translator had to help me. If the relationship with the partner as a whole develops, then this aspect will make the friendship very warm: the Moon person will be happy to take care of the house person, demanding almost nothing in return. In your struggle to preserve your individuality, you may be driven to express your unique qualities in most extreme ways. Planets in Synastry As you become more interested in synastry, you may want to take a look at how each individual's planets fit into the chart of the partner. With the 11th house also ruling change and the future, it can show how change is approached and what future we envision. I am a very sexual person like sex is our main topic most of the time. They will most likely plan for significant developing of their career or for creating a new life plan when they are around 30 years old. I feel like I always help him transform and come to deep realisations but I get very little in return. Whether or not the 10th house person actually deserves this much admiration would depend on their own birth chart. Click At your best, you show your affection for your partner by doing little things for them or giving them sound advice. I my self was an 8th house stellium woman with sun, mercury, Venus, Saturn in 8th house. The Sun in the partners third house of a synastry overlay creates a comfortable atmosphere in your relationship. I cant imagine life without him and I know he loves me. Synastry Saturn in the other person's 1st house: What is the potential for commitment helping each other through challenges? October 14, 2021 Elsa When evaluating a relationship, pay mind to the house in your chart where your partner's sun falls. Also check out The True Moon Sign Meaning: Your Hidden Key To. I know he is deeply serious and committed to me but he is holding back a part of himself which stifles our union. This can be disturbing, and not everyone will enjoy this type of relationship. This aint the only article you need to loom over. According to astrology, the sun here will illuminate things related to psychology, sudden events, secrets, the occult, etc. I have created two step-by-step beginner guides, which to a certain degree cover this very first crucial step of the compatibility analysis in the following articles, which I believe you should check out before you continue with synastry overlays: If you are not sure how to approach a thorough and complete synastry analysis by yourself, you can also check out my Astrology Services. Very accurate descriptions of both!! My partner is also timid, and shy to talk about his sexual interests but loved to hear about mine. It is possible that the natives will be an asset to the company they work for. Sun in 2nd House Synastry Overlay The Sun in the partner's second house of a synastry overlay makes the house person a valuable asset to the Sun person. You take great interest in your partners place in societywhether that be his or her job or general status. Sun in 1st House Synastry If someone's Sun is in your 1st House, it will create an instant connection. Then, somehow, you enjoy the horror. Romantic but logical. I have heard having personal planets in the 8th house synastry is a bad thing/overwhelming/obsessive and just overall too much. You impact your partner in such a way that their belief systems are transformed. The changes that the tenth house person will experience with this Uranus synastry can be very public as the tenth house is our house of career, public and social status. This synastry aspect is especially good when it comes to the traditional family unit. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. You affect your partner deeply, and your partner is likely to be very sensitive to your actions. Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology. These individuals might struggle to navigate the inner workings of each other's emotions, but they also have the ability to learn and grow from each other. Jealousies and possessiveness can result, and it generally works both ways, though you may display these things more than your partner. You may like feeling that youre needed for something. Scorpio Your Sun in your partner's 11th House: Your partner gets the strong feeling that you are someone with whom he or she can share common pleasures and goals. His sun is in my second house so yeah very accurate. The Sun person sees the house person as exotic, fascinating, and even other-worldly or strange. You belong together. **We always encourage feedback from users and casual browsers of our site. In some cases, you might be very fascinated with your partner, as if he or she marches to the beat of a different drummer. Both have their Mars in my 8th house. Lol But my would be have his sun, moon, mercury, Saturn, Lilith in my 8th house. He always feel emotional and I can read him like an open book. Sun in 11th House Synastry Meaning The eleventh house in your birth chart is the area of your friendships. When the moon occupies the 11th house, it engenders an individual who seeks after emotional security through their relationships and networks. Or are we dammed? Also: try not to be concerned at this stage of the relationship. In some ways I have helped him deal with these issues which he is thankful for, but at other times he puts up so many walls and barriers between his inner self and me. People with Sun in 11th House may be drawn to careers that focus on education, teaching, or science. Both people here can feel like their true self when with each other and be able to share their feelings safely, they can almost feel like they have known each other forever. In addition, friends are an important part of the 11th House; if your partner has supportive friends, youll find that you benefit from them too. This overlay, more than any other, really makes two people feel as if they are united as one. For example, if your wifes Sun is in your Eleventh House, she may be happy to be friends and spend time with your friends. Why would the Sun person have the 8th house feelings triggered? Cultural and humanitarian disciplines aside, the interests of the partners lie far beyond the physical and emotional attraction to each other. I have 5 planets including the Sun and an ASC in His 8th house. The Sun in the 11th House man wants to make a difference in the world. Even when you first meet, you feel like you already know each other. The creator of this numerology app is in no way liable of any actions that might be taken or not taken by users. For example, is the house too messy? Venus-Pluto Synastry Conjunct, Square, Trine, Opposite, Sextile, Moon-Pluto Synastry: Opposite, Square, Conjunct, Trine, Sextile, Mercury-Venus Synastry Conjunct, Square, Trine, Opposite, Sextile, Uranus in Sagittarius: Character and Fate, Sun-Mars Synastry: Square, Trine, Sextile, Opposite, Conjunct, Sun-Pluto Synastry: Conjunct, Trine, Square, Opposite, Sextile. It may be that the house person has walked into your life at a time when you (Sun person) have hit rock bottom. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. He wishes to be known on a global scale, perhaps by becoming President of his country, or at least in his line of work, he hopes that he will make such an impact that will be talked about for many generations. Whether you (Sun) are okay with this or not depends on your individual characteristics. He says he is obsessed and possessive and it is unhealthy how much he finds me attractive- I will say however I have been able to see straight through his BS since the first day I met him. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. He is such a sweet and timid guy like I really dont see how he can have those negative qualities to him like the synastry says he could. And I know I will find it very hard when child is an adult and is ready to leave home! You are good sounding boards for each others pipe dreams you encourage them rather than put them down. The misunderstandings go both ways. Take this text down and learn basic synastry. It may just be that Sun person thinks that the house person can help them achieve some goal. The sun in the partners 8th house is unsettling for both partners. What starts out as a powerful and natural union might deteriorate into a union comprised of resentment and competitiveness. We are both highly plutonic and had many other aspects with us, including the Nord Node on the ASC / DSC axis. Where does your Sun fall in another persons chart? There are all kinds of books out there, but not all of whats been suggested works. In general, you will be inclined to let the partner be a leader in this synastry (unless the other factors contradict it), but he or she can go too far and try to impose their line on you in everything, ignoring your essential interests. However, this is not necessarily romantic or intimate (although it can be). An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The Sun in 11th House attracts, embraces, and loyal partners. Of course, its best for a work-related relationship, but it can work in a marriage as well. What does this placement say about your confidence, ambitions, or identity? How this position is handled can often be shown by the aspects that the Sun makes to the partners planets. Venus Synastry in the Houses PATH-STROLOGY Utilizing Astrology to Find Your Path Home Natal Placements / Aspects Synastry Placements / Aspects Composite Placements / Aspects Planet: Sun Planet: Moon Planet: Mars Planet: Venus Planet: Jupiter Planet: Uranus Planet: Pluto Asteroids + Points Celebrities / The Infamous Past Life Astrology The 11th house is the house of friendship, so the composite 11th house can show how we come together as friends in a relationship, the groups we interact with and causes you push for together. You know you shouldnt look, but you look anyway. For example, my husband's Sun falls in my 4th house. Your partner views you as his or her ideal partner. We just started dating so nothing really happened yet but Im just mildly concerned. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The Sun person sees something of value in the house person. This synastry overlay creates a bond between you that is more like a chain with a spiked collar around both of your necks. Saturn person shows willingness to invest in House 1 person for the long run. Common interests draw them together and the love they have for one another is more an extension of their own personalities than a separate thing. For example, if youre normally only quiet in other relationships, this Sun-in-the-7th relationship will drive you to extreme passivity and silence. The house person feels like the Sun person lights up their life. They are extremely devoted to everyone they love, like the only partner or a soulmate can be. Taurus The position of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars should be closely examined in each of the horoscopes, and so should the state of the 1st, 7th, 5th house and their rulers. He may also want to start a business or become a motivational speaker and/or consultant. Not submissive like a slave, but rather in an organizational way like a boss/assistant relationship. Your partner sees you as stimulating, particularly on a mental level. The Sun in the partners fifth house of a synastry overlay is the WOW overlay. You cant really have one without the other. People with their sun in the 11th house are usually interested in things over people. I have my moon in my partners 8H and can relate to a lot of what youre describing. Depending on the individual characteristic of the house person, this overlay can cause them to feel used. Please note that the results displayed by this tool may not be 100% accurate, correct and/or complete and that they are intended solely for general information and education purposes. Those with the Sun here are often highly ambitious people who aspire for a distinguished career. The Sun in this house is known to be quite influential, as it represents our conscious mind. . In general, Sun in 11th House synastry is a favorable aspect, and the partner can subtly teach you a lot, especially in the area of group work relationships: if you are inclined to take these lessons, of course. Symbolically, the Sun in the 11th house is important because it suggests that the two people will draw on some of the same things to get through life. But when you break up with them, her interest in them usually disappears immediately. Your dates and outings are creative and fun. You think they dont understand you, nor approve of you. With 11th house influence, Ascendant person may feel inspired to do more extroverted activities like meeting groups or joining organizations. The Sun in 11th House synastry has major implications, and is the reason that this is considered one of the most important combinations in marriage charts. Lol cope harder. Sun in 11th House synastry partners make you feel friendly; however, the question of leadership in group work situations can arise quite sharply Juno in Pisces / 12th House - your partner is a unique person. In each of these twelve positions, it sets a certain color for your relationship and shows an area of your life where the other will have a strong influence. The house person notices and enjoys the respect they receive from the Sun person. Generally, this overlay generates approval between the two. You affect your partner in very deep, even primal, ways. As the Sun person, you may feel very unsettled, psychologically, by the house person, and yet you are powerless to leave. ago. We hate being mad at each other and can never stay away from each other for too long. By nature I am not a possessive person (strange for an 8H sun native I know) although I can get obsessive about my ideas and thoughts and my mind never seems to shut off (mercury 8H). This is generally considered to be an excellent position for romance and fun. This overlay is an interesting, multi-faceted one. The basic idea is this: If your Sun is at, say, 3 degrees of Leo, what house would your Sun occupy in your partners chart? If we become obsessed with trying to figure it out we could alter how we feel about the relationship unfairly before it has a chance to start. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Other times, it is hard to explain why you become so involved in your partners everyday life. It is indeed a very mysterious relationship but also feels like a soulmate connection.. His Saturn sits in my first house. But it begins with the perception of the planet person, who is first affected by what they find in your house. This is the best and most stable relationship of my life but it is hurting me in many ways too. This overlay gives the rare, and lucky, experience of feeling real pleasure by being with another person. You may feel like an object, or a vehicle, rather than a person, and how you handle your partners dependency on you can make or break the relationship. Together, you happen to very productive. There can be a general sense of mistrust that stems from misunderstanding. Gemini It greatly benefits activities that you share with each other. The Sun person tends to be the one to fall into the subordinate role. You tolerate their idiosyncrasy. So this is how it played for me. I will give you ALL possible versions of how this can play out in your life if you just keep reading. You accept each others differences and shortcomings. The Sun in 11th house synastry overlay is just one of many factors that need to be considered when making a compatibility analysis, but I sincerely hope that this article did shed some light on the dynamics of your relationship. He came into my life when I was in a very bad time in my life. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. Indeed, your partner sees you as a true equal and peer. The Sun in the first house makes both partners feel comfortable and positive about each other. A marriage between partners with this overlay will just be more focused on practical matters, and this works for some people. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The Sun in the 11th House man is a person of authority. This is the kind of relationship in which you each do your share of the household chores, and your household runs so smoothly that its the envy of your neighbors. Before I do that, however, I would like to remind you that synastry overlays are actually the SECOND step in compatibility analysis AFTER both charts have been examined separately. I hope this example or two helped in some way. Although this overlay isnt focused on romance, this overlay adds a positive charge to any relationship. Your instincts may tell you to run, but that only makes you remain fascinated by the house person. You get a clear sense that you fit together, you belong together, that youre complementary opposites of each other. It would be great if anyone out there that has had this Sun in 8th House synastry overlay could share their experience. You have an ability to communicate quite well, and people often find this easygoing manner quite charming. Like is all of these placements will be too much for us to handle? Hence, these two aren't planetary bodies. They do so through their words, their emotions and their beliefs. And he has mercury in my 8th house. Is this a positive or a negative thing? You enjoy each other, a lot. This position does not indicate a feeling of being true peers as the first or eleventh houses, for example, bestow. My brother (one of many lol) has his sun in my 7th and 8th house (Aries) and my sun is in his 1st and 2nd house (Gemini). The North Node in the 12 th House - Synastry. The Sun unlocks doors to places the 12th house would have preferred to keep buried. Or between people, who fight for a humanitarian cause; who volunteer together; or work on a technology project together. They're easily making friends and want to be part of many adventures. This is a very deep connect and can last a life-time. A celebrity personality with the Sun in the 11th House is famous for his or her smarts, knowledge, and self-expression. This is off, way off. I hope it provides a useful perspective on this overlay. If youre referring to the Sun in 8th House section above, perhaps you missed the last 2 paragraphs, beginning with: The eighth house person feels a strong bond to the Sun person. You are definitely not vague or wishy-washy, however you are open to others' ideas and feelings. He has a strong need to make a name for himself and his lifetime goal is to become successful at some point in his lifetime. The fifth house deals with individuals who find their own identity through self-expression, while the eleventh one is about individuals . Capricorn Sun in The 11th House You are a humanitarian who believes that everyone should be treated equally.